Creating a separate thread for a poll on this. I know I will already have a no from @61; however, technicians my mom talked to at work one day quite a while ago said there was really nothing wrong with Windows 10. In addition, my friend who recently graduated from college and was a major in computer stuff also liked it. It was certainly better than Windows 8 (or even 8.1 which I have no issues with) is what he said. I've got the upgrade ready to install on my desktop which has Windows 7 Professional, but I've canceled the scheduled upgrade "appointment." (I still have the update icon there on the Shut Down button, but since it's not a typical update, I can click the button and it won't install.) However, for my laptop which has Windows 8.1, since I all I use it for is Internet browsing while I'm at college and at home to watch videos on my TV (since my new desktop doesn't have an HDMI plugin), I don't think there's really anything I have to worry about it potentially breaking, though I don't think anything would break. My mom has Windows 10 on hers after she forgot to cancel the scheduled upgrade, and she's had no issues with it. In fact, she said it was a little faster. I think the biggest complaint I've seen is the privacy issue, where some data-sending options are enabled by default, unlike before. However, it's Microsoft who collects the data, so it's not like it's anything bad is what my friend said, and you can change the settings to be set how they are on Windows 8.1 and below if you don't want them collecting certain information. Although the information is really just stuff like your Windows version, browser, etc. that they can use to improve the platform, fix bugs, etc. If you vote, please post a response explaining why. Don't just vote yes, no, or no opinion and move on, and don't just post yes, no, or no opinion--elaborate on why you voted for X option.
Well after July 29th, if you want to upgrade to Windows 10 it will cost you $119.99. So it may be worth upgrading while it's still free. I put off upgrading my laptop for ages as it used to have problems with making my keyboard so I had to go back to 8.1 but I've now gone back to 10 and I'm not having any problems any more. To be honest, it really doesn't seem that different from 7 or 8.1 (kinda like a mix of the two).
A few things. If you don't think your data is being bought and sold like crazy, you are wrong. While Windows 10 has more "obvious" issues in terms of privacy, this is by no means a new concept. As for which to go with. For god's sake it is just an operating system. I stick with 7 because it is stable, and does what I need it to do. I don't need bells and whistles. Sure Windows 10/8.1 are both wonderful if you have something like a Surface Pro, but as for a traditional desktop that has no touchscreen technology, I see no reason to use either 10 or 8.1. If you upgrade to a new OS because you are having some form of software issue, the OS didn't "fix it", you essentially just nuked the crap out of the software that makes your computer work the way you are used to seeing it. Starting from scratch will almost always have close to no issues, because a human didn't have a chance to ruin it via downloading **** with viruses, messing with drivers, etc. Of course bugs/glitches can happen, but human error is almost always the biggest problem. So to say that "so so that knows nothing about computers upgraded and says its faster" isn't really valid in my eyes. Of course its faster, but give it a few years and it'll be slow again (due to human error). I just find it funny when people who seem to not like Windows 10 or 8.1 upgrade, and then they talk about how horrible it was. Magical idea friends, just don't upgrade if you don't like it. Not a hard concept, but perhaps I am a bit cynical. You do you, a-dog.
this may go without saying but in the end its really up to you. for some people it will be an os they'll get a lot out of. im not one of those people. i decided that id rather spend a couple more years with windows 7 and pay a couple $100 when i have to upgrade than pay nothing but have windows 10 sooner. plus who knows maybe by the time i have to have it it will be better. idk. so yeah id advise against it but as long as you know the pros and cons its your decision to make. if you love 7 and theres no immediate reason you need 10, i say dont take the chance.
A few things: First...WHY put a "No opinion" option on a poll? What does that accomplish? Second, I'm going to eventually get Windows 10...but not at the cost of my perfectly functioning Windows 7 boot. My PC as of right now works perfectly for what I do (gaming, video editing, this shit) and while I know people have been doing that stuff on Windows 10, it's still a new OS and not completely Gucci with all the programs and games I want to use. I'm with 61; I'm just gonna shell out the ~$100 for Windows 10 when I'm ready for it, mainly when I have some more money to get the OS and another SSD, but mainly just to play them new Xbox games. Otherwise I don't see much reason to "upgrade" right now.
I probably sound like an old person here, but I will upgrade to Windows 10 when this computer is dead. I bought this computer specifically because it came with Windows 7 (this was right after 8 came out), and I'm not willing to compromise it yet. When I inevitably get a new computer in a few years, it'll probably come with 10 right on it, and that's fine. But I'm old and I don't like change so imma stick with 7 for now k thanks. Also, like Hayabusa said, 10 doesn't work quite yet with all the programs I need it to.
I went ahead and went through with this last night. The process was very smooth and straightforward. I did have to use an external hard drive because the disk didn't have enough space, though strangely enough, after the upgrade, the disk's size capacity increased a little and more space was freed up as well. The only reason I went through with it so quickly was, as I said, all I use my laptop for is small things. I'll likely leave my desktop on Windows 7 Professional, though the thought is now in the back of my head since it all went so smoothly on my laptop, and I have until July 29 to decide. I don't think anything of mine would break. The biggest things I use, I think, are the Roxio capture card and Windows Movie Maker.
The idea of Microsoft monitoring program authenticity of programs they don't own bugs me. A lot. I also hear it's a resource hog. But if other people could tell me otherwise, I'd love to hear it. On both accounts.