What is the point of life?

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by burnitup, Nov 26, 2007.

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  1. burnitup Still the Best 1973

    Mar 4, 2007
    Awesome Town
    Let's fine a point. The world is like a ride at an amusment park and when you choice to go on it you think it's real because thats how powerful our minds are, and the ride goes up and down, around and around, it has thrills and chills, and it is very brightly colored and it's very loud and it's fun for awhile. Some people have been on the ride for a long time and begin to question...is this real or is this just a ride? And some people remembered and come up to us and said, "Hey don't worry, don't be afraid it's just a ride." And we kill those people.

    "Shut him up! We have alot invested in this ride. Shut him up! Look at my bank account and my family...this has to be real..."

    It's just a ride. But we always kill those good guys who try and tell us that, have you notice that? And let the demons just run a muck in this planet of ours? But it doesn't matter because......it's just a ride. And we can change it any time we want it's only a chocie(sp), no work, no job, no savings of money, a chocie(sp) right now. It's between fear.....and love. The eyes of fear, wants you to put bigger locks on your doors, buy bigger weapons, and close yourself off. The eyes of love instead sees all of us as one, not races, not relogion(sp), no nations, but as human beings.

    Heres what we can do to change the world right now to a better ride. Take all that money we speand on weapons and deffence each year and instead speand it on feeding, clothing and educating(sp) the poor of the world which it would many times over and not one human being excluded and we can explore space together, both iner and outer....forever in peace.
  2. Nailpolish <3 Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 14, 2007
    where the hell do you think?
    The people who die are the people who aren't afraid of the ride. They don't care whos on it or why they are on it, they just know they have to ride it.

    The persons who die in politics are always the person who stands up for what they believe in.

    Its simple. Take the ride and don't be afraid.
  3. White_Rook Looser than a wizard's sleeve.

    Mar 6, 2007
    A chess board
    It really should be that easy. But we like to make things complicated out of our own self-interests, the petty differences between people who are more a like than anything else on this planet, and a number of other things. In an ideal world, a utopia if you will, this would work and everyone would be happy. Unfortunately we have to wait until we break a few more boundaries within our species.
  4. Nymph of Destiny Chaser

    Jul 23, 2007
    Just listen to your heart for me...
    I have to agree with what White_Rook said...and although it would be wonderful if we could just give the money to the poor, have no one go homeless...why not eradicate the money system as well? We can just share everything, homes, food, be like friendly neighbors...but things aren't that simple. Every human being has an evil inside of them, some succumbing to it more than others. This evil can be greed...greed for power, money, control...so the government, the common people...anyone with that bit, would never allow that sort of utopia on Earth.
  5. Nanaki Broken in six places

    Dec 18, 2006
    At a computer desk.
    Yes...we could have an easy going, peaceful, quiet ride...where it goes at that nice relaxing pace...forever. But we don't. Why? Because too many people want an exciting, crazed ride. And because of that....none of us have an easy ride. They invest in weapons and locks, to experience thrills, and make them feel invincible on the ride...untill it breaks down. Many rides keep breaking down and shaking violently...just because of those who seek a thrill. They never relise, if they just drop their weapons, and invest in good, their ride, as well as everyones', can be a relaxing ride. They just want that thrill...and choose it over peace. So...we don't have that peaceful ride that we wish for. That is something that is obtainable mearly in our dreams, in this life...
  6. burnitup Still the Best 1973

    Mar 4, 2007
    Awesome Town
    Thats what i'm saying. I'm gald some one agrees with me.

    It could be that easy but we have people who make it hard. People in advertizing and Marketing, Democrates, The Goverment, Rich People, and People who take things too seriously. it makes life hard and theres no end to it. But we can change that it's not hard.

    Yes. I agree.

    Mmm, hmm. Thats another thing I agree with.
  7. White_Rook Looser than a wizard's sleeve.

    Mar 6, 2007
    A chess board
    We spent centuries developing such things believing that they would make us better. It'll at least take twice as long to be done away with them.
  8. Laplace TSUKI NO SHIHAI

    Apr 1, 2007
    What about the people that wants to end the ride before time, they can´t handle the pressure of it and they want to end it before time, I know that are some people, because I was and I am still one of them by a little, and the life isn´t perfect, great part of it is full of suffering and depression, but is suppose to make you stronger, if you can´t handle the ride, stop it down.
  9. Soushirei 運命の欠片

    Feb 22, 2007
    Toronto, Canada
    Lol, did you just blame Democrats for a fraction of life's problems?
  10. Nailpolish <3 Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 14, 2007
    where the hell do you think?
    anyone live in the third world country? My relatives live in Bangladesh, the place where a hurricane destroyed everything. They are suffering.

    Its crap. >.> It is unbelieveable poor there and everywhere else.

