what's wrong with me

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by iammyself, May 28, 2007.

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  1. iammyself Destiny Islands Resident

    Apr 4, 2007
    depest dephts of hell
    Many people on this forum are deppresed. I have another problem, I can't get deppressed ( Maybe it's becouse I have friends in other classes, rather than mine ). Instead I get angry. Don't get me wrong I'm a calm guy, but everytime my ****ing Schoolmates make fun of me the rage inside of me grows. Everytime I play games or listen to music I experience relief in the form of rage. I don't know what to do, if I can't change this soon, I'm gowing to blow, and I don't want to know what will hapeen then. Can somebody please tell me a way to chanel all this rage in another felling
  2. Stardust Chaser

    Apr 17, 2007
    To be honest, ways to channel anger changes for every induvidual. Some do better screaming into pillows, and some need a little more. All I can really suggest is to waste all that energy that builds up from anger on something else, something you enjoy. That way, you get all of that rage pushed out of you, and at the same time forget about the whole deal, at least for a bit.
    And I know what it feels like to be picked on at school, too. It's happened to me my whole life. Just ignore them -- Don't let them get on your nerves, they like it when they know you've been provoked. Act like you don't care, find something you like doing that doesn't have to involve them, and they'll get bored with it and stop bugging you. Eventually, you really will stop caring about it, too.

    It won't be very long before those jerks won't have any friends, and they'll regret giving you so much crap. Wait and see.
  3. Read the 'sensible spirituality' guide and the 'ghosts spirits and realeasing them' guide.

    (Cant be bothered to get you the links =P)
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