What has gotten into her???

Discussion in 'Help with Life' started by Diamond Angel, Aug 15, 2008.

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  1. Diamond Angel Merlin's Housekeeper

    May 5, 2008
    yesterday at school, shadow of sephiroth yelled at me.

    She said she is pissed off at everyone at school.

    The fact that people keep calling her a lezzo, other guys are asking me if she really is a lesbian and I always say no, but they keep saying she is. I've tried talking to her and she said she hates everyone at school and dancing. i don't know anything about dancing though.

    I looked at my PMs shockd to find someone knows my password and PMed some random saying that shadow of sephiroth likes him. Anyway, he goes to our school, he knows and all this Sh!t's happend.

    My point being, I'm her best friend and I have no idea what advice to give her. No one's ever called me a lesbian and i don't dance, so what do I do?
  2. Repliku Chaser

    Well, it's obviously stressing her out a lot because she likes someone and he thinks that she's bisexual or a lesbian. Of course, he may just not be interested in her and she may freak him out a bit. She's going to have to accept that this guy may just not be the one for her.

    Some people may be intentionally mean to her and keep pushing the issue of saying she's something she's not and she's just darn right fed up. She may be feeling a lot of different things but clearly she's frustrated that people would say these things and you are being a true friend by telling people otherwise. Maybe if you and she keep telling people they will get it through their heads and also pass on the word.

    However, I'd tell her that getting angry isn't going to salvage anything and sometimes it's better to be calm. People will think what they want sometimes, no matter what evidence you put forth to them. We can all have our bouts of stubbornness in this fashion. However, getting angry sometimes incites some nastier sorts to think it is 'funny'. So they will push back to see how far they can go with it. She'd do better to stop worrying so much what others think and just tell them calmly she's not what they say and that's that. She has nothing to prove. If some people are going to be lame, they are.

    It's easy to get over emotional and frustrated in these circumstances. Just let her know that you are still her friend and if people ask you, you will still say that she's straight and that's that. If someone got your password, I'd suggest you try to change that if you can. That way they can't log in. You do mean here, right? If so, change your password and if you need help, PM an Admin about it so that it doesn't happen. You may also want to report the person to the Admin. That's not a right thing to do. Also, never give your password out to -anyone- here.

    I hope things get better for you and her but it may take some time. I'm sorry both of you have to go through this. It sucks when people want to play stupid mind games and I can see why she's frustrated but unfortunately, anger won't win the feud here. Using her head will. She doesn't want to push the friends she does have away and you might want to tell her that, sincerely.
  3. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    Get her to try out smart arse comments. If a girl calls her bi or Lesbian, then get her to reply, "I considered it once, but the thought of you put me off." or a simple "Don't get your hopes up." If a guy does it, get her to reply, "No, so you'll have to find a different third member for you and [insert name of their male best friend]'s threesome."

    Meh, that works if the person is just taking the piss. If the questioner actually is serious, then continue as you are.
  4. daxma Hei Long: Unrivalled under the Heavens

    May 14, 2007
    Ireland somewhere
    Theres only one thing you can do.Stand by her and back her up and say that she isn't lesbian.
    Find out who started the rumor and go on a revenge strike on that person.It'll cheer her up.
    It's a bit difficult to give advice on Shodow Sephiroth when i don't really know much about her
    except what she looks like since you posted her pic in the post your picture thread.
  5. Tahno The official Charlie Sheen of Republic City.

    Jun 24, 2008
    Pro-Bending Arena; Republic City
    Well, she is your friend right? Then try and back her up with thought and wisdom. You must think of something meaningful to say to her that will hopefully cheer her up.
  6. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island
    she must be stressing, since the person comes to the forums, why not comfront him here?

    but everyone is right , she needs to calm down,and not pay much attention to the idiots that keep bothering her.

    besides, when her mind is calm and relaxed....the juiciest comebacks can be thought of.

    but pika power's are intense.....just what you need, but to tell the thruth the best thing you can do is try to help your friend and be by her side.

    if the guy she likes, is stupid and inmature enough to say such a thing to her because of what his friends might say, then he isnt really worth it.
  7. Repliku Chaser

    That's pretty much it in a nutshell. If they guy is going to be thinking she's one way and it is something that deters him and he won't listen to -her- then he's not worth it and there are other guys.

    Best thing to do is try to calm her down and yeah, sarcasm and embarrassing morons never hurts either. Sometimes people need to be put in their place but it usually won't happen if someone is so mad they can't think straight. Hating people is a waste of time. They are mostly clueless or just out to mess with her so it doesn't hurt to give them some good insults back to put them in their holes and to just correct the -serious- people that inquire nicely so then the truth gets spread.
  8. Ampex Gummi Ship Junkie

    Dec 9, 2007
    the origanal fail
    ppl call me gay at school, i try to ignore it, and i ultimately fail.

    if shadow of sephiroth isnt lezz, than she noes that shes not and thats what matters, the ppl mocking her will be on dump trucks 10 years from now.

    if she is, who gives a crap? its her life we r all entitiled to stuff like that. plz dont take offense if u rnt orr from any of this Shadow of Sephiroth

    ppl shouldnt be made fun of for stuff like that. An eighth grader was shot because he was gay by a student somwhere, his first name was lary. I dont know all the details so dont ask me but its sick discrimination. thats what it is.ppl r entitled to their own sexuality and im repeatingmyself sumone plz knock me out.
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