Why is there so much violence in schools ?

Discussion in 'Debate Corner' started by newman, Oct 12, 2007.

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  1. newman Destiny Islands Resident

    Sep 13, 2007
    It seems like alot of violence is occuring in schools. If a person has issues that are troubling them,there are always simpler solutions. The world is full of people who really do care about others. Alot of those are right in front of our nose and we don't seem to realise it. We make new friends in this way,by being ourselves it is almost assured that we will be accepted. There are always those that will cause trouble for you. Maybe they are not bad people,but just different than you.The world would be a boring place without them,as we would be too much alike.There are more people that like you than you probably realise,you're just not aware of it.
    The news media is reporting the actual violence alot. I've actually gotten better advice from strangers than those I know.Making new friends is an excellent way of solving problems. Changing our circumstances,talking to others,and expressing ourselves in positive ways is the way. Do you agree ?
    Guns are being carried to school by students all over the world now.Why?

  2. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    I wish it to be true but unfortunately it is not. School violence has evolved over the ages, from simple taunts to a small black-market, I myself am in a school that is filled to the brim with drugs, sex, acohol, guns, knives, you name it, I can safely say almost everyone at my school carries a knife on them at least if not a gun, I go to an all boys school, but have a all girls school right next door, so most of the area is filled with violence everyday, I myslef have experienced m share of porblems from bullying at school in the past, when I finally broke out of it, I stepped into a worst place where I was threatened once by a gun to my back, and various times with knives, I would not call someone like this to be misunderstood.
    More recent a stabbing incident happenned where on of the boys was stabbed in his lower chest, the culprit ran for it and is at the moment running from the police, while the victim is recovering at a steady rate and should heal ine.
    I still believe school to be more dangerous than real life, but that is only of my school, I hope I have given you into an insight into my views, thank you.
  3. newman Destiny Islands Resident

    Sep 13, 2007
    I'm really sorry that it's like that. I guess that I was taking the prevent violence stance,rather than the reality. I just know it has helped some that could get this help.I do know where your coming from,as I'm an inter-city school myself. Thankyou for presenting that side.You did it very well.
  4. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    There is violence because everyone constantly sees them self as different from others.

    There's Mexicans, Blacks, whites, gangsters, posuers, goths, emos, scene kids, etc...

    >_> People separate themselves and when you mess with them, they act back violently.

    =/ At least that's part of the reason.
  5. Hakurei Reimu Take my hand. And then I'll fly with you right up

    Apr 19, 2007
    Well there are many factors to be considered in school violence incidence. Most of them mainly pertain to either family background or taunts and such. Those kind of things usually lead to grudges against certain people thus violence spurs eventually. Nonetheless, it's quite easy to get away with, especially in the American society cuz our school policies tend to be less strict and unwielding than most other international schools. (Uniforms describes a lot of it...) Other alternatives could come from hard classes or such. Some people have ruined lives and added with school pressure like homework and grades can lead to a severe breakdown. This can also lead to violence although some people consult others before anything happens. But all in all, school is a very dangerous place. Not everyone is a nice person so it's fairly difficult if not impossible to make it a perfect community where people can talk things out...

    As for urself, just don do anything stupid and try to stay in a calm and nice manner wherever u go. That way, it won't attract any obvious attention thus lowering ur chances of getting hurt. Also, u should try to take some martial arts or something just for safety. (hell, i'm doin that rite now cuz I'm taking Judo in place of PE. Lol, this is the only class in my school where fighting is allowed)
  6. newman Destiny Islands Resident

    Sep 13, 2007
    Thankyou,for reply.

  7. Nailpolish <3 Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 14, 2007
    where the hell do you think?
    I don't think you can change violence in schools. Its not really the students' fault, its usually the parents, for not teaching their chld better. The fact that I hear about shootings outside schools, especially highschools scare me. I am a freshman, and know BARELY anyone in my highschool, except some people, who i haven't even talked to other than facebook or MSN. I know tht is off topic, but my point is, its not that easy to make friends, and sometimes making friends is the reason there is violence. Some kids don't want you and shut you out, or some kids use you. Its hard...
  8. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    There were so many fights in my school that we now have camras everywhere
  9. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    Hahaha, I haven't had a peaceful day in an age, I was just glad to state my side of the story.
  10. Repliku Chaser

    Fights and verbal abuse and sexual abuse does happen in school. I can think of a few reasons why.

    1. Too many children are put in classrooms and roaming the halls at the same time. Less children in a classroom means the teacher can focus on all of the students and catch issues better. Also, less children in each class means that students have more of a chance to learn more.

    2. Diversity is encouraged from classes people assign to themselves and stereotypes. Blacks should act a certain way, Mexicans should, preppies should, Jennies should, Jocks should, Goths, Punks, Burnouts, etc. People get subjected to classes and stereotypes for a number of reasons and this encouraged diversity leads to people having issues and also promotes gang mentality. It also makes children depressed and angry because they are stuck and try to get to certain classes of the school society and get blocked. It's very hard to be friends with a diversity of people unless you have a very strong will to not be a follower. You are encouraged to be bound to a group.

    3. Parents blow off things when teachers or others try to say their kid is bullying or being too harsh. Not all parents do, but quite a few tend to become very defensive and listen to their kid and ignore others. Parents also carry memories of school and tend to think that things cannot get better so they don't even try to motivate their children to -learn- instead of worrying so much about society standings and to have a decent self-esteem. Parents do need to be involved. Parents should also be ensuring their kids do not take weapons to school instead of some thinking it's a fine thing because others do so why not keep those kids defended too.

