What's actually wrong with Prostitution?

Discussion in 'Debate Corner' started by Cin, Aug 17, 2008.

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  1. Cin Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp

    Sep 26, 2006
    Title says it all, what's actually WRONG with prostitution? It's your body, you should have the right to do what you want with it. And what's the difference between drunken silly sex with a stranger, which is completely legal. What about money being involved makes it wrong? It almost seems to me that if you use your body to make money, in ANY way, you are considered a whore, no? You're selling your body and your energy and time so that you can receive money in return.

    If someone can actually tell me why Prostitution is illegal, feel free to do so.
  2. Xegreny Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 2, 2007
    The possible spread of STDs?

    Or maybe drugs that might be used?

    I dunno. -_-

    Probably because it doesn't agree with everybody's morals and such.
  3. GhettoXemnas literally dead inside

    Jun 9, 2007
    Screw morals. If you don't agree with it then just steer clear. I honestly see nothing wrong with prostitution. They know the risk of STDS. The only time it should be illegal is when it involves drugs. But seriously, they're doing it to get thier damn paper so they can have the luxuries they desire. Is it really so wrong that thier method of getting money requires sexual activities and all that ****? I know people who do much worse things for money and don't get such a bad rep like prostitutes. This is where the line "You just do you, I'ma do me" needs to be taken seriously.
  4. Repliku Chaser

    Actually, even though I wouldn't really do prostitution, I don't really see anything -wrong- with it. I don't see it as an evil act as long as the prostitution going on is well, between two consenting adults. If someone wants to pay for sex and someone is willing to give out sex for money, I don't see the issue as being any worse than having a one night stand with someone you meet at a club.

    Of course, the problems come when someone is actually married or with someone else and that person is well, being a ******. However, if the partner finds out, he/she can leave the other person and find someone not into that sort of thing. There are people who don't like prostitution as much as they don't like the idea of going to a club and picking up someone for a one night stand. In the end, know your partner because some people aren't very loyal.

    I think prostitution should be legalized. I believe it would fix up a lot of issues with abuse, gang violence, and well, the pimp crap going on. Also, prostitutes could get actual health coverage and stuff they are denied and if criminal activities were going on, they could actually be considered real citizens and report them instead of worrying that their own occupations will land them in jail too. They also won't get blackmailed by cops to report things or their cover as prostitutes will get blown. It is legal in some other countries and they get better taken care of so diseases etc aren't spread. Countries that have legalized prostitution can be pretty stringent in insuring that the prostitutes are clean and some business establishments are actually pretty 'classy' as far as you can be when sex in on the venue. Sex sells and everyone knows it. Some men and women expect things in relationships all the time to pay attention to the other partner. I don't really see it as a bad thing for someone who has no one he/she is with at the time going and paying some money for a non-committed sexual encounter. I know that religions are against it but eh, I feel adults have some privileges that are their own to make between themselves. As long as people are honest about it or not with someone, who cares? I'm not sure who it even affects in this case.
  5. Jiku Neon Kingdom Keeper

    Jul 24, 2007
    Moe, Victoria
    Prostitution is a choice of occupation for some; in such cases I see nothing wrong with legalizing it and regulating it like the way people suggest currently illegal drugs should. I do see negatives in this, well look at China, they've got an AIDs rate that's abnormally high because of government sanctioned prostitution. Like with many things, it's not all bad though, if people place rules and regulations on it then it'll be nothing more than a business of some sort.After all the overall negative of legalizing and regulating prostitution are outweighed by prospective benefits, it could stop quite a bit of crime as Repliku pointed out.

    On the family and relationship values front I can only say that it's a choice, good or bad, people make it anyways why not make it a bit less nasty? Clean up the system and make it so people can do business without brutalizing and shooting each other and it seems like a step in a better direction. So, I really see nothing wrong with the idea in itself of paying for sex because it really ends up doing no real harm to anything in and of itself. At least that's how I've seen it for some time now.
  6. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    i always wondered this as well. i see no harm in it EXCEPT the spread of STDs but i'm sure that people are well aware of the risks when they do this. i really don't know much about the moral standing, if the "customer" wasn't married or in a relationship i don't see who is getting hurt.
  7. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    Well over here it is legal. The people around the brothel don't paticularly like the crowd it attracts, but that can be said for many businesses.

    One problem is under 18s doing it, but I am sure that happens in other countries too.

    Another is criminal activity, but this happens anyway, regardless of legality.

    So far, nothing wrong with legalizing it.
  8. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    I know it's leagal in many countries, atleast more than the ones that are illegal. Do you know the laws on prostitution or do you just know it's legal in your country?
    I don't know if it is legal here in England, but I have never heard the topic come up in any debates so I guess it must be legal.

