What is your most weirdest or scariest dreams that you can remember?

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by StardustXtreme, Jul 6, 2011.

  1. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    I have two that is weird,

    1. Dreamt I was Ichigo Kurosaki and had to save someone from a hot air balloon whiel in Bankai but then Isshin kuroskai leapt out from the basket and liertally kicked me and i thought "The hell? I'm in Bankai!"

    2. ...Cardcaptor Sakura and Gundams. Enough said.
  2. Fearless A good and beautiful child

    Dec 17, 2006
    lmao idk
    Almost all my dreams are yaoi.
    Tell me if you want more information.
  3. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    Let me think.

    Oh, I was at my grandparents' for the Fourth of July, I dreamt I had the power of the Avatar (controlling all the elements), and I believe I was in L.A., running away from and using my powers to defeat some weird robot.
  4. Scarred Nobody Where is the justice?

    May 14, 2007
    I had one where my dad tried to kill me... fml...
  5. Britishism Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 4, 2011
    Radio Free Wasteland
    Only one.
    I was kidnapped, beaten, set on fire, and promptly drowned by Mermaids named after fruits.
  6. Korra my other car is a polar bear dog

    Nov 19, 2006
    Republic City
    I have this recurring dream where I'm on a site or something about Kingdom Hearts.
    Happens every night, weird as hell.
  7. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Well, I dreamt my grandfather was literally angry at me and what makes that terrifying is he is never angry in real life.

    What else...?


    Dreamt I went into this cave but ti got smaller and smaller so I was forced to actually worm my way through, poked my head out of the end and then ahug eeye opened up at me, and the surroudnign room was fleshy, immediately woke up.
  8. Fearless A good and beautiful child

    Dec 17, 2006
    lmao idk
    Actually, I still remember this one dream from when I was like five where I was Robin and I got to swing around the city with the Goddamn Batman and it was badass.
  9. Roxas&Sora4E Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 5, 2011
    Does it matter. Stalker.
    I was kidnaped by a person dressed in black, then someone with a keyblade whose sidekicks were a duck and dog thing came and resuced me, then we lived on and island with a bunch of drawings in a cave and then we got swollowed by darkness! :/8D:

    Just kidding!

    Strangest dream I had was when I was getting chaseed by a shodow creature....DX It terryfied my half to death! DX
  10. Zter Banned

    Jan 19, 2011
    You know what to do.
  11. Ars Nova Just a ghost.

    Nov 28, 2009
    Hell 71
    I think I've mentioned this before, but I dreamed something from Inception in... what, early '09? When I saw it in the movie I had a mini-freakout. Well, it was hardly the very same thing, but it was similar enough to give me pause.
  12. Makaze Some kind of mercenary

    Jan 22, 2011
    The Matinée
    I will not share the weirdest, it would get me infracted, if not banned. However...

    This one was the weirdest because I felt... Inferior to someone; I felt a need to please someone. I was not the focus.

    This one is for the night of 02/01/2011.

    This is the first dream that I can remember that had someone other than myself as the centre of attention.

    The first thing that I remember is that I was having some kind of party at my house, and people were arriving. While there were others there, to the point that it was crowded, the one that stood out was Jacob Sage. He was wearing shorts and a large red T shirt here. It was somewhat bright and warm at this time, so I would guess that it was early on a summer evening when he got out of his van and came up to the door. It should also be noted that I was my real self here, as opposed to the usual dream representation. I walked up to the door and opened it for Jake, greeting him as he came in, and looking back to the door for a second. getting out of an SUV where Jacob's car had been was one Kyle Perryman. I turned to Jacob and got his attention, saying, "Well, look who it is! Kyle is back." Jacob turned around and dropped his bag, as he has been carrying a red one up until this point, and stared at him in awe for a moment, looking for a reaction on his face. He smiled and said, "Hey, guys." Jake greeted him with, "Hey! Long time no see," and I with, "Ah, man. It has been such a long time. Where have you been?" And he responded, "Yeah, it has. I have been really busy lately, sorry." I am not so sure about the last part, but that was the gist of it.

    I felt rather awkward here, and was not sure how to react to his presence. He had short hair here, and I could hear the voices perfectly well in this one. So, I realized that this was too good to be true and questioned whether or not I was dreaming. I recall being on my bed then, so I was half awake, and I was saying to myself, "This had better not be a dream." Wanting it to be real, I went back under, and found myself in the middle of the house with Jacob. He was walking towards the glass door, and through it I could see Kyle standing facing away from me on the porch, looking as at home in his skin as ever. Not sure who it was, and feeling very tired, as I had been before bed, I saw him start talking with Jacob and quickly went outside to join them. They immediately stopped talking because of this, and Kyle jokingly said, "You just had to join in on our conversation, didn't you?" Embarrassed, and not wanting to look as nervous as I was, I tried to explain; "Yeah, I was not sure who that was from behind. Sorry; I am really tired (I did not not get any sleep last night), so my memory is failing me. I forgot that you were here." He said that it was fine, and we moved on, with him giving comments while we looked out at the beautiful landscape. It was getting darker now, and you could not see any sunlight over over the horizon any more.

