I'm trying to figure out how much it'll cost me to buy a PS4 and the FFXIV: A Realm Reborn with a subscription, and I'm having trouble figuring that out. I don't even know if online is free on the PS4 like it was with the PS3, and if it's not, how much it is, and if Playstation Plus is a completely different thing as well. Anyone want to help me figure out what all this would cost me? I'm guessing somewhere around $510 if I did the PS4, with the game, and playstation plus, but I don't know if I need playstation plus at all.
I am the best at math. Also, while "online" isn't free on the PS4, paid subscription games like FFXIV don't require PS+ so you don't need to worry about adding that on to your costs.
Ok, that answers a little of my question. If I don't need PS+, that saves about 50 dollars, but how much does it cost for online on the PS4? And is it monthly only, or can you do a larger payment?
Going by MSRP (i.e. no discounts) the console is $400 and the game is priced from $40 (standard edition) to $80 (physical copy of collector's edition). I'm not sure what your sale's tax is so I'm going to say 10% which should be an overshot. That puts you at $484 - $528. Then PS+ isn't needed, as mentioned above, and the first month of FFXIV sub is given. After that the sub $13 a month. If you want PS+ that puts you at $10 a month or $4.17 done as the annual $50. So we end up with.. $484 - $528 upfront. $13/month for as long as you play. $50/year - $10/moth to have games periodically thrown at you. Note: Here is the price guide on the sub cost for North America
Actually, you can pay $13 for a 180 day subscription for FFXIV; I was checking the prices on the website last night. And I'd probably go for the digital edition, since it's cheaper, whether or not I go for the Collector's Edition. Plus if I wanted the collector's edition stuff, I can upgrade with $20 at any time if you have the digital edition as well. Plus, I don't usually do the "per month" payment thing, since the payments are only once a year, so I just do those at once and don't worry about spreading it out through the months. SO basically it's around $528 at max (it's good to look at the max, because then you can save money if it's not that much) $13/180 days for the game But how much is it to pay for online on the PS4? That's going to be one of the major things as well.
Sony now charges for their servers as part of PS+, but since Square is hosting on their servers they are charging you instead. So there is no additional play cost to the subscription you are paying to Square. If you check the link I posted it shows that the 180 days is $13/month for a total of $78. But there is also an entry version that is $13 payed monthly. That is where I recommend you start until you decide you want more characters.
Oh I got it, it's a good thing you said something, because I had it in my mind that it was something else. But I guess that happens when you read something while you're tired at midnight. I was just using this page with all the product prices on it. http://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/pr/product/ But you're also saying that the monthly subscription fee for the game is also part of the online payment? So I wouldn't have to worry about something else?