Venom's short appearance in Spider-Man 3 or Cloud's short appearance in -Dirge of Cerberus- Final Fantasy VII?
I wanted to see more of Cloud and Tifa! I mean, we see them fighting, we get a phone call from them, and we see them in the end. That made me mad!! And where did Marlene and Denzel disappear off to? Marlene used to help Tifa in the bar, and so did Denzel. It's Vincent's story, sure, but they were his friends?
Well...I say Venom in S-M 3.I mean they showed Eddie too much.I say they could have brung Venom in earlier.For Cloud.I really don't know.But all I gotta say is short appearences piss me off.
agreed. id like to see more of them as well. that little tease was a little bashful dont you think? Square alwayz likes to have us guessing.
Meh, not seeing Cloud very much made me kind of sad... I mean, that's basically what Final Fantasy was based on Cloud's and Zack's story. It kind of confused me how they suddenly changed it to Vincent's story... but hey. They still should've showed Cloud more often though.
Venom's appearance. I don't know it just didn't look right to me. Plus he was only in the movie for like 20 minutes ;.;
Venom's. You do not introduce a baddass villain like that for only 20 minutes. I could care less about Cloud in Dirge of Cerberus. He's pretty much just put there to please all the fangirls -_-
Uhh, Cloud, duh. I was looking forward to playing as Cloud the whole game, before I knew that Vincent was going to be the main character haha.