I could make my family millions. Just got back from an awards ceremony. I played in the jazz band, and got three awards. All related to GPA. One for being in National Junior Honor Society, one for a 3.5 - 3.99 GPA, and a special one. For all three consecutive years at school, I've made the honor roll. 3.5+ GPA each year. (No wonder I don't have a girlfriend...) So, me, and a couple others who did the same, got this award. It was signed by a certain special person. I'm f*ckin' serious. Anyone heard of a Mr. James Anderson? No? Well it isn't him. It was signed by a Spoiler Mr. BARACK OBAMA Yes, I know it sounds crazy and untrue, and if you don't believe me, then you off the will.
Mhm. Not to burst your bubble or anything, but you do understand that he can sign his signature on a piece of paper, get it scanned, and have that copied used to sign the award, rather than getting a couple hundred awards to sign every night before bed time, right? Just saying.
It's in blue sharpie. Don't think you can really copy that all that good. Besides, mine is an original, first year and all.
...It's actually not that uncommon for the president to "sign" academic awards. I've gotten a few of them myself. They're generally photocopied (things can be photocopied in color too, so just because it's blue doesn't mean it wasn't photocopied). Congratulations though.
I don't know, I didn't really keep track or anything; they're just certificates. They want it to look professional. You're welcome.
That's what I'm talking about. With Photoshop and image editing programs, even I could probably scan that signature and make it look good. But overall, congrats, dude.
Barack Obama? I swear if I was an American citizen and over the age limit I'd vote for him anyday. Kudos to you! xD
Congrats. Don't let everyone else here rain on your parade. (i'm ashamed of you people, kill joys.) Awards like that are EARNED. :D m.v.p kudos to you. at least you don't get awarded for what you were BORN with. it would suck to have to say "um...yeah, I thank my mom for giving me this talent at birth...ah...thanks mom, for passing on your DNA..."