Whose fault was it?

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by saxoR_vs_aroS, Jul 28, 2007.

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  1. saxoR_vs_aroS Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 1, 2007
    Take a wild guess.
    this may not go here, but it does discuss thoughts on a topic...... so yeah. here's the story.....

    There is a woman who lives with her husband next to a wide raging river. the wife is having a love affair with a man who lives across the river. One day, the husband tells his wife he has to go away on a business trip overnight. the wife pleads to go with him but he says she will just get in his way. The man leaves at twilight, and tells the wife he will be home around five in the morning. the wife doesn't want to be alone, so she crosses the bride over the river to go to her lover's house. she spends the night there, and very early in the morning, still dark, she decides to go home. she is about to step onto the bridge, but sees an murderer who will kill her if she tries to cross. she looks upriver, and sees a ferry man. she goes to him and pleads him to let her across. he says he wants money. the wife didnt bring money, as she was just spending a few hours at her lover's house. she goes to the man, but he refuses to give her any money. she would hate to be caught more than anything in the world, so she decides to cross the bridge. she runs as fast as she can, but the killer grabs her by the hair and murders her.
    From 'The Pigman' written by some guy.
    now, in order, you have to write down the order of the most guilty people by their faults and explain why you believe what you chose. my list:

    1. WIFE: i chose the wife because she chose to have an affair. if she had stayed loyal to her husband, she would never have been in that situation.

    2. MURDERER: ...... nuff said.

    3. LOVER: For not giving the wife the money to cross the river.

    4. FERRY MAN: For not helping the woman in a time of need.

    5.Husband: for not taking his wife with him.

    what do youn think?

    ((mods, move this if and when you choose to))
  2. The way I see it is jack the ripper mistook her for a whore. and Jack The Ripper did it.
  3. southy787 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Aug 5, 2007
    Obviously the wife is the most guilty. If she wasn't cheating on her husband she wouldn't have been murdered.
  4. Roxas is Hot I'd lick his Sea Salt stick anytime. ♥

  5. Mish smiley day!

    Sep 30, 2006
    Nuke York.
    Are you mad?

    What is worse; murdering someone or having an affair?

    Clearly the murderer is more guilty.

    EDIT: oops, I didn't realise this had been made before. n__n

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