Somebody on here told me before that Dragon Age II was bad. "Bad" is an understatement. The plot line suck major Courtney Cox and the way you choose how to respond in a conversation is terrible. Don't even get me started on the decision importing. IT DOESN'T CHANGE A ****ING THING. Whoever told me this game was bad, I am deeply sorry for not taking your advice.
I never got the chance to play it before my brother beat and sold it. Apparently that was for the better? But I love Hawke's character design. He/She looks so cool :D
GOOD. He did a good thing. Thank your brother. Hawke's character design is cool. And so are some of his responses. But that's it. I don't like how you can't customize your character more like in the first one. @Janime6: The only thing I really like in DAII is the gameplay/combat. I agree with you that the combat in DAO was bad, because I hate waiting for "my turn to attack".
Yeah, he's a cool dude/chick, but it sucks that they force you to be human. Its like they just wanted to make a fantasy version of Mass Effect. Thing is, Mass Effect =/= Dragon Age.
Duuuuuuuuuuude I want that game D: I played the demo, and then my friend who works at Gamestop borrowed it and let me play a little. Got me hooked :< And, just wondering: Katherine or Catherine? Katherine for me. Love brunettes, especially with glasses.
I haven't even opened the case maaaaaaaan And I want to work at GameStop (δ_δ) Same here. Katherine has that sleek but hot aura to her, and she's really cute. But Catherine is a total ****ing BOMBSHELL and has a rack bigger than.... anything, really.
I think she said she's going to get a Manager position soon too, but she can tell you its not perfect (well, no job is, but...this one you have to deal with COD-heads a lot) Odd how you're the only person to agree with me. All of my friends who know of the game like Catherine more. Meh to them >:C
Ask her how to get a job a GameStop, and then we'll talk. XD Really? All I can tell you is that they're not looking at Cathy's cute face.
Well, some of my friends tried getting a job at the one in the mall, and they said what really helps is being Admittedly, I might be somewhat pervish, but they take it to a ho. nu uh. leva.
Overall, I liked DAII. I hated how they took away the ability to talk to your companions and the decisions you could make, but I preferred the battle system and I enjoyed the story/characters (not as much as Origins). Hawke, Isabela and Varric really made it for me. Especially Isabela, hurr hurr. <3
I like the combat for both Origins and DA2. I like Origin's more simply because it encourages a more strategic approach, but I liked the characters in DA2 more, especially Fenris and Varric. ♥ My one big gripe with DA2 was being forced into the role of Hawke. The fact they've announced there will be a voiced protagonist in the next Dragon Age game pretty much confirms we won't be allowed to choose our own race, and we'll be forced into being a human again. This alone really lowers my interest in the next installment. :T