    I found myself wanting to catch up, and I thought of the foremost and most important difference that might change things between us; that being my beliefs. We started talking about something, and I somehow worked in that I was now an agnostic. I said, "Well, yeah, I am an agnostic now." This felt very strange, and I did not want to be so direct about it, so I worried about what he might think. He replied with, "Well, that's cool. It just stopped being enough for me after a while," or something like that. Wanting to explain myself so that I would look like I had a point for saying this, I said, "Same. I just couldn't deal with the contradiction in God's existence after finding it," or some variation of that. I imagine that this was kind of how I envisioned our meeting again in reality, because when he renounced the faith all those years ago, I saw it as the reason for his moving away from me. Ah, how clingy I am, even now. Ahaha...

    Well, anyway, he seemed interested in this last point and asked, "And what contradiction is that?" Jacob did not seem overly comfortable with the topic, being the Christian that he was, and so he kind of faded out of my vision, though he was still there in a conceptual sense. I continued, "Yeah, you know. The contradiction with God's... something... Ah..." I was dead on my feet, and could not make out the words that I was trying to think of. It was like thinking through syrup. He could tell that I was dead on my feet, and said, "Just get some sleep, man. You obviously need it." I replied, "Yeah, I know, but... It has been so long since we hung out together, and I would hate to miss it because I was sleeping. Oh, yeah. The contradiction is with the existence of an all-loving and all-powerful God in a world with suffering." My speech was very slow and uneven on the second part, but it came out well enough for what I had intended. I remember Kyle smiling at this point, but that is all before the dream fades out into another part.

    Now we were all out a bit from the porch, with several people from the party scattered throughout the yard and two or three on the trampoline to the right of the porch at the edge of yard. We were facing this way, along with several other people throughout the area. It was a bit darker out now, but still a bit lighter than just moonlight, and we could see the clouds off in the distance over the trampoline and the trees behind it. Kyle and I were standing next to each other near the walkway in front of the porch, and my mother was closer to the clouds ahead of us. She pointed to them, and we saw some lightening of some kind coming out of them, though it was not the traditional white or blue that you might see in reality. It was more of a greenish colour here. After a few more bolts, Kyle pulled out a toy gun that looked like it might fire death or stun rays of some kind and pointed it at the clouds. He aimed a bit above one of them and let off a shot, which fired a small missile of some kind that left a slowly spiralling trail of smoke in its path on its way to the cloud on the right of the group of three to five that had been giving off bolts. It reached it in seconds and exploded at the centre of it., lighting it up with a green light and turning into a firework before fading away, and bringing the cloud along with it. The cloud was not as solid now, and you could see that it was ready to dissipate at any moment, so the attack had been effective, whatever it was. He fired off two more shots like this before the fourth sputtered out and would not fly even half of the distance there before falling to the ground. He fired two more before giving up on it. "Damn it. It won't work any more." Defeated, he put the gun down and we watched the one three that he had fired on the ground explode before the dream faded out completely. That is all.

    I got an email back from him the day after having this. The first contact in four years. A strange coincidence, I think...​

    Scary... Let's see...

    Well, this one isn't scary, but it was pretty intense.

    I has this one on the night of 3/22/2010. The setting was rather odd when compared to my other dreams.

    The dream started out in a cathedral of some kind. I was with two people. One of them was my adopted father, and the other his true son. We came up to the head of the cathedral and found the bishop in his quarters raping a young woman. My Father was carrying a longsword, which he unsheathed at this time. The Father (my adoptive one) promptly killed him and raped her himself, sheathing his sword. I wanted his head, but could do nothing at this time, lacking both weapons and an acceptable amount of skill to carry out such an act. He got off of her and got up to leave, but I stayed. I untied her and carried her back out with me. My brother did not object. Upon seeing this, Father challenged me. I responded with “I want her for myself, if it is not too much trouble.” He turned away, showing his obvious consent or indifference. My hatred of him only deepened.