    4. Peer Pressure is another one caused by those who are the social elite of their classes or groups. These people often are 'popular' because they are the most vocal and successful at being that stereotype. Unless something humiliating happens to them, they are arrogant and manipulate others. Those who don't go for peer pressure are considered weak whereas in reality it's the other way around.

    5. For some reason the musical needs, theater stuff and other things like art and expressive things, clubs etc, seem to be at times dying off and need support whereas the only things promoted in school usually are sports. Having more extracurricular things where students of all kinds who like those sorts of things could hang out would seem to help kill diversity issues.

    I'm sure there are other reasons, but those seem to me to be the most prevalent problems that need dealt with. The best way to be in that situation is neutral and just be yourself and show that this diversity crap is BS. Make friends with whoever and it also helps others in cliques to learn they can do the same. It makes these issues less and also you won't be as threatened yourself because you show you aren't the same as others who hold strong prejudice to other groups. It is human nature to -group- ourselves but it gets worse when some start aggressive acts. We should be able to travel in multiple sorts of groups instead of these rock solid classes that seem to transpire. I hated school for quite some time because of this stuff and was glad college is a lot different and diversity is actually something appreciated and it doesn't take you from the academia or being friends with others as much at all.
  11. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    I think violence in schools is caused mainly by the fact that teenagers are involved. It is the most unstable part of a human's lifetime and most mistakes are made then. Also, people tend to not be able to help with teenage problems, especially in guys (we just don't like talking about our problems to parents and elders, I know I sure don't >_>). This means more people are walking around with strong emotions bottled up inside them ready to be released at the slightest notice.

    Then when that happens they look for some way to deal with it and they find violence. They look for the quickest, easiest and most impersonal way to deliver that violence and they find guns. Hence, guns are bad and America should wise up ^^.

    Also, there have been instances where adults have killed students. This could be for many reasons for this. Firstly, whatever cause them to go over the edge is related to children. Maybe they were abused as a child, maybe they were bullied in school and hate all children. There is also the fact when something happens to children it is big news. People care what happens to children. Basically it has more of an impact on society.
  12. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    Most violence is caused by problems at home. When a kid has an issue in the household and they have to go to school everyday and see others that have it better then they do, it's hard. Some feel pressured to supress any frustration they have because they feel out-of-place or scared because they feel like no one else is going through what they are so no one else cares.
    Humans can only bend so far before breaking. Emotions build up and thoughts are always racing through peoples minds. The more pressured they feel the more hostile their thoughts become. The border that seperates a thought and an action is easily crossed. And like most people say, social classes and stereotypes are even more pressures that are put on kids, teenagers especially, by the usual insecure person.
    Also, a lot of people don't understand the finality of death. When they shoot someone or harm someone, it's usually for a stupid motive. TV and videogames numb certain people from the harm that hate and violence can cause.
  13. Nate_River Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jun 28, 2007
    yeah...america SHOULD wise up... i live is australia but its just as bad here... i actually have to cha ge my routes to classes bacause of people that i just plain HATE or are actually terrified of. if they come up to me, i try to remain calm and all that but it usually doesnt work... im 14 almost and live in a place where there are cops chasing people up the street almost every weekend... i know what its like to be scared to walk outside in the afternoon... violence is basically what everyone else has said, its because people bottle everything up... but wheat they dont get is that bottleing it i up can only lead to more problems later on... i know because i lost my GF cause i bottled everythging up and didnt talk about it.
  14. O R A N G E C is the heavenly option

    Mar 30, 2007
    between an erupting earth and an exploding sky
    School violence doesn't seem to be too pressing of an issue, in my opinion. At least at the school I go to, teachers seem to have it under control. However, there are, as in all schools, kids who smoke and get suspended frequently. The kids who do that have had tough lives, but I think it is ridiculous to enact some rules that I hear have been enacted. For example, searching backpacks for guns and such. It a student is depressed enough to bring a gun to school, somebody checking their bag is not going to help. They'd most likely just shoot the person checking them. In some ways, this is one of those cases where you have to fight the problem before it starts, presumably in elementary school.
  15. White_Rook Looser than a wizard's sleeve.

    Mar 6, 2007
    A chess board
    Different criteria apply really. Frequent suspension may have some relation to a students behaviour, but I wouldn't say smoking is an indicator of violence, or a tendency toward ill-formed behaviour.
  16. Dreadnought Twilight Town Denizen

    Oct 3, 2007
    No idea......
    Only losers solve their social problems by blowing someones head off
    with a gun.... Winners solve social problems by filling peoples lockers
    with paint and eggs.... :) The reason kids kill other kids is because
    more kids nowadays are losers and don't know how to solve their
    problems with paint and eggs...
  17. White_Rook Looser than a wizard's sleeve.

    Mar 6, 2007
    A chess board
    Yes because retaliation in general is the right way to go...
  18. Jiηx You're such a loser.

    Sep 27, 2006
    Twisting like a flame in a slow dance, baby.
    Kids will be kids, we fight laugh and play, violence is bound to happen in any place after a set amount of time.
  19. DrMario64 Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 25, 2007

    How the hell is paint and eggs in any way a better solution then violence???
  20. MasterNightmare Gummi Ship Junkie

    Aug 20, 2007
    Scrubbing the floors of Hyrule!
    cause eggs and paint aren't guns...simple...least you dont murder someone....
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