When it rains it pours

Discussion in 'Help with Life' started by Clawtooth, Aug 5, 2010.

  1. Clawtooth Keelah se'lai!

    Mar 14, 2007
    So today, my brother and I got our exam results for the exams we sat in May of this year. I was really pleased with my results as I got 1s (the highest grade you can get) for most of my exams and a 2 for Art which I was expecting. I also got an A for Higher Music (an exam normally sat by 17 year olds, but I sat it a year early).

    Everything was going fine until my brother opened his letter. He applied for university a year earlier than normal (he's 17, Uni is free in Scotland). He needed to get an A and two Bs to get into university, sounds easy right? He opened his letter, hoping maybe for an A, a B and two Cs. He opened it to find this:

    Advanced Higher Music(one level above Higher): B (he got an A like i did for his Higher)
    Higher Englsih: B
    Higher Geography: C
    Higher Computing: C
    Higher Physics: D (a recognised fail)
    Higher Maths: Fail.

    He did nopt have the qualifications that he needed to get into University. He's totally destraught. He seems to think that his life is over, just because he had a bad round pof exams. He totally flipped out and had several arguements with our parents, asked for people to say what they really thought he should do about it, and then he totally ignored all of the advice. I then left the house to leave the situation because it was getting too much for me.

    After 5 hours roughly at my friendly local gaming store, who were very considerate of my predicament. I went back home at Semven PM and had dinner. My brother (now asleep) had simmered down, so I am told. I was content for about an hour, but suddenly, my mother came up to my bedroom and spoiled my day once again.

    We live in a house that we rent. Our dad is the only one who works, as my mother was driven to depression at the last place she worked and has not worked in about 4 years. Over the past year, however, things seem to ave been getting harder and harder, and with my parents both being smokers, if there's no money for them to fuel their habbit, they will get angry. That point aside however, I was told that my Dad had made a mistake with something to do with his advanced pay and as such, has not payed this month's rent. He has told us that, if he doesn't get £800 to him by tomorrow, he'll evict us.

    I don't know what the fuck Im suppoed to do! I've had about the worst day possible and there doesn't seem to be any way out. I don't even know if I should tell all of you this, but I really needed to get this off my chest. Today was supposed to be a happy day for me and it has turned into, quite possibly, the worst day of my life. I hate this! I've only just gotten used to living in the place where we live currently and more changes, especially with possibly the most important academic year of my LIFE about to start, I don't know how to cope with this right now.

    Oh and by the way, if ANY haters are gonna hate, I am litterally gong to BUST A CAP! I don't really have to time of day today, less so than any other day.

    What should I do?
  2. Sakura Angel Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 26, 2010
    First of all. Im sorry about your brother dont let his grades bring you down if he whines just ignore be him he has a right to be upset but not that bad.

    About the rent..... I know EXACTLY how you feel. Just dont worry about it. I know that may sound weird but dont let it bother you it will make things worse. find a new place and everything will be fine. if your old enough maybe try to get a job and help? If not thts fine to. Your schooling does come first. If it helps maybe help your parents find a new place. Also see if you can try to make them stop someking sit them down and talk to them or go out and get them help. If they buy their sigrets and it prevents them from paying rent and wasting money they need help. It wil put you in danger and thats wrong.

    I hope I was some help. if you need anything im happy to help <3
  3. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    In regards to your brother, I'm very sorry to hear that. <3 Can he retake his exams? If so, he should certainly do that. I'm sure his attitude was just because of what happened, I'm sure he'll simmer down eventually. Remember to take some time to congratulate yourself, you did very well and should be proud.

    As for eviction... I've been there, and I know how useless you can feel in the situation, being only a minor with no job and no money. Do you have any family that would be willing to lend you money? Any luxury items that you can auction off?
    And really, you need to make it clear to your parents that until they break their smoking habit, things are not going to get any easier for them financially. The price for a pack of cigarettes here recently went up to about $10. They're probably smoking three to four packs a day, that's money that could be going towards rent. I'd really suggest having an intervention of sorts; do some research, show them how much money they're wasting, get them the patch, whatever.
  4. Clawtooth Keelah se'lai!

    Mar 14, 2007
    Actually, they're not that bad with their habits. I don't actually know why I put that in there.

    Update: My brother seems to have simmered down somewhat, although he is very angry at the landlord. With regards to the eviction, we've been in contact with our lawyer. She says that he has to give us at least 28 days notice before he can evict us. In the time, we can find somewhere else. Also, he hasn't been keeping up with his half of the law i.e. Fixing things that get broken in the house (that aren't our fault), like doors etc and plumbing, so that might stand in our favour.

    Sorry for double post, but things have gotten even worse. The landlord has told us that he will chuck us our on Monday, using the "Big Boys". We've called the poilice and they've told us to keep our doors locked and if anyone turns up we're to call 999 (911 to you americans).

    However, something even worse has now hapopened. My dad, since our car broke down a few months back, has been cycling to and from work. He works in the local hospital and was cycling past the ambulance station when he collapsed. He was ressusitated almost immediately, but he's had a heart attack. They can't do anything for him in the place where he works, so they've had to taker him to Edinburgh for keyhole treatment. My mother and our Aunt (whose anniversary is today) have gone with him and my brother and I are at home.

    They say bad luck comes in threes ... I just hope they're right and this is the end of it.