What is this song?

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Rexyggor_thenewmember, Oct 22, 2010.

  1. Rexyggor_thenewmember Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 6, 2007
    Ok well, I can't officially say that as a title. I know the song name. I don't know the artist, and I don't know the release. I just know that the song came out, my school's a cappella choir did an arrangement of it, and I really can't find a version of that song anywhere. I came really close once, but then my internet died before I could download the song and wasn't able to find it since.

    The song is called "What's It All About" and no, it's not a rap song. I know most of the lyrics... If that would help

    First Verse:
    If life's a parade
    Someday I'll have to join the others
    But I'm still afraid that I won't belong
    because there are too many choices, too many voices, too many noises in my head
    and I've always said, "I'm gonna do what the hell I want." [well]

    All I want to do is Hide and seek and play
    Find and seek a way
    to be happy and still live life for today, moments of _____ (a fancy word I can't spell. Sounds like zwah-nney)
    What's it all about, what's it all about yeah

    Second Verse:
    Some people tell me
    That it's time to grow up and drink the coffee
    Today I'm lucky, but tomorrow I may not be
    and sometimes maybe, I think maybe, What if maybe they're all right?
    and why am I not thinking otherwise. [still]
  2. focs Moogle Assistant

    Feb 3, 2011