What would you like to see in a Pokemon Role-Play? [Development Thread]

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Boy Wonder, Feb 28, 2012.

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  1. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    So as some of you may or may not know, I used to have a Pokemon Role-Play. Recently, a couple of people and I have talked about reviving it with both minor and major changes to make it more appealing and successful as a Pokemon RP.
    The main thread can be found here http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?112469-Pok%E9mon-Born-to-be-a-Winn%E9r
    And the OOC thread here http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.p...-be-a-Winner-Discussion&p=3457045#post3457045
    if you want more information.

    Anyway, basic story was that in a new region (Scria) there's two types of government: The Pokemon League (led by the Champion and composed of the Elite 4, Gym Leaders, and G-Men) and Team Cross (the church because Scrians for the most part worship Pokemon). Team Cross made something called the Aura Armor that allows the wearer to use Pokemon moves in order to use Pokemon as tools less. Team Cross are actually good guys, but a group of traitors inside defected and stole the armor, calling themselves the Heretics.
    Scria has a different type of Pokemon League challenge than other regions where it has a more tournament feel in order to choose the new Pokemon League every 5 years. The Rp starts during the tournament. Legendary Pokemon play a huge role in the RP. For the most part, the RP would have followed the latter games of the main series (collect the badges, defeat the bad guys, save the legendaries, travel to a different dimension/universe/plane in order to get the best legendary, etc.).
    But what I would like to know is what you as RPers interested in a Pokemon RP would like to see in a Pokemon RP.

    This can be anything from story to Pokemon to mechanics to...whatever. Anything at all. Even if it's obvious, let me know.
    Different Pokemon League system? Things from the anime? Things from other games (Coliseum, Mystery Dungeon, Rangers, etc.)? A canon region? New region design?
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