WIP Earth based RP

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Xert, Oct 24, 2010.

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  1. Xert Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 5, 2007
    Seeing that my other idea I posted isn't getting much discusion and I was told an RP on earth would be more interesting I wrote this little intro up

    In the early Fall of 2010 the missing persons list begin to increase rapidly. Citizens all over the world tell of seeing strange animals at night. Goverments try to calm their people as they research into the missing persons. By early winter the United Sates capture one of the creatures and send a biopsiy report to all of it's allies. The United Sates quikly but quietly begin to build up it's miltary and moblizing thier troops for fear of the worst.
    On December 21st 2010 the largest snow storm on record in the history of man, besides of the ice age, hit's New York City at 2:00 AM. The briges into the city are all closed due to ice and comunication was loss to the city by 9:00 AM. By 12:00 PM the next day the entire city was found completly empty. The folowing are the events between 9:00 AM December 21st till 12:00PM December 22nd.

    OC Form:

    User Name:
    Profession (if any):
    Preveiw Post:

    I don't want any keyblades. I also want the Fictional earth to have no knowlage of the Kingdom Hearts game series. I also would like to keep it Heartless only as ennemies. No magic because how would we know how to use it. I'd also like to keep it realistic, meaning the choas of human panic will also be a threat aswell as the Heartless. I'd would like a build up, start with Shadows and introduce more powerful heartless as the night goes on
    Not everyone will die, but I can't tell you the plot ideas I have
  2. Ansem59 Chaser

    Sep 7, 2007
    twilight town mansion
    User Name: Ansem59
    Name: Andrew Scott
    Gender: Male
    Age: 22
    Profession (if any): Works at local grocery store
    Discription: Andrew is some what tall and lanky.
    Bio: He lives in an apartment near his friends and family in New York City. He has his own car and has his own job at the grocery store. It isn't alot, but it gets him through.
    Other: When the heartless attacked. He and some friends found shelter in the underground rail road system. Ironically finding a hiding place from the darkness in the darkness of the tunnels.
    Preveiw Post: Andrew coughed as he struggled to get out from underneath the rubble. "Wha... where am I?" Andrew asked himself as he looked around. Andrew walked through the completely empty streets of the city looking around. He was half awake and half asleep. Nothing seemed to make him realize what had happened. Suddenly, last night hit him like a baseball bat. Andrew took a moment of gawking before he fell to the floor and began crying. What were those things?! Andrew asked himself in thought They... they killed everyone. It... it was horrible. Melissa! They killed Malissa too...! Melissa was his girlfriend... but had passed away in to a realm unknown to humans. The realm of darkness...
  3. Xert Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 5, 2007
    Ansem not the signup place this was ment to be just an editing a opions on the RP in general
  4. Ansem59 Chaser

    Sep 7, 2007
    twilight town mansion
    DOH! Woopsie! Oh well... I'll just copy and paste it when the time is right.
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