I love that Wisconsin is finally making it into the news. However, the current situation involving teachers being absent from work to protest against Governor Scott Walker's proposed bill. Which boils down to this: They are organizing walkouts of students and teachers. Also, large numbers of teachers are calling in absences from work in order to go to Madison to protest which forces administrators to close the schools down because they don't have the staff to teach the students. I understand that they want to exercise their political rights but they should do it on their own time. When they are not doing their jobs. Honestly, 12.6% and 5.8% is not that much to pay in. A lot of other people have to pay for their own health insurance and retirement. Why shouldn't teachers? Discuss coherently.
According to one of my teachers, it's not really about how they have to pay for insurance and pension, but more about the fact that they lose the ability to bargain and negotiate for better working conditions. This bill also affects state workers as well as teachers, though the police and firemen are exempt from this. It just that teachers are being more vocal about it. I also heard that Wisconsin's a guinea pig on this and that it's a Republican thing.
If I remember correctly, teachers often have more bills to pay than other people. A few teachers have told me that they pay a certain percentage of their paycheck that goes into a savings account that would essentially act the same way as how everyone else pays for social security. The only thing is, teachers don't get any of that money but have to pay regardless while the only money they get when they retire is that which they put into this other account. Sorry if my description is confusing...>> I may not be entirely accurate in what I've said due to the fact that I'm drained at the moment. Anyways, while I agree that they probably should have tried protesting at a different time it's pretty unfair to the teachers as they have a low enough salary(generally speaking) as it is. If I were in any of their positions I'd be pretty ticked off. >>
Well, it's not like teacher's get payed much to begin with. You don't get into the profession because it has a fantastic pay. Still, I think that if they do want to protest, they should do it on their own time. I mean, they do have a valid reason to protest, but at least they're not asking for anymore than just 12%. Also, with the schools low on staff and having to cancel classes, it is done without even thinking of the students. A teacher should think of how to better the students before themselves. Or, they could involve them in a petition or tell them to go to a protest on the WEEKEND.
Or do something that'll actually make an impact, like this. A petition while they're still working isn't going to make much a point. I'm all for the teachers protesting. As Graxe said, it's not so much the money they have to pay but the fact that they're losing the ability to choose unions and it is a Republican thing.
People are saying that they should do protesting in thier own time, but just why should they? They're protesting about thier job, so stopping work to protest against it is more noticeable than simply doing it in the holidays. The worry that schools will close down for the day will make people take notice. It might stop kids from learning, but the protest isn't long term, the likelihood of affecting exam results is minimal. More power to them, I say. I've seen what some teachers have to put up with, they deserve an increase in wages instead of a reduction. Especially with no choice in the matter.
the teachers have the right to protest whenever. i think that its kinda a good move to show the Governor what happens when the teachers are not around (the states education system shuts down) Its a shame though that there are that many people there and yet our public officials do not listen to the cries of the people. all i gotta say is that there are gonna be alot of new faces in the Wisconsin Congress next election. I think a lot of people are not gonna keep them same public officials around for another term.
I agree that teachers have the right to protest but they are going about it the wrong way. Reports are coming in that a number of teachers have been procuring fake doctor's notes stating that they are sick in order to go to Madison to protest. School Administrators have been saying that if they have to then they will fire teachers who refuse to work after x number of days. In their position, it would probably be easier to find new people to fill the position. The bill was supposed to be voted last week but it appears that our state Senate Democrats have fled to Illinois. So instead of simply voting 'no' on the bill, they'd rather flee the state. I agree that teachers are underpaid for the crap they put up with. Disrespectful students, students refusing to do their homework, etc. I've seen it all. I was once a student and my graduating class was so bad, none of the faculty would speak at our Graduation ceremony. But forging doctor's notes to protest? That's what students have been doing for...ages. I did it once and had to face the consequences for my stupid decision. So now these students who fake being sick to play hooky are suddenly rationalized in their behavior? When a parent tells little Johnny that they have to go to school and little Johnny writes up a note to turn in the following day because he saw his teacher doing it. Source