    It will always be like this, there will always be rich people, poor people and middleclass people.
  11. burnitup Still the Best 1973

    Mar 4, 2007
    Awesome Town
    Yes I agree. But these are the people who are causing the destruction. People who try to help end up getting murdered for trying to help. Jesus murdered, Gandi Murdered, Marthur Lufther King (Not sure if I spelled his name right) murdered, JFK murdered, Pope John Palh(sp) the second.....wounded.

    That is true, but it won't stop the right. The ride is endless, but it does stop when it is letting people off (by this I mean when people die). So the lost of a life by suicide won't end the ride.

    Yes. But theres a long list of people who caused problems to the world and it would take days to write them all down.

  12. Nailpolish <3 Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 14, 2007
    where the hell do you think?
    its Martin Luther King JR. and Pope John Paul.

    this is just ignorance of the people.
  13. burnitup Still the Best 1973

    Mar 4, 2007
    Awesome Town
    Thank you for correcting me.
  14. rikufanattic Merlin's Housekeeper

    Nov 25, 2007
    in the sunny state
    So then what's the point of life?

    I understand like those that live in a other world countries, it's horrible. To them their ride is just to make ends meet, and sometimes their cart gets stuck right in the middle of the ride and they have to wait for the dang maintanence crew to go and fix it and sometimes that's even longer... it's not fun waiting believe me.

    The good people in socitey die because people kill people (well not all the time it's the ideals that take hold of the body...)

    With the ideals that are in our world today we can't define the point of life so simply because you have people from every single side trying to get their words in edge wise to make it seem like they are right in explaining what belongs to everyone....
  15. burnitup Still the Best 1973

    Mar 4, 2007
    Awesome Town
    Hmm, I see your point.
  16. Repliku Chaser

    That was a very interesting viewpoint to read and a nice way of saying it. I agree that life is a journey and you just go with it. When you do things, you make choices of going left or right. Sometimes the vehicle decides it's going the other way but you can always find something new or some way back to the path you were on. There are people on the ride that will attempt to ruin it but despite who gets off and on it, the ride does continue.
  17. Jordier0xs0x King's Apprentice

    Jan 28, 2007
    Y'know what I think...
    There Is no real point In life, Its just kind of...there, I guess. Well, Ive been waiting for a topic like this so I can show and tell what I think and know about life.

    For me, i think everyone has their own meaning of life. My opinion Is that, your supposed to find why you were put on this world (Your purpose), then you'll find your true meaning of life. There will be no true peace In life, nor will this world end, even If they say that the earth will explode In 50,000 years or something. There will always be one God and one Satan, there will always be one who tells the truth and one who will always lie. Always the opposite. People who wish that they were dead or hate life, might as well end their life then and there, because then there Is no 'real point' in life for them, now Is there? There will always be the Ugly and the Beautiful, but never judge, because judgment leads to hate and hate leads to anger and of course anger Is a terrible thing. Those who live their life depressed and In anger need to realize that, If you act like that, It'll never change. Thats why, from all Ive been through, the terrible and the great, I am always happy. Learn from your mistakes and learn from others' mistakes because you cant make them all yourself can you?
    Life Is hurtful and Is probably one of the most challenging things In the whole entire universe. But those who can complete life...those who can live and love and learn from life are treasures that should never be forgotten. Most people break down because they just cant stand It anymore, but those who are strong should hold on and always look on the bright side.

    My Opinion Is simple, You Live You Learn You Lie and You Die. If something bad happens, then your sacrificing something for something good. Its always how I have looked. If you have a bad day, then your sacrificing a good day for something else. Its always how I have worked. So I'm always looking forward to the good thing.

    Of course this Is all my opinion of life and there Is much more, but there Is stuff I cant explain. Don't disagree with me because Its disagreeing about what I think of life.

    I agree with you there though, life Is a ride and you learn from that ride.
  18. Axel's#1fangirl Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 14, 2007
    The realm of twilight
    I think the point of life is to serve our purpose.

    Whether you believe in a Superior being, or just that 'we're here', there must be some reason as to WHY we're here, no?

    I mean, think of it like a line of people waiting to enter the world.

    Why did YOU go into the world, at the time you did? Couldn't it have just as easily been the person in back of you go? So why was it YOU and not the other person?

    I believe we all have a destiny.

    *kingdom hearts music plays in the background so I throw a rock at the music player and break it*

    I'm serious! We all have some destiny, or purpose to complete or serve out. Until we do, I don't think we're going to die. People who die must've already lived out their purpose. Even those who are murdered--perhaps it was their purpose to die, to maybe teach a lesson or something.

    My thoughts exactly.
  19. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    The point of life is to live 8D

    That is what I believe.

    The point of life is to learn xD

    I believe that too.

    Burnitup I really do like your idea, and in an ideal world that would be great, but human nature is selfish and would not allow for that. There can never be true equality.

    The point of life is different for everyone, we all have different paths and we all see the ride in different ways.

  20. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    i say everyone has a different point in life. but basically, i guess is to live?

    oh, i got this from a TV show, not sure which, but i like it "Make friends. Friends make life worth living."
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