This user has several Final Fantasy VII OSTs all from different titles, but what exactly is the difference among the games with the same number, but different titles? (Besides the music instruments and different music.)
FF7 the ps1 game FF7 DoC dirge of cerberus the one you play as Vincent in a Devil may cry kind of way on the ps2 set 5 years after the ps1 game (I think, not sure about the time gap since I only played the final boss at an ex's house) FF7 CC crisis core a prequel to the ps1 game where you play as Zack psp FF7 AC advent children the moive set two years after the ps1 game
You answered your own question, lol. Different versions of a game may have different versions of music or new music altogether. Take Chain of Memories and Re: Chain of Memories, for example. It'd be silly to group the music of both into one playlist, because they're effectively different -- COM is 8-bit tracks while Re:COM expanded into fuller music. COM's 13th Struggle is not the same as Re:COM's. People put them in separate playlists because they're not the same thing. They're different.
That's what I was getting at. :) They're all Final Fantasy VII, but they're still different obviously because of the different titles.
Oh shit, what is it called? You forgot that 1/2 hr anime movie that comes before Advent Children. The one where [spoilers] dies. The Last Order? I think it was ... Don't hold me to it.
One soundtrack is from a boring movie. One soundtrack is from a game that I lost interest in 4 hours in. One soundtrack is from a game that I don't dislike but don't like either. And one soundtrack is from a game that I love. Does that answer your question?
The point being, they all have the same title because they are apart of the same story liine, but vary exponentially. They take place in different points in time, along with different perspectives. I haven't played all the games, but I have seen both the movies. I've played parts of VII and a microscopic bit of DoC. The original game, Last Order, and Advent Children are all in Cloud's persepective. DoC is through Vincent, and CC through Zack. It's basically like asking, "What is the difference between the Kingdom Hearts games?" rather than, "What is the difference between the two Chain of Memories." Each KH games builds one overall plot line, while still having its own individual plot. Just as it is with any series that has sequels or prequels.
I didn't miss it because the sound track wasn't there, if they did have it then I would have added it to my first post :)
While that is true, he was asking about playlists on youtube and how they are different hence why I missed it out
But they were in playlists and like I said, because the soundtrack for Last Order wasn't there I missed it out