No Thanks What I hate seeing in Forums

Discussion in 'Feedback & Assistance' started by starseeker3, Feb 18, 2012.


How do you feel on this matter

  1. The site's ruleings are fine as is.

  2. I would like to see some changes in post eutectic

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  1. As recent events have appeared in this forum(s). Some things I find quite distasteful on a forum; have pushed me away from many other forums are now showing up on this site. I believe there are others who share a similar opinion on thees matters. The list of them follow as such: Rude comments, weather intentional or not, Grammar/writing trolling (where other users will comment on others writing/style there for of.) , Arguments that are *Completely Unnecessary,*, and, when someone uses the same picture over 50 times to try and make someone laugh, mad, convey a certain point, Ect. the list continues, but I would like to know what others think, dose this site need a bit of an overhaul on its web-eutectic, or is it fine as is?
  2. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    To the Feedback section.

    Recently we posted this:
    Regardless, though, we are open to hearing your suggestions and thoughts on our policies & enforcement. Please remember not to become part of the problem and mention people specifically; if there is a person that you feel is repeatedly causing troubles for the forums, message a staff member with that information. Do not post it publicly.
  3. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010
    First off, I find this thread very unnecessary. Second, there is no good reason for you to call out another member of the forum. And I believe there are others who share a similar opinion on my thought.

    No matter where you go, there will be rude comments. There is a certain way things, specifically in KHV, work. A lot of members here are mature, but like to have fun, and sometimes that fun is at the expense of others. And then sometimes there are people like you, who are righteous and decide that things need to change because they're not right the way they are. Many members like good spelling and grammar and it's annoying to find people who, for some reason, like to disregard that. Proper spelling and grammar should be apart of every day life anyway.

    This is a forum, a social website, there are going to be *Completely Unnecessary* arguments, it's apart of the internet and human interaction.

    As for the image issue - well, that's not really an issue at all, that's more of a personal problem.

    The staff does what they can, and with this thread, I feel as if you're criticizing them. I don't always agree with what they do, but they're upholding the forum, and I don't see you doing much. No where is perfect, so get this silly little idea of reform out of you head.
  4. greater_bloo Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jan 25, 2007
    In a world covered by endless water.
    You spelled "whether" and "does" wrong...don't hate me! DX

    But yeah I think that is just a part of forums, it would be a limit to someone's opinions if they can't speak their mind. I mean everyone has a different opinion on what is rude or not and it would just be chaotic trying to manage all of that. Now as for changing the rules to try and fix that I guess that it could work but it might also make people quit the forums due to being too strict. My advice is to just not take things too seriously.
  5. Glen Returned from the dead

    Jan 18, 2011
    Site seems fine to me. Sure there are arguments and comments that get frustrating and annoying all the time, but that happens everywhere, not just on the internet. You'll very rarely come across a place that's absolutely PERFECT, if ever. Best thing you can do is do the mature thing and just put up with it. If you ignore people and don't react to it all the time, eventually it'll die down. There's a reason the saying "Don't feed the troll" exists.

    Staff's doing a brilliant job maintaining this, and they can't cover every little thing every second. That's why if you see something that bothers you that much consult a staff member about it and don't just start raging about it on here. By raging, you may very well just frustrate other people and start the whole thing all over again.
  6. Makaze Some kind of mercenary

    Jan 22, 2011
    The Matinée
    Aw, the call outs were taken out. I wish I could have seen them. I dislike it when members are not allowed to see what others are saying about them.

    I voted for the second option ("I would like to see some changes in post eutectic") for a few reasons. One of these reasons is because I feel that the original poster's etiquette along with that of others is terrible, especially as concerns the Discussion section. Defensive actions such as this thread and the rejecting of all notions of formality are not things I look on kindly. Another is that the chemical system used for posts is not to my liking and could certainly use some tweaking. For a third, I feel that the rules, which already rule out arrogance, are quite ridiculous and should be made more lenient as concerns a Discussion and especially a Debate section.

    That will be all.
  7. miaulement Traverse Town Homebody

    Aug 8, 2011
    The Nether
    If you're seriously complaining about all these things, then get off the internet. Either that or grow a thicker skin and ignore all the bad comments or 'completely unnecessary' arguments that are going on. You will get rude comments everywhere you go, along with arguments and especially trolling. Go to the Barbie website if you want to be somewhere perfect on the internet, because it sounds like you want everything to be perfect. It'll never happen, trust me.
  8. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    First of all... As Saxima pointed out; Calling out members is a big no no.
    Also, I like many of the other members think the rules on this site are fine and that everyone has the right to joke around. Especially in Last Person to Post where that is one of the aims. Admittedly not at the cost of another members happiness, but I don't feel that was the case.
    Also, I feel that there is nothing wrong with people at least asking if someone can type a bit clearer. After all, bad grammar and spelling can be annoying. Admittedly, it's not everyone's fault, but at the end of the day, there is nothing wrong with people expecting an effort to at least be made when a person is clearly capable of using good grammar and spelling, but is clearly choosing not to.

