What would you have done different?

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Fallout, Jun 9, 2008.

  1. Fallout Gummi Ship Junkie

    May 17, 2008
    Democrats (and some Republicans) are raving at the 'War on Terror'.

    However, I want to ask, for those who are against this War, what would you have done different?
  2. Repliku Chaser

    Well, I'd have stuck to Afghanistan and not bothered with Iraq until Hussein did something. With troops fortified in Afghanistan, I believe that Osama Bin Laden probably would have been found and not able to slip into Pakistan or wherever he is hiding now. Also, it would have been a lot harder for the Taliban to make a resurgence and we'd have had things under control. The right to go into Afghanistan wasn't debated because everyone knew it had to be done. It's the Iraq war situation where things come under fire and I just think had we been more concise, stuck to the original deal and gone after the original perpetrators, we'd have been all the wiser.

    I will say straight out that Hussein was a rotten person that did gas his own people and do other atrocities to the Iraqis and Kurds and that sooner or later the man probably would have had to go. However, I believe that we should have waited and had UN support and that sooner or later, because Hussein is the way he is, he would have flubbed up and done something that would merit people to go in and stop him. He already had been building up and doing things against the DMZs and testing border control so it was just a matter of time. If we had acquired UN support, the people who were confused in Iraq also might have not been so upset and things would have been easier for troops to cope with. Desert Storm in 90-91 had people begging in Iraq for help and I wish that then something would have been done, but if we had to deal with Saddam later, when we went was just not the time to me.