    At least a year has passed by, and she is healthy again. I am seeing through her eyes now, though I am still aware of my own existence outside of her. She (I) was up and walking around before dawn, and Father caught her. He asked what she was doing, and her reply is not very clear in my mind. However, he dismissed her after hearing it, and walked off down the hall. She deliberated about whether or not to go back to my room, as she was wrapped in nothing but my bed covers. She knew she should go to her own, but was unsure of which she wanted to return to. After a minute of this, she walked into my room, and after looking around to see if Father was watching, she climbed back into bed with me. I was asleep at this time, but was pleased by her presence. Father was watching, however, and upon seeing this he left.

    At an indeterminate point in time after this (it could have been a day or years), my brother and I were hanging out in Father's room. I was looking through his eyes in same way as I had through hers. He (I) was exceptionally skilled with a sword (among other things) by this time and was playing with a bit of Father's cheese wire. After showing his prowess with it, he managed to get himself caught in it. A servant who happened to be watching thought that this was rather funny. He warned us that there would be trouble for this later if Father found out, which he did. Father came into the room and told me (my body) to leave, and I did so. I continued to watch through a slit in the door, though.

    Watching as myself now, I was not sure what he was going to do. He told my brother to sit on the bed, and he did so. At this point Father put a blind fold on and unsheathed two of his daggers, which he had been carrying the whole time. He began laughing hysterically and said “I can't see you! I can't see you!” as he stabbed sporadically into the large bed. My brother managed to evade him for a while, but eventually one the daggers caught his right leg. He had a dagger of his own, and stabbed at Father in retaliation. At some point throughout all this my brother said “What the heck!?” After seeing him get cut, I opened the door, to which Father took off his blindfold and came after me in the hallway. I did my best to deflect his blows, but trying to stop daggers with your hands is rather difficult. He said something along the lines of “Why do you not parry?” to which I replied “You did not give me a weapon.” He continued to stab and I continued to brawl, but neither of us was getting anywhere. I was just about to either knee him in the groin or kick in his throat when my mother woke me up.​
  13. Terra254 Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 25, 2010
    The dust bowl of the mid to late thirties
    I had a dream something was chocking me by holding me up against a wall And I woke woke up against the wall breathing heavily,True Story,This was when i was Six
  14. Fearless A good and beautiful child

    Dec 17, 2006
    lmao idk
    No I don't. Tell me.
  15. KeybladeSpirit [ENvTuber] [pngTuber]

    Aug 1, 2007
    Girl ️‍⚧️
    I once had a dream that was almost a
    Lucid dream, except when I realized
    That it was a dream, I passed out (in dream)
    And then woke up in my stupid real life.
  16. T3F Chaser

    Mar 16, 2008
    A couple of nights ago I dreamt I was watching a hacked kh2 video of Roxas in TWTNW. Anyways, he's just like, standing on a crate behind that building, as you do, then some random thing comes past, kinda like a cleaning machine or something (During this time I was in the video and I became Roxas) Anyway, this machine had the head of a gas mask, his neck was like a slinky, and he rolled about like a tank. When he had turned the corner where Roxas was, his eyes flashed red, he turned around in slow motion and rammed into him. Scared the **** out of me, it was one of those 'you had to be there' sort of things.
  17. orlando. Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 1, 2011
    Where the wild things are
    When I was a small child I remember dreaming about being trapped in a dark dreary dungeon. In this dungeon there was an ogre dog thing that kept chasing me, and no matter how far I ran, I couldn't get away from him. He started to devour my limbs one by one, and then finally he ate my face off. Then I always woke up after that part, for it was a recurring nightmare I had at least 4 times.
  18. Luna Lovegood nani panda-kun

    Jun 13, 2007
    Shirokuma Cafe
    Worst dream? Whenever I was sick when I was little, I had a dream where I would accidentally bite off my sister's finger and weird things ensued. Always scared the piss out of little me. ._.

    Most of my dreams are weird, so it's hard to say which was the weirdest.

    Oooh wait, one of my favourite weird dreams: Anyone seen the movie Red Eye? I had a dream the night after I watched it, wherein I was going around the house in the climactic scene helping Jack kill Lisa. It was actually quite fun because... he's hot. Luckily no blood and guts or anything, it was more of us trying to corner her.
    ....That seems really bad. :< But... I enjoyed it.
  19. jackdaniel0 Twilight Town Denizen

    Jun 9, 2011
    Deep within my brain
    There was one where I was a spy and I had to stop king DEDEDE from....I think it was taking over an apple shop or something. And another is when...hm...Oh yeah, that chain of...like...6 pokemon dreams each night in a row LOL I have lots more weird and creepy dreams but I can't remember a-- Actually, one more...I was in the Powerpuff Girls Z anime series...what the flying biscuit stand... ._.,,,
  20. Zter Banned

    Jan 19, 2011
    If you didn't understand my Post, then I won't waste My time explaining it.