    Essentially though, I agree with Saxima, she said it all much better than I ever could.

    Indeed. My image use was clearly a joke like it always has been.
    It wasn't meant to be taken personally or even target someone.

    But yes, this shouldn't be taken the wrong way when I say this, but I have to agree that this thread is just kinda silly/a waste/unnecessary (or however you want to put it.)
    Nothing about the site needs to be changed really, although, I have to say. Makaze does raise some interesting points with what he had to say and I am certainly intrigued.
  9. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island
    No one likes to be the butt of jokes or targeted, unless they're the 'class clown' or masochists, just because it happens doesn't mean everyone will like it or that it's 'right'. And to be fair, there are moments when people rag on others when grammar/spelling is involved just because. Just like you mentioned that conflicts will always rise on the Internet, there will also be many people from different backgrounds. As long as they are understood fine, I don't see why someone has to nit-pick their posts.

    That said, I feel as though some things could improve, and some are fine as they are. Our system works fairly fine when dealing with members who bully or target others. If you feel you're being targetted or bullied, please contact staff and we'll look into it.
  10. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    While I do agree with the overall sentiment of your post, that it's unavoidable that problems such as this arise, we need not resign ourselves to negative things that can be changed. While, naturally, disagreements will always persist, and while we will never like everyone, that does not make treating others poorly or as one's inferior any more acceptable. I believe that what Starseeker is calling for is simply an environment friendlier to newcomers and the statement of personal beliefs and standpoints (without having them attacked, if the poster does not wish it). I cannot disagree with that. I'm not saying this is a more defined problem on KH-Vids than it is on any other site, I do believe there are some things that slip under the radar but, as we've said, that is why you can contact staff members and we will do our best to take care of it. While it'd be nice if we could all just group hug 24/7 that is impractical to hope for, but I don't think it's much to ask that people have a little respect for their fellow users, and remember that we all have feelings that can be hurt.
  11. Laurence_Fox Chaser

    Oct 14, 2006
    non binary
    I feel the need to contribute as I've gained a reputation of a grammar nazi on this site. Yes, I have pointed out less than stellar communication skills but if it is, in fact, someone whose first language is not English, I back off. But if it's some little ingrate who uses 'txt talk' because it's the internet and they can, well then, I have little to no sympathy. Especially when you have a full keyboard and x number of years of learning how English works as a language. Not to mention required typing courses.

    We are communicating in a text based format after all. I would have little or no desire to read a book or magazine with repeated spelling errors and common grammar mistakes. Why then should I have desire to read posts that are like this? Again, if your native language is not English, I understand completely. If you're making a genuine effort at it, that's all I can ask for.

    That being said, I dislike bullies. I've had to deal with them in reality and just hate seeing them online. What I do/have done in the past is not bullying. First and foremost was a wish for the other person(s) to better themselves. There was no malicious intent involved. Only if they showed no sign of a desire for improvement did I then either walk away or then post a failure image. These days, I like to think I've...matured beyond the images and would just rather walk away.

    Staff are your friends. If you see anything at all that might cause problems, either report the posts in question or message one of them. That's what they're here for and why they are staff.
  12. Loxare Hollow Bastion Committee

    Feb 6, 2009
    Flower Field
    Personally, yes, starseeker's grammar errors bug the hell out of me. I realize everyone makes mistakes but most of these are basic ones learned in elementary school. That being said, I realize that starseeker could have a different first language and just be learning English or a learning disability. My brother, Lesumax has an LD which makes it difficult for him to spell. He's always trying to improve though and often asks me to spell check for him. I don't know the reasons behind starseeker's grammar. If he gave us a good reason instead of getting angry, I would back off. However, there's no reason to spell badly simply because you feel like it, especially on this forum, where everyone puts the effort in to make intelligible posts.

    That is simply my opinion and I meant no disrespect to starseeker. Thank you for your time.
  13. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island
    I feel that harrasing a member over their grammar or way of acting (as long as it's according to the site rules) is more of a problem than any spelling or grammar mistake. Not only does it come off as condescending, but it also places undue expectations on newer members. Remarking something once, or pointing something out to a person in passing, is far different from harassing them until they meet your standards.

    Standards which, I should clarify, are subjective. If someone would like to have a forum full of remarkable spelling or grammar, then a forum dedicated to a video game for all ages is not the place.

