
Discussion in 'Debate Corner' started by Rainbow~Monkey, Apr 17, 2009.

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  1. Rainbow~Monkey Gummi Ship Junkie

    Dec 15, 2008
    Why do we have to "healthy". People can live perfectly fine being
    "fat" and if they die of obesity and they trust in God they are going to heaven, so there's nothing really bad to being "fat" is there?
  2. Kenni-Chan King's Apprentice

    Mar 3, 2008
    It's better to be healthy though, but it's not the food's fault, it's a person's decision or not and they all know the consiquences, so it's their choice. But, it's good to live a healthy life-style as you are less-likely to be infected with diseases and illnesses.

    Also, why does everything in the discussion thread have something even relevant to God...? We've gone from food to God in one sentence... New record!
  3. Rainbow~Monkey Gummi Ship Junkie

    Dec 15, 2008
    oh, sorry. Well why is it good to be healthy? i dont get it. my friends are all freaking out because they weigh 104 pounds. thats not being overweight. and whats wrong with being fat?
  4. childofturin Why?

    Dec 4, 2008
    On the Discussion Forum
    First of all, there are certain health benefits to being healthy (whoda thunk it?), such as not getting out of breath as easily (I sometimes gasp for breath after walking cross-campus), less heart problems as you age, lower chance of diabetes, fewer back problems/leg problems/lung problems, and some other effects I don't remember.

    But that's just being healthy - a relatively normal weight for your height, and not eating pure junk. The media has taken it to heights unheard of a few decades ago. Now, in order to be "healthy", you seem to have to be anorexic and bulimic, as well as on a starvation diet coupled with thousands of dollars of plastic surgery. And even THEN, you will want your picture touched up with airbrushing to make your skin look better. All that is, by definition, UNhealthy. Starvation diets do absolutely nothing - the less you eat, the more your body turns into fat for the hungry times. Plastic surgery is fraught with hazards and complications. Bulimia can burn your throat with the stomach acid (dilute hydrochloric acid - one of the strongest in the world) that comes up in your barf sessions, and anorexia has it's own hazards which I forget at the moment. Small wonder these celebrities tend to die young.

    That's the media at work. Your friends see these scarecrow models and, being the impressionable youths that they probably are, take the media's word that these women are "beautiful". Most of these models will die before the age of 40 if they don't change.
  5. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    Well I think the sentimentality here is that there is somehow being a "waste" of life. If someone is obese and it's a potential risk to their mortality, it would SEEM like the right thing to do to help them. And those who seek help, seek it, and sometimes find success depending on how motivated they are.

    Still, I agree with you. I know quite a few fat individuals who are perfectly healthy, actually. It's just that media and other sources idealize the human physique, so it seems like a serious problem to be overweight.

    Btw, I never liked the term "obese." It almost sounds terminal. o_O
  6. childofturin Why?

    Dec 4, 2008
    On the Discussion Forum
    I'm one of them. I get out of breath often, and have weird aches sometimes, but I weight 310 lbs, and I feel fine. I can do pretty much anything anyone else can, besides play sports, lol (but then, I don't want to).
  7. Rainbow~Monkey Gummi Ship Junkie

    Dec 15, 2008
    whats so bad about having health problems though?

    oh, sorry.
  8. childofturin Why?

    Dec 4, 2008
    On the Discussion Forum
    It's not your fault, it's the media's. They are the ones who popularized the term "obese", AND they were the ones who started using it out of it's medical context - there is a certain proportion of fat-to-muscle and weight-to-height that defines obesity, but the media are now using it to define anyone 15 lbs over what THEY deem "pretty".
  9. Sexy Sheva Banned

    Jul 22, 2007
    don't turn around
    Well, i guess it's time I set my fatass in here xD

    listen hun, being 'overweight' is a bad thing. I'm overweight, and don't say "OMG NO YOU'RE NOT"

    I weight 230 pounds, and I really need to be getting healthier. Because I am overweight now, that's going to be causing me problems later in life. At first, I was once like that "What's wrong with being fat? It's not hurting no one"

    but the truth is, it is hurting me, because where I am overweight I am probably 80 pounds overweight.

    I dislocated my knee sometime last year, and I think the problem was because of how much I weigh, and the strain that's on my knee... I sometimes fear that i'll hurt my other one...

    I was 210 last year, but i gained where I couldn't play sports because my weight was getting in the way I have been trying to lose weight, 'honestly'. I'm not just saying that. I switched from Pepsi to diet Dr. Pepper, because there isn't a difference (to me)

    I've be limiting my portions and I've been playing more Volleyball lately (with my knee brace ._.)

    I've set myself a goal to be healthier, because being overweight can cause stress on the heart, and high blood pressure, and ETC

    So it's better to be healthier so you don't have problems later in life. Take the advice from someone who knows.
  10. childofturin Why?

    Dec 4, 2008
    On the Discussion Forum
    Give me some of your motivation. Please. I have tried no fewer than 5 times since Sophomore year in high school to lose weight, and every time I give up. Give me your resolve.
  11. Rainbow~Monkey Gummi Ship Junkie

    Dec 15, 2008
    oh dear, youre making me cry.
    ok, but theres nothing wrong with being chunky though.
  12. childofturin Why?

