I have the whole story thought out, so it should be fairly easy to finish. I just wished to post what I had already had, the intro. - Why? The question is always why. Never how. Never. Why do human beings suffer? We know how they suffer. We can cure it for a time being, but never get rid of it. We could treat it like cancer and drown the source, humans, in radiation, but then there would be no real answer. It would be a solution. Why do they suffer? Is it for some great sin committed in some previous life that forever forces them onward, with only a misplaced sense of dedication to finding this answer? Come with me, my friends. I have a tale to tell. Would you listen? Let your mind be the ship, and my voice the waves. As we drown in the discord, mayhap we shall find an answer to why people suffer. Chapter 0: And so the Angles and Devils did Bet/Intro into the Cosmic Play One day, two beings were sitting together with a court between their two chairs. One chair seemed to be forged from the raw materials used to make love, life, and pleasant dreams that comfort children at night. The other seemed to be made from dead stars and wasted hearts and dreams. If one with a mind to do so had painted them, they would have probably shrugged it off the next day and tried to sell it to the person trying to start a cult. There were no painters around, though. The figures went with each other, a compliment to the question that is asked by both the infant and the dying man alike: why do we suffer? They know how from the first twang how, but why? The Angles and Devils agreed only a man could answer this question. A man, a being born from both light and dark. One who could feel both sides of the pain. One being, Chaos, the being who ruled over all that was not absolute, was appointed to “help” this man. This man had been dedicated to his cause long before his bet, and even Order, the being who ruled over all absolutes wanted an answer. For, pain was not absolute. Pain was tied in with chaos, lacking a reason, but didn’t truly belong to Chaos since it had some rhyme-like quality to it. There had been much arguing over the picking of Chaos. You see, Chaos had once been part of Order. Once, all the Angles and Devils had, too. Order had ruled over our home, making it peaceful. One day though, an argument occurred within. Perhaps it was trying to answer the very question it was now. Ether way, Order was split in two by this. Chaos was born from a large majority of this and what did not form into Chaos formed into the Devils. What had torn off of Order and not went with ether formed into the Angles. Our home felt some of the affects of this, too. People were born from an unknown piece, therefore they are considered neutral and the only ones that can truly guide Order and Chaos as a whole. The man they had chosen was a troubled man, who not only investigated the origins of pain but felt some of them, too. He was an alchemist practicing the ways of old, for to find the answer to an old question it may be best to use old methods. He had a lover, and the man’s name was Jonasiah. The last half of his name came from “messiah” and that is what he would be to them. In their cosmic court of tragedy and comedy, they would watch his journey. If he failed, what would they do? A drawing had been held, and while some rightfully believed it had been a cheat, Chaos had indeed won, as stated earlier. Most cosmic beings did not bother with mortals, but most of those that hadn’t had volunteered for this. Chaos had added some rules to this “little” game, too. If he could make the man quit his quest or even align the man and make Jonasiah one with him, Chaos would rule and Order would step down. The fusing of a mere mortal with Chaos would surely kill and fry his mind, but also as a strangely convenient rule the man would not know of this. Wanting some fairness, it was requested that Chaos only reveal himself if necessary. From then on, he could appear as he wished. Somehow, though, they knew Chaos would find a way to bend the rules in his favor. He had been doing it for years. Ever hear of Atlantis? Yeah. In the court in the Angles began to cry tears that drowned the hidden planets spinning in the mist below and the Devils laughed so that it made planets in the mist below them simply fall to be swallowed into a fire. In the center of the court, was Earth. This planet currently felt little if none of the damages caused by these happenings, but it soon would.
Interesting intro. It gets the audience thinking, which means it's successful in its purpose. You do mistake "angles" for "angels" sometimes though. :p I can tell that this story will be out of the ordinary in more ways than one. I may keep on reading when I find the time. Good job so far. This was particularly fascinating to read. Mythology has a habit of making Chaos the origin point of all things, when you start with Order. I wonder how this will play out in the story.