    Harassment and/or bullying is by no means acceptable. We were all newbies at some point, but with time and patience, we got to where we stand. Expecting new members to meet some elitist standards will only force them to do something they might not want to or just plain leave. KHV is open to anyone who follows it's rules. And members should expect to meet many people from different backgrounds, if they don't meet your personal standards, then tough beans for you---but by no means are you to ostracize them or put them down in any thread they post or have pseudo-hazing sessions.
  14. Makaze Some kind of mercenary

    Jan 22, 2011
    The Matinée
    I posted a certain paragraph, or rather a post that was double-merged, asking for alternative methods of helping members such as starseeker3 become less defensive and/or drive them to improve their attitude (it is now deleted with the rest of the post). Can you, or the staff collectively, provide one? Telling us what not to do is not enough and will not be. As I have said before, it is not only bad grammar and spelling that upsets others. Everyone makes mistakes. It is when members grow defensive about their flaws and refuse to admit that there is a problem that others grow weary of tolerating it. It is one thing when one makes mistakes or no sense and causes others to others correct them or mock their incoherent statements and apologizes or at least tries to make their posts more coherent. It is quite another when said member claims that they have a right to be incoherent and that everyone else is at fault for judging them. That will usually provoke negativity, do you not think?

  15. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    In my experience, most people only react that way when they are approached incorrectly, e.g. publicly or in the form of a harsh or harassing comment. Instead of posting in a thread saying Your typing is incoherent and you need to try harder, a friendly PM stating something along the lines of Could you possibly just take a bit more time when typing out your posts? It will make them a little easier to read for myself and others. If someone is posting in a manner that disturbs you (typographically), mention it to the staff and we'll forward the message along to them. No need to humiliate or treat them as some sort of criminal.
  16. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    Can we just skip to the end and make "Do not directly address another member unless you are either agreeing with them, complimenting them or answering a fact-based question" a rule? We can have "inane smalltalk is allowed in the Spamzone" as a minor exception.

  17. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    I have no idea what's recently happened, but I'll admit I'm usually a hell of a grammar Nazi.
    English isn't my first language, and I've dealt with the whole "We're in Amurika. We speaky Amurrriikaan here, not Mexican" mindset for most of my life.
    I pride myself in my grammar and the slightest error annoys me.
    However, I usually try not to point it out unless 1) it's someone who I consider a dick to others, 2) it's a funny mistake, or 3) I'm wrong, about the previous two and I'm just an asshole who corrects everyone without knowing it.

    While I agree that it's wrong to pick on someone whose first language isn't English, what if you don't know the person? What if you assume the person is a native speaker of English and they're not? What if the person has some kind of disability, dyslexia or otherwise? What if the person is eleven years old? What if the person is someone who is new to the intellectual or internet crowd (my grammar was a mixture of ghetto and text talk my first few months here. This site actually helped me, but that may not be the case for everyone)? What if someone is genuinely stupider than you (lower IQ) or just a bit illiterate?

    When I see someone who is 15 years old and has perfect grammar here, I don't consider it normal. I consider it an accomplishment and them above average. If you take pride in your grammar, why do you expect everyone else to be the same? Also, this isn't really a place where perfect spelling and grammar are completely necessary (such as a published article, something meant to be read by audiences such as a blog, or a school paper). Though I don't know what's happened recently, I've seen people correct typos.

    If the "same image 50 times" thing isn't an exaggeration, then that really would be annoying, especially if it's in the same post (hasn't that crashed the site before?). Staff could ask that person not to do it. However, too much of that staff interference could make this site strict enough that it turns away members.

    Why is it that the fact that this is the internet make it so we need to expect rude comments? By that logic, dis is the internet, except alot ppl 2 typ lik dis. This is the internet, expect people to be different from you. This is the internet, get over yourself and your standards.
    The reason the internet is full of rude comments is because it's full of rude people and, from my experience, the ones using such an argument tend to be those people.

    If it's at such a point that the message of the post is not understandable, then I think you can ask the person to type more a polite way.

    We have some very intelligent people here, and they love to use big words. I think you should all dumb yourselves down a few pegs so we can understand you better.


  18. Makaze Some kind of mercenary

    Jan 22, 2011
    The Matinée
    You know, about that...

    I believe the OP is the only one to have done this in recent history.
  19. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island
    Way to exaggerate.

    The problem doesn't lie in pointing things out or mentioning something. The problem arises when people think they're entitled to force people to meet their standards--thereby constantly making it their 'job' to nit-pick or harrass another person. Add to that possible lack of tact, and you can find the source of the problem.

    Repeating multiple images or making huge blank The Spam Zone. I fail to see the problem (other than it being annoying if done ad nauseum). But, if it is somehow a personal attack towards you or any other, you should notify a member of staff.
  20. C This silence is mine

    Sep 30, 2006
    Basically what I was trying to get across in my posts that got deleted. Good job Bueno, I agree with basically everything you just said.
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