In Diamond or Pearl if you have all of them then just say so, mine are: Machoke Monferno Bibarel Luxray Staraptor Pachirisu Abra Kricketot Zubat Budew Shellos Buizel Meditie Chingling Ponyta Stunky Psyduck Bronzor Geodude Cranidos
I got everything except the Sinnoe ones cuz I don have Diamond and Pearl. Otherwise, I've owned everyone at least once...
>_>; Dude, his post specifically said from DIAMOND AND PEARL... sheesh... Oh and I'll post mine later, I'm too lazy to go and look...
I have all Sinnoh onlys in diamond (excluding Palkia, Cresselia, Darkrai and Cresselia's opposite... I do own a Regigias however)