Yup just as the title says, what game are you currently playing? I'm currently playing GTA San Andreas. I've never really had the chance to do the missions until now so that's why i'm a bit behind.
I was like...playing 2 games at the same time believe it or not...XD I was playing the sims2 and KH chain of memories for GBA :D
ermm........lol ive like lost interest in everything but i play X3-Reunion, Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion and i played a bit of Final Fantasy XII recently as well
I am currently playing ffXII (ps2) and ffVIII (pc)... >;] I'm also getting the ff on nintendo ds(I'm just wishing that my dad would stop playing on nintendo wii for one day)!!
Right now I am playing PotC 3 for the PS2. And I'm waiting for my friend to beat FFVII then I'll get to borrow it.
ff XII for the second time. You don't really notice how good it is until you played it twice. It's great. And I'll get ff X-2 sometime now, and then I'll probably play that
I've not been playing any games for weeks, apart from Fifa 2007 at my mates house (do that all the time ;D) Out of my own games though, the last time I played any game it was KHII:FM+, FFXII and Jak II.
Well, I'm going through the MegaMan Battle Network games again (for like the fourth time) for my video walkthroughs on my YouTube account.
GLAH I'm (re)