Personally I've always enjoyed 13, the atmosphere in the desert, shooting him out of the sky with arrows, clinging onto him as he comes to the ground, always fun.
The one with the sword was always my favourite, it was such an experience the first time I fought it. My least favourite is the final one, such a pain that one is, especially if you don't know what to do.
3 is the sword one, i love 16, such a challenge, took me like 40 minutes to beat the first time i did it, was good fun, least favourite is 4 the horse, I always have such an awkward time climbing onto him.
You mean #3? Yeah he's really cool. xD I fell off of him so many times. My favorite is either Phalanx (the giant snake in the sky you talked about Vivi), or the Bird colossus. I can't choose because I love the air related battles in the game >_> I actually really liked the final boss, just because it's such a total mind**** the first time you see him. My least favorites have to be the little colossi.
I loved the final one, until I actually started climbing him. I fell down so many times, because I didn't think of the fact that I could shoot his shoulder. And I just had to repeat the same things over and over again, for at least an hour. It was a big headache in my experience. But 3 was more fun to climb up than the final boss! That's why I enjoyed him a lot. The small colossi are pretty damned annoying, especially when they get you stuck in animation, so the only hope you have is that they ram you some place they can't get you anymore. However, I'd say that the... Turtle one was worse. The one where you have to use the geysers to get him. In hindsight, a lot of the colossi were pretty annoying.
well you are a little man with a sword and bow, if it was a cake walk i'd be upset, was the challenge of them all that rocks. **** the salamander in the colloseum place, number 9 I think, hate him.
I liked playing a cat and mouse game with him though. Run and hide, yay! Got love Barba, the one with the beard. To kill a giant by making him look for you in an alcove, and then jump on his beard, and climb to his head to stab him... Pure fun.
Always called him the Yeti personally. LOVE the ground serpent you fight by riding agro and shooting him in the eye as he chases, that's amazing. **** SAKE I LOVE THIS GAAAAAAME.
I do like a challenge, however, I don't feel that Shadow of the Colossus is a challenging game in any way. Most of the hard parts come from cheap tricks, not from the game actually taking skill. Don't get me wrong, I love SotC, it's one of my favourite games in fact, but a lot of it could have used more polish.
15 was my favorite to fight. I hate the two small lion/tiger *****es. They were the most hated. I enjoyed the others alot. The one that was probably the most challenging for me was the eel in the water. Shocked the piss out of me he did.
Who was the one in the valley/canyon where those ruins that were built in the mountain I believe. Had the really high up archways where you could jump on his head. [video=youtube;llfOZkieQ2g][/video]
I honestly could choose a favourite. This game is so well rounded that I am forced to reconsider every time I remember a fight. I need to beat the last colossus very badly. I gave up after a couple of hours of climbing and then we lent the game out; I have not played it since. I have no idea how.