My day was awesome because I learned that my car clinks when it's overheating. My day was also great because I learned the importance of having an e-brake on a manual car. You know, because my brakes went out. It was also pretty cool to find out my coolant and oil is slowly leaving it's mark all about the land. Translation: My car overheated then my brakes went out and I found out there are leaks in both my coolant and oil systems. Answer: Declare your problems to the internet world. It will make everything okay. Reply: So it'll cover the bill? Narrator: Of course not, are you crazy?!
Eh, I have car issues myself. Be social and find a good mechanic who will work cheap and cling to him.
The only car related problems I have to report are that I have an amazing car but no license, and my car doesn't have a head unit. Oh, and if I don't lock the driver side door while the car is on, the passenger side door locks and unlocks every second or so. And the god infernal reverse beeping that can only be heard from inside the car. But hey, I've got a sunroof.