People go on and on about how to cure the ill or sickly, finding a cure for every little 'problem' that comes across them. We've found most cures for most common problems, and saved over billions of lives. We have disease, virus, basically things that mess up our system that can even be fatal, from colds to cancer. But, the question is, why? Why do we have illness? Because it's part of Evolution? Because it's God's wrath? Why do we have disease that kill us? And why do we try and cure them?
Hmm... Interesting question. If you were to approach it from a scientific point of view, it might be to ensure that the world doesn't become over-populated. It's probably closely related to the idea of evolution too. As for why we try to cure illness, I suppose it's another manifestation of man's desire for control over the world. Not that curing illness is a bad thing.
The reason we get infected (in a secular view) is because we are not developed enough to fight off every infection to the point where we see no symptoms. We are far from that stage as a species, and the likelihood that any species will become that advanced is low. As for spiritual, the only thing I can think of is that since God created everything natural he created the disease-spreading organisms as part of his "perfect design" for nature. Another factor to keep everything in balance. People try to cure diseases for a number of reasons. Some do it out of sheer passion for their profession and the will to do something right. However many more are motivated by the money and fame that comes with the success.
Bacteria are organisms. Their lot in life is to enter host organisms and live. That's it. They aren't programmed (or sentient enough lol) to care. They go on living until we find them and stop them whatever way we can. Other diseases are unfavourable genetic mutations (because not all mutations are bad). They cause damage to genes which control the functions of the body. Think of us like computers. It would be like damaging the cooling fan or memory or something. Doesn't happen to everyone, and it depends on your genetic makeup. The reason we try to cure diseases is probably closely linked to the survival instinct. Except, this being spread to the entire race. If we see someone of our own species suffering we want to help them. This will in turn help to ensure the survival of our species. It could also be taken as being selfish. If we cure them, then they can't pass it on to us so we won't get sick. As for Evolution, the way it works is by mutations in the genetic code. If our genes and DNA didn't mutate then every single organism on the planet would be exact copies of each other. Mutation allows both improvements and fallacies to develop, the problem with humanity is we don't allow our fallacies to die out.
So techinally would everyone agree that it's a bad thing to leave a person to die over a disease? And do people see Disease as bad, and 'curing' the good thing?
Not necessarily, as I said we don't allow the fallacies to die anymore. We strive to keep people alive when by rights (in nature anyway) they would be dead. This means that natural selection no longer has any effect on humanity and we are stagnating as an evolution-affected race.
Simply, there are viruses that exist and Bactria's that invade it's host and don't cause the right effect. [In biblical terms, God created us in the image of himself...Therefore, we were supposed to have the perfect body and all functions (immune system and such) were supposed to be flawless. That meant also that we could completely heal ourselves (if you got cut or whatever it was heal right away). Still in biblical terms, after 'sin' came into the world, that all changed. Even back then in those times, after 'sin' came into the world, humans could live to be up to two-hundred years old...(You don't have to be religious to see that humans back then lived longer)] I'm not exactly religious but...Just thought I'd throw that in there for other peoples sake... Our own pollution and eating habits have run down our immune system and our bodies over all tolerance for certain sicknesses. <--Scientifically speaking. As to why we try and find cures...It's sort of plain to see that the majority of people don't want to die of those things. It's just to keep us alive, I assume. Also you may want to consider, some sicknesses and diseases are there to help us. Cancer, is the result of self inflicted damage. If you spend the majority of your life causing yourself DNA damage by doing things that you know could result in cancer (smoking, for example) then you can get that kind of stuff. Years of doing damage to your own body causes sickness as well. It's also genetic. If you family has a history of these things, your liable to get it too.
THen why do we try and stop Nature? I mean, we need nature the more we try to fight nature, the more we are really going to get our butts kicked as a species. Well, maybe not in the same way as those informal words I used, but yeah.
The reason we have disease is because we live in an imperfect world. That's the best way I can describe it.
I pretty much agree with everything here. Very well said. It is in human nature to be benevolent and care for others dying in a social group. It is also a form of self-protection so that we can defend against becoming ill. Disease isn't bad. It just 'is'. Curing disease is in our natures to do and beneficial to our species, but not just our own. We also take care of our pets and sometimes wild animals. Great efforts have been done to understand not only the impact of disease on humanity but also the rest of the animal kingdom. People simply care so disease becomes an adversary we try to overcome. Disease is as natural as we are at fighting it. It's not stopping nature. It actually goes well with nature if you think about it. If an animal is feeling sick, it will go and eat certain plants. It will sometimes lick its wounds. We want to survive as long as we can and live life to the fullest. Disease obviously gets in the way of that. So we develop what we can to go on. If you have the power to do something that makes things better, we evolved as we are, so it's not really fighting nature to do something about disease. Also, bacteria and viruses are there to eat, just as we are. It's an eat or be eaten world and we all are a part of the cycle. Doesn't mean we're not going to fight to get around it to survive which is also part of nature.
