Everywhere I go, I'm seeing people bitching about april fool's jokes (Not on this site, I should note) and massively praising anybody 'bold' enough not to do one. A common complaint I'm seeing is "it's always so obvious, and nobody ever falls for it!" which just strikes me as odd, personally, while as a kid there was a definite possibility of a trick actully working, I grew out of it before I hit my teens. I've just sort of enjoye the crazy stuff people do on april fool's. Reviewers taking on a different style, fake trailers, all that sort of stuff. I honestly don't get the hate it's gotten this year.
I am generally not into April Fools' Day just because I rarely find the jokes funny. But idrc if people do them or not. Says the person who turned the site pink, participated in a KH3 hoax, and flipped **** upside down.
Sounds like to me these people are complaining because the jokes used for april fools are overly repetitive and yet people fall for the same trick all over again. That and plus some people hate it because they get screwed over.
While April Fool's jokes are usually obvious I can find a good number of them funny *coughkhprojectheartcough* I can't believe people would actually complain about April Fool's jokes. The only time I think it's alright to do that is if the the joke was about something serious like cancer or a suicide. But if it's just a harmless joke then let people have their fun.
For Sadists, it's fun. >:] But yeah, people every year are gonna be sensitive no matter what. We're just gonna have to move on and say it's just human to be gullible... with the exception of possibly burning the person responsible for the KH3 hoax at the stake
To me it's just annoying. I don't really find the appeal in participating in the jokes, and I just don't see the fun in watching someone else fall for them. Though this is coming from a person who always falls for every April Fool's Day joke. I always forget that it's April Fool's Day, and I never see them coming.[DOUBLEPOST=1364874721][/DOUBLEPOST] Some people just don't enjoy joking around, so a "holiday" where you are required to take nearly everything as a joke, thereby being forced to participate, or else have people complain about you is like asking that person to not be themselves. I'm this way to an extent. I don't generally enjoy joking around irl, but if I am in the right mood I can deal.
Well, it's usually funny for the first joke you see, and then you remember for the rest of the day that it's April Fools Day. So, the surprise that the creators wanted simply turns into a very lame joke. And sometimes, they're just not that well thought out or not that good. On facebook, I have five different Harry Potter fansites telling me of Rowling's next installment in the Potter series, each one having a different synopsis. And then, I work for a news site, and I have started writing articles for it (besides my normal reviews and such), so I have to be extra careful on what I see and try to figure out if it's real or fake. I almost turned in the "Project <3" as an article since the thread appeared for me yesterday and I was too much on a chocolate high to notice that the next day was going to be. And now, in the queue of articles that were available to report on, I was too cautious to choose any of them, thinking that one of them may be a joke. And, there are sometimes jokes that go too far. Like, a new site thought it would be funny to say Grumpy Cat had died. First off, I don't care for Grumpy Cat one bit, but to me, death is not something that should be joked around about like it's nothing. I guess it's my own personal issues with death, but I take offense to it, even if it's to a person or thing that I don't really care for.
My country doesn't actually do April Fools jokes. But when my cousins do it, they're usually small, harmless pranks. *coughunlikethekhprojectcough* XD
Jeez people, can we get over that? It was posted on what would be April 1st in Japan, I know that other countries don't do it, but you have to consider that most staff are based in the US, including Misty. If something like that is posted again, I simply won't believe it until it's proven. Simple as that.
Sorry about that. My cousin just trolled me by posting that since I left the computer on while I'm taking a shower, he's the real victim of that prank. XD I actually didn't fall for it, since Versus XIII hasn't been released yet. Oficially, Square will start working on KHIII AFTER Versus XIII is released. Note to self: Remember to log out before leaving the computer
No actually. Nomura said they can't start KH3 until they reach a certain point in Versus' development. Besides that, Nomura has made many references to KH3's preproduction