    Dec 4, 2008
    On the Discussion Forum
    True, but you don't want to let yourself REALLY go, or there will be medical consequences, such as the ones I mentioned above - joint and back problems, diabetes, etc. Trust me - you don't want to end up like that one person I saw in Discovery - he (i think it was a he) weighed like 700 lbs, and couldn't leave his room, or even his bed. He was being treated constantly for bed sores, had hosts of other medical problems, had to be cared for, bathed, changed, etc by family members, and if he ever did manage to stand up, they said his spine would collapse under the weight.
  13. Rainbow~Monkey Gummi Ship Junkie

    Dec 15, 2008
    whoa, ok, ill be sure to not go crazy with junk food.
    Rainbow~Monkey out :(
  14. Sexy Sheva Banned

    Jul 22, 2007
    don't turn around
    if you want to god honest truth, Atlas inspired me ._.
    I've been working alot lately.. Losing weight doesn't have to 'boring'. I play volleyball with my sister and cousin and it's fun. You can lose weight by playing football, soccer, anything to do with running and moving your body, with your friends. It's more effective with your friends, because you play longer =D

    don't cry sweetie, it's nothing to cry about. IT's life, and that's how I intend to live it, for now anyways. I'm in all honestly, not caring about being skinny, but being healthier.

    In appearance, there really shouldn't be anything wrong with being overweight... It's a human person, not something you'd want to throw away..
    but health wise, there is something wrong.
    But you know what, i'm handling things alot better than the crap I get for being overweight.. (:

    I have sleep apnea and sometimes my weight bothers me with that. It's not like my weight keeps me from doing things, but it slows my body down. Sleep Apnea is when you stop breathing (if you don't know) and my extra weight makes it hard enough to breath. And when my heart pumps, it's pumping hard to keep oxygen in my body. So, if you're overweight by about 30 pounds, don't sweat it.. That won't kill you.. I'm almost at 100 pounds overweight though. It will possibly be the cause of my death when I get older.
  15. Kenni-Chan King's Apprentice

    Mar 3, 2008
    I think the media gets to most of us, women believe that if they don't look like Angelina Jolie or someone like that, then they aren't right. I know men don't show it as much and aren't AS bothered by it, but they still are. But to be honest, I'm one of the few girls who actually doesn't want to look like someone on the cover of a magazine and I think that people lose sight of what really matters which is their health. so we get people going on crazy diet ideas that are damaging them more than being overweight. And then people who just let themselves go too far, and this happens for different reasons, the most common I have heard of is depression though.
  16. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    Not everyone believes in "God". "God" won't keep this life comfortable and if you do believe in afterlife then that's your belief. Now is now. Then will be then. You need to focus on yourself, even if you do die and you believed in something, it maybe help keep your depression away but it's not keeping pain away. It's an uncomfortable way of living. There's pain when you hurt yourself and medication is just numbing it and I'm about positive that this "God" fellow isn't going to take it away until your dead.


    That's when the pain supposedly stops.
    Whose the say that the pain doesn't continue?

    The point to being fit is that you are healthier and there's less of a chance of getting hurt. Now, I'm not saying that if you are overweight you have more of a chance of getting hit by a bus or getting knifed or mugged in an alley than the fit person. Chances are the same. You do have more of a chance of hurting your own body though.​
  17. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    Not everyone thinks that God will be there when they die...And not everyone is so passive about Death. Some peoplez want to live healthy lives, without having to worry about being hospitalized or leaving this World before they have to.
    Why would you want to be sick or unhealthy? o_o
  18. Cleopatra King's Apprentice

    Mar 9, 2009
    Skyway Avenue <3.
    Its better to be healthy because you are given more opportunities of living a long life. And yes, some people who are overwieght may live to be 80, but the cause of death would most likely be an illness because they are obese.

    Nothing is wrong with being overweight, its what's on the inside that counts xD so i wouldnt worry.
  19. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island
    You know. I have to say. This is precisely my same story(I weight about the same). I need to get an operation, because my meniskus is broken, and it's not a pleasant experience. I play Volleyball on my school's team, and Jumping around to Spike really places strain on a heavy person, like me. So Everyone has to start somewhere losing weight, even when it's with something small, like limiting portions and a daily walk, I know I have to try my hardest, because not only are we fighting weight, we fight a whole world and it's problems; a world that believes that being a size 00 is the healty way.

    As for the media thing...people need to learn not to see too much into the guitar bodies and the hard abs. Not everyone has them. We can't ask reality to be perfect like in the movies. You never see actors that are ugly(unless required, and even then...) Their job is to try and apparent to be perfect, being mislead into thinking that we can find a super perfect person in our lifes is just somewhat selfish of our part. If we can't be perfect, then we can't really expect others to be.
  20. childofturin Why?

    Dec 4, 2008
    On the Discussion Forum
    In the media, the only time you see fat women is in a comedic role, or when they're nags. In a serious role, you never see overweight women. Ever. For men, it's a little more relaxed, but most heavy men are in comedic roles to.
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