so it's been like 70+ degrees outside for the past two months and im like/????? wtf it's fricken Christmas and it's like 80 degrees outside im wearinG SHORTS AND A TANK TOP ON NEW YEARS EVE WHAT THE HELL TEXAS FRICKEN WHAT ARE YOU DOING and suddenly it's like 40 degrees out so now i have to wear a hoodie around the house and wrap myself in blankets and im just over here dying because what the hell if u live in texas lets bond over the ****** weather i will cry w/ u no homo
im a wimpy texan, i always complain about the weather its either hot, hella hot, or like sorta cold but bc im not used to it, it feels like im going to get frostbite and DIE
The sun is a rarity here. It's either "pissing rain", really rainy, kinda rainy, drizzling or cloudy. This is why there's so many Irish people in places like Australia.
sounds like i'd be sad all year round in ireland then come 2 texas we only have rain when it's cold and it's hardly cold its nice and dry a majority of the time \m/
It had been in the 70's here all December and then on Christmas eve it was around 34 and hasn't been above 45 since.
Get out of my state. You are a disgrace to Texas. Also, it snowed for two days in my (superior) part of Texas.
I love the rain, gives me an reason to stay inside. The heat just really bothers me because when I experience heat it is France and then I feel like I'm gonna fall into a heap every time I walk outside.