For me, it is ultimately a tie between Bill Bixby and Mark Ruffalo... I can't do this. It is with much hesitance that I cast my vote. Allow me to provide an elaboration; Bixby initially rejected playing Banner under the premise that any adaption of a superhero comic would be stupid. I admit that I hold this against him, regardless of whether or not he learned to like the role. He did. Make no mistake, he played an excellent Banner. However, he was not as open-minded as I would have liked... We have yet to see or hear much of Ruffalo. One might hold him at a disadvantage then, but I beg to differ. He is totally fresh, and there is a lot to hope for in him. Freshness is refreshing. These are subtle reasons, but it was a tie to begin with. So I reserve the right to form decisions based on half thought, silly reasonings.
I guess you could say Mark Ruffalo is "refreshing". But let me tell you why I think Eric Bana played Banner the best. Ruffalo seems a bit to happy for my tastes. We don't want a Banner that's serious or pissed off 'round the clock, but we want a realistic, down-to-earth Banner. Eric Bana played that role perfectly, and his physical expressions while acting reflected the tragic past of the actual Banner. That, and Banner/Bana sound similar. :P
That is perfectly reasonable, however. Here Ruffalo provides an explanation for that. I found this explanation of Banner's evolved character to be adequate.
Hm. I never thought of it like that. Maybe I just like the younger, original version of Banner; the timidness, the sad look in his eyes, and that constant fear of getting mad.
I don't even know any of those names. Why? They only played characters that nobody cared about. Like those Avenger maroons.