Disease exists because it exists, like everything else that exists. Bacteria existed long before we did =P Some would class the human race as a disease attacking the earth xD Why do we have disease? Well it isn't about us at the end of the day, they don't exist for the sole purpose of hurting and affecting humans. However, that said, I think that finding a cure for everything is not such a great idea. With technology as it is we can beat most things, people are living longer and longer and as a result of this quality of life decreases, the strain on the economy and the earth in general is rising as a result of a population that is going out of control. As heartless as it sounds, we need disease and illness to help maintain a balance with nature.
I think it's simply because they're organisms just like us. Things try to survive, regardless of what form they take. Viruses need a host, bacteria are hungry, I guess. There's plenty of reasons. Nothing is stopping nature because nature is everything. Everything, even our mindsets, our actions and our disruptions are nature. Everything is the same. We're simply doing what they're doing, trying to survive (the viruses and sickness/illness). It just so happens they're smaller and much better at it than we are. lawl
That's like saying "Why stop the wildfire in the forest?" or "Why help endangered species?" sometimes, despite how much people will disagree with this statement, nature isn't always ideal. We as humans are the only organisms that adapt or environments to be suitable for us, instead of vice-versa as all other organisms do. Since humans have become convinced that they can manipulate nature without consequence, we do it. As we've seen, good and bad things happen as a result. Technically, we're not stopping nature in the case of diseases. It's our animal nature to protect ourselves from these diseases.
But humans seem to act in a way above nature, defying it by creating artificial substances, messing with physics and radioactive materials, we use nature to better our own needs, like creating cures with weak or dead bacteria, stopping natural disasters, we aren't working with, we are fighting nature. Nature is just there because it is. But everything has a reason behind it, we have viruses, we have death in general because organisms could over populate the area in which it lives in. Humans are gradually increasing, and more natural disasters, super bugs, mental ilnesses, increase in physical disabilities and deformnations. Centuries ago we never had half as many problems as this, problems seem to increase the more we resist nature.
What makes you think these problems in assorted ways did not exist back then? There is a reason that people only lived to be in their 40s. Life was actually harder. We've made life easier around us so people could live longer but things like cancer, heart disease, liver disease, the black plague, various other flus, small pox, limes disease etc existed for a very long time. Now that people live longer and we certainly have a better communication system throughout the world to hear about all sorts of things, people act like it's all brand new. Viruses have adapted and changed, bacteria have, birds have been carriers of flus forever probably. As we come up with cures for some things we come to realize as our age duration goes up that people get other things because the body breaks down. Cancer is a potential thing in every person whether they like to think of it that way or not. It just needs a trigger. Nature fights against nature. It is a survival desire to live and go on and get your food, water, shelter and for humans, some extra luxuries. Not only have humans harmed things but also helped, which you seem to often forget. Natural disasters are always going to happen. This earth is not friendly, no matter how many people try to say it's Mother Nature and give it a personality. However, it is our home. So we do owe it to ourselves to keep it up and fix the mess with CO2 we've caused. Still, it's going to be the way it is and unless we gain control over seismic activity and weather control, keep counting on tons of natural disasters. We have always had problems. We probably always will. We are a part of nature, even a sentient force of nature. We aren't above it. We are species product of it and we will continue to be a part of it even if people are foolish and wipe themselves and the planet out. The dinosaurs were a part of it and we may go the way they did someday. Who knows? One thing I can say for sure though is that things pertaining to diseases etc certainly were NOT better in the past. Combating these diseases of the past is what has brought us to the present and longer lives, not dying of polio etc.
Look, trying to argue that vaccines and medicines are "immoral to nature" is pointless. They've prolonged human lives and have made life better for millions. There are some occasions where man shouldn't go against nature. This isn't one of those occasions.
hmmm yes.. but now the population of the earth is ridiculously high, becuase we have eliminated natural selection. I read somewhere that soon one day we will run out of drinking water ( and i mean soon in geographical years which is quite a while) hmm... what about diseases that arent from bacteria, arent virus etc but are just bodily malfunctions? which arent brought upon by the person who has disease? *cough* like me...
diease, i think it was designed to be a method of controlling population amounts so it wouldn't spiral out of control. but i read somewhere that ever since medicine was made, our population is spiraling out of control because no one is dying. also, there has been a theory that hasn't been proven but they think that some babies are born premature becasuse they have been found to be weaker than normal babies and premature birth is the method of sort of natural selection. i guess dieases could also be a natural selection method.
desise among all unpleasentys is a trial or test of our will and faith to be later in volved in a long process i explained on this thread if you have feedback pm me id love to here it weather its good or bad