Anyone else read this poem/book? :3 It's a book in poem form. I rather loved it and i never thought the popular girl would get with the nerdy o: <3
I haven't read this one, but like four years ago I read the first book What My Mother Doesn't Know and Stop Pretending(Another novel-in-verse style book written by Sonya Sones). I doubt they're very different... just a new perspective on the same plot. I found the book rather amusing, but somewhat too simple to read. And I found it rather odd and creepy that she was obsessing over the nerd boy. I mean, it was a cute story... yet somewhat creepy. XD Just the way she would like rant about him.
I've seen that book in my public library, I was wanting to read it but I never got the chance!! I hear it's so good, and now I wanna read it! xD