Which Is Better:Knowing?Or not knowing?Living in denial?

Discussion in 'Debate Corner' started by Daenerys Targaryen, Jun 3, 2009.

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  1. Daenerys Targaryen ok

    Apr 4, 2007
    Sometimes there are situations were you don't know if you want to know what is happening, or you don't know what's happening at all, but you don't know if knowing what is going on will help.

    Which is better?
    To go on not knowing and having the need of knowing dig into your side...
    Knowing but regreting ever asking or finding out because it has had a huge impact on you and you'd rather live in denial or not know at all.

    I feel as though there are many pros and cons of each that can steer someone either way so I won't judge anyone's opinion.

    My opinion is not knowing.
    If you don't know about it you don't have to worry about it. Sometimes you might want to know about a particular thing, but it won't completely drive you insane.
    Knowing something terrible kind of breaks your heart in a way sometimes,either it was shameless behavior by a person or something bad happened to someone.

    And what about living in denial about something?
    I am sure we all have had moments when we just don't want to hear something for what it is.
    For example: When my grandmother passed away, I kept telling everyone "I don't believe this.This can't be happening"

    But, there is also another type of denial.The type of denial that parents and ignorant people often get themselves caught up in.
    For example: My neighbor's son is having sex with his girlfriend and they are in highschool. My neighbor has no control over this because he is living with his father. But the girl's parents do, but they don't 'care'. My neighbor went of to the girls house and said what they are doing and that the girl should breakup with her son because he is a bad influence on her. The parents didn't listen and they are letting her go to a sleep away camp with him.

    Which is better/worse?Have you done any of these things?
  2. Rissy Queen of the Clouds

    Jul 16, 2008
    in the Sky
    I think I would like to know, so I can improve.

    As in I don't want to be left in the dark, and kept like a rat in a lab to see if it's true. And if I have something wrong, then I should have a right to know, so I can improve, like above.
  3. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    I think we always live in a state of wondering the answer. I'd like to know the answer, but it isn't likely I'd know it. Plus, if I know it, what if it kills me? If I don't know it, I can keep that idealized manifestation in my mind.

    But, seriously, I would like to know what is there so I can be informed as to what is expected and what can be fixed. I understand certain things I may never know the answer to, and that is fine, but most of the time those things aren't realistic to my life experience as it is.
  4. childofturin Why?

    Dec 4, 2008
    On the Discussion Forum
    Well, as for knowing, and being scarred by it, I've never been scarred by anything in my life. Even deaths in the extended family haven't really affected me that much. Maybe it's my ADD/Asperger's syndrome coming through, but I would rather know, and damn the consequences. :D

    It's always better to know anyways, otherwise you tend to assume the worst. Human minds have a tendency to work overtime at being morbid when something bad happens to us/near us and we don't know what it is.
  5. Firefly Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 7, 2008
    The grey area
    The truth could come out anyway, even if you avoid it. It can be a lot worse if you find out someone's done something bad but they didn't tell you, than if they told you first. So it's better to just know and deal with it, than risk having to deal with it later and suffer more because of that, and lose trust in someone.

    A friend of mine is 16 and pregnant, but she hasn't told her mum. She's going to discover this eventually, and it'll hurt a lot more when she does because her daughter never told her.
  6. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    In my personal opinion, it depends on WHO knows it.
    For the general public: Ignorance is bliss.
    But "He who hides knowledge controls the grand scheme. In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king."
    I think it's important for a certain people to know the things the general public doesn't, because people as a whole are not just ignorant, they're stupid.

    In the future, it might be better for everyone to know everything. But now? Let the public remain ignorant, but blissful.
  7. T3F Chaser

    Mar 16, 2008
    I've had the experience of knowing before, it wasn't a good one. but I've also had the experience of not knowing, which brings out some issues. For example, If you don't know what's going on, you may feel excluded and such, so you would like to know BUTon the other hand, it might be an issue where someone says, "trust me, you don't wanna know" Then chances are, you don't wanna know whats going on. It really depends on the issue
  8. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    I prefer not living in denial. I can't stand people who are ignorant. Ignorance can leads to wars, hate crimes, and so much more. but you can never truely rid the world of ignorance, can you?
  9. Cleopatra King's Apprentice

    Mar 9, 2009
    Skyway Avenue <3.
    I don't like the idea of living in denial. I don't want to be left in the dark. I hate feeling broken from knowing.

