The era of barney and Teletubbies is over, these type of movies don't fly for kids anymore. parents don't like 'em, kids don't like 'em, and most parents take their kids to see something exciting for their first movie, not some overgrown baby bullshit.
Should have double checked my info, I remember reading somewhere it was $60 million, but I cannot find the source. IMDB has it at $12 million while Wikipedia has it at $20 million
It's earned just over $102,000 at the box office. It being a wide release, that averages about $47 per theater. Probably would have been less sad if it was straight to DVD. It's funny reading the stories of parents going with their kids, only to see one other parent with children their and the kids asking to leave half way through the movie.
True, I just thought the Avengers were a little more impressive since it's in it's 120-somethingth day...
Yeah, but they were also doing a special "See the Avengers in theaters this labor day weekend" promoting, which may have been responsible. Plus, c'mon, it's the Avengers.