    This question is like a mimic to the 'Should drugs be legal?' question on many people's lips. It effects an enormous amount of people and business, it has its goods and bad, ups and downs, but really it would only depnd on how the government would clean up the way prostituts are treated and the check up on STD's and so on. If certain criteria isn't met to keeping workers happy than it shouldn't be legal.
    Though just think about the other type of people who sell their body, models, actors, it has no real differennce from prostitution.
  9. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    I agree with you completely, Cin. There really isn't anything wrong with it at all, since the person chooses to sell their body for sex.

    And because I accidentally hit back on this page while typing this, I will wait until later to post my entire opinion, which got deleted. <_<
  10. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    Lol awwwwk =] I hate it when I loose my posts >_> I completely give up typing my opinion xD

    Anyway, there is not technically anything wrong with prostitution. It is an individuals choice both to pay for sex and to sell their body (and time, technically) for money. If you think about it, the time, energy and the persons body are all resources that they own. Why shouldn't they be allowed to use them in a way which hurts no-one else and makes them money in the process?

    The only problem I can see is moral crusaders who will say that the Bible (/*insert religious text here*) says that it is wrong and therefore should be illegal. Secular society FTW
  11. Cin Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp

    Sep 26, 2006
    Yeah, well, the Bible also says the world is Flat.
  12. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    There is actually a rather large group (relative to the sheer ludicrously of the thought of the earth being flat) who still believe that the earth is a disk (but not necessarily flat, apparently it may actually be curved =o). They say that all of the evidence that says that the earth is in fact a globe (such as satellite photos etc) are all artificial and created by "The Man" to fool us and turn huge profits. Imbeciles the lot of them >_>

    But yeah, I was not saying the Bible is right, just saying that the only reason it was made illegal to begin with stems directly from religious teachings.
  13. Hissora ahurhurhur.

    Sep 30, 2006
    behind you :U
    You're completely right, Cin.

    Not saying it's something I want to do, but there IS nothing wrong with it. It's a completely risky career, being as one of their clients takes more advantage of the person more than they should've or if the one who prostitutes and gets STDs or anything, it's totally their fault. XD
  14. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    blame the gov. They don't like prostitution becuz they never get a cut of the money. it is f'ed up.....

    but ya, there is no real problem with prostitution
  15. on mirrors edge Traverse Town Homebody

    Jul 18, 2008
    i dont doubt that this is most likely the reason.....how exactly would you put a tax on sex???? then it comes down to, what you would consider prostetution and what isnt.....meeting someone at a club and the next morning they steal your wallet, could that be prostetution? sure....is it agreed upon to be prostetution? no....so im sure if you could find a way to tax sex and have others, suh as maried couples do it for free to each other and not be taxed, im sure it would be legalized....
  16. daxma Hei Long: Unrivalled under the Heavens

    May 14, 2007
    Ireland somewhere
    You've got a point.It isn't as if anyones being raped or something.What we want to do with our bodies is our business.If someone is being Forced into prosititution thats a different story but other then that we can do what we want with our bodies unless it could possibly affect someone in a negitive fashion without their consent.You've come up with a good topic here Cin.
  17. jafar custom title

    Dec 28, 2007
    I was going to make this into a thread, but I decided to check to see if there was already one. xD Lucky I did.

    Here's what I think: Prostitution should be legal. It is one of the (if not the) oldest professions on the planet. The only reason it's illegal in the US is because of moral issues (religion has a great deal to do with it). And because it's illegal, both parties (the prostitutes and the customers) are at risk from STDs and other diseases. It can actually be a safe job if it had the right healthcare and disease testing (testing for both prostitutes and customers). It should be like any other job. Why make something that pays illegal? Also, if somebody doesn't feel okay with having sex with a complete stranger then just don't do it, don't make it illegal.

    Also, prostitution is only legall in Vegas. Kind of makes you think what kind of society have here, where prostitution is legal in one of the worst places to do it.
  18. daxma Hei Long: Unrivalled under the Heavens

    May 14, 2007
    Ireland somewhere
    If it was all about STD's then sex would be illegal.Morality is only ancient law.Morality has it's place in life and thats a granted but Prostitution is your choice.If it's not your choice there is something wrong but other than that morality shouldn't come into this.
  19. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    Exsactly. In other words, unless we are married or over 21, our government is trying to control what our *****'s can and cannot go into ^_^

    lol. I honostly want to see if someone actually says that it is on this thread......

    And also, I just had a funny thought that could fuel a few things, but is it possibly they won't allow it because it would go against the Christian religion? (I seriously do doubt that, but I wanna see if anyone is actually willing to take this theory up a notch)
  20. ArchVice Gummi Ship Junkie

    Aug 18, 2008
    I think prostitution is not a matter of moral dilemma but personal choice. In Nevada there are places called "Bunny Houses" that cater to prostitution. If a woman decides that it is what she would like to do then who are we to inhibit her constitutional right to the pursuit of happiness. The same goes to a man. It is their penis or vagina and they should use it however they see fit.
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