    My opinion: It depends. If its neccessary then yes, I'm willing to hear it. It all depends on the person with the knowledge. If he/she wants to share it with me, then I'm all ears. If not, I won't worry too much. It won't drive me insane [I think]. Understanding someone is important and you want to know that your not hurting their feelings. Everyone has secrets that only God knows [if you have a god]. But knowing is important and there are also somethings that should not be said.

    My advice is don't eavesdrop. It's the act of secretly listening to a private conversation. Eavesdroppers seldom hear anything good of themselves.

    Being in denial brings on a really bad case of depression for me, so I hate it entirely. If being in denial is the consequence of knowing, then I really don't want to know.
  10. Styx That's me inside your head.

    Sep 16, 2008
    Knowledge is the key to acting as efficiently as possible while denial and/or ignorance leads to general messing around. Easy choice.
  11. What? 『 music is freedom 』

    Jul 4, 2008
    Surfing de Broglie waves
    It is better to know. Knowing beforehand usually gives you an advantage in any sort of task, be it schoolwork or anticipating an opponent's next move in chess. Living in denial is simply ignorance; essentially you are metaphorically and mentally blocking yourself out from the rest of the world.
  12. TheMagicalMisterMistoffelees Professional Crazy

    Aug 5, 2008
    The other side of the monitor
    I always want to know. Knowledge is power, and as a human, I like power.
  13. Blueman Merlin's Housekeeper

    May 26, 2009
    I believe a person shouldn't know their future. Seriously, how depressing would it be to go through life knowing your future? Life would just be boring if you knew.
  14. Cyanide King's Apprentice

    Mar 31, 2007
    The truth is important, so yes.
  15. Radiowave ITSA PIIINCH

    Apr 2, 2007
    You know, across the universe
    I would like to know. I agree with the whole "Knowledge is power" idea. Ignorance may mean bliss to some, but it also means that the ignorant person had no control over the situation which requires knowledge, and no one likes to be out of control. Knowing gives credibility. And since life is unpredictable enough, its good to have credibility in order to predict/control things as best as possible.

    Actually to be honest this question could lead into a good religion debate.
  16. Daenerys Targaryen ok

    Apr 4, 2007

    I agree with knowing something before hand to take it to your advantage and for power,like you said but I don't understand why so many people want power and knowledge so bad.What if you know something and can't do anything even if you wanted to?
    What about not knowing and just taking things as they come?

    I think life is predictable at times.Although most times many things catch you off guard,sometimes you have moments when you say "I knew that".Not in a sarcastic way either,like if you didn't know and you were just saying you did,but in a way where you knew it.

    Adding to the fact of life being kind of predictable at times;Sometimes people(including me) having dreams of something that might or has happened at a later date.I find myself getting freaked out on a daily basis saying:"I dreamt that" or..."Deja Vu"

    I agree with that.Being in denial makes you see only what you want to see.

    If anything is necessary, I am always willing to hear it.
    But if I sometimes don't want to hear things that could cause fights with family and friends...Does that mean I'm living in denial too?

    If someone was to share something with me, of coarse I would listen to them...But,that doesn't mean I would have to agree with what they are saying all the way.Especially,like most times it brings heartbreak or uneeded drama to the table,then I suppose I really didn't want to know anyway.I don't completely understand what you mean by not hurting someone's feelings.Just by listening to them you support them?

    I am going to try say this, not offending any religion:
    If I was going to say God is a superior person I would say:
    I don't think God controls what we are to know and not know.I really don't think he's that much in control at all in our lives.I think we are all meant to do something in this world,to make a difference: no matter how big or small,and God just takes the back seat and watches it unfold.

    But I don't think God is a person,thatives in the sky,in heaven.
    I think God is what holds everything together.An energy that makes everything and everyone possible.I think he is an it.I believe in God.Just a different sort.

    I must admit,I never eavesdrop.I never have.I might accidentally over hear something...But usually it has nothing to do with me so I don't care.
    Why get depressed?
    I think denial is like a drug.It puts you in a place where you see things the way you want to see them.It's actually not depressing at all.Only a stupid state of mind that's closed off from reality.
  17. Cleopatra King's Apprentice

    Mar 9, 2009
    Skyway Avenue <3.
    ^^This. Now, if you knew something and wanted to do something about it and you couldn't, I'm sorry to say but you wouldn't be able to. Taking things as they come is in my view the 'easy/stress free/care free' way, and you know, that's actually not that bad :'D

    Happens to me all the time :'D If you have an idea of what's going on, I don't think there's a problem in wanting to find out whether or not what you think is true xD

    I have dreams as well. But they don't necessarily mean much to me. I think its just our memories and what our feelings are and what we want to happen all combined into a story of some-sort which we see as a dream. Deja vu is possible and can happen to anyone, if you realise it but don't believe it, even though the facts are laid out infront of your eyes, then that is living in denial.

    mhm^^my point exactly...

    Not really. Your just simply choosing not to hear it, not living in denial. Sure, ok, it sort of sounds like your living in denial, but don't think of it that way. I think it's fine that you don't want to hear things that could start fights.

    No you don't have to agree, you can state your opinion on the subject. It may hurt the other person's feelings, but at least they know you're telling the truth. What I meant by hurting someone's feelings is that you don't bring up a topic that you know would hurt them. Sometimes listening to them is all you can do. It may not seem the most effective way, but you'd be surprised at how much it helps them.

    Figure of speech. I didn't mean to say that he controls our lives. We control what happends to us not God.

    I see what you mean...I'm a Christian but I protest against quite a few of the rules. lol - That's a nice way to think of God^^

    Depression if its something to be depressed about. I think what you've said about denial is great. I wouldnt worry too much about denial though, I don't think there's a point in it.
  18. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    I'll find out, then if it displeases me, I'll try to double-think it away. Sort of like how everyone does with The Game. That way I'm not left in the dark, and I still "know" it, but I forget it until I need it or accidentally remember.

    We all do that sort of thing for experiences we dislike.
  19. Repliku Chaser

    I don't really believe ignorance is bliss. In the end, I've come to believe that ignorance instead makes people stupid too often. It's why I do not believe children should be so shielded from everything that goes on in life and that people are generally better off facing reality so that they can stop thinking life is either too miserable or they see through rose colored glasses.

    I've been deceived and always find out sooner or later. It makes me mad that someone wasted my time and though in some cases it was 'to protect me' I don't feel I need that protection. The only way to build up a strong will and fortitude is to face life head on and know what it has that's bad or good. I don't think others should shield you unless you are really -that- weak and even then, I think that a person should be built up over time. I know many people disagree with this, but when you live a hard life, there's just not much that people can show you that you can't take, and if others could get reality in doses of truth, I think it's far better so that they see that there is true suffering out there and maybe their own problems won't seem so bad and they may end up even more compassionate and less selfish for it. Also, at varying points in life, there just won't be other people around to take care of problems and wouldn't it be nice if people had some former experience or at least know-how before they face traumatic things alone?

    I'm just the kind of person that speaks clearly, bluntly and doesn't cover up things. I tell people how it is and either they can't believe I'd be so forward and straight up, or they are extremely grateful because other people play games and skirt issues. I do like it more when people are honest. It clears everyone's conscience in the end and means no one has to carry some burden they may even have no right to be carrying.
  20. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    Seconded. If the government could censor blood on a child's cut knee, they would. I'd say that if the majority of the things shown on television were allowed to be shown to kids, we would actually have a better society. Taking for example, sex. Mention that anywhere from middle school to halfway through high school and it will be greeted by giggles. Sex is not a taboo subject, we have made it taboo. If three-year-olds watched sex scenes on television, I doubt it would scar them for life. It is because we censor it that it has such an effect. It's a self fulfilling prophecy. Likewise with blood. If more blood was shown on television (obviously not to the point of Texas Chainsaw massacre or Saw, ) then I think that there would be less of a drive to see violent movies because they are violent. A main selling point of anime to me should not be that it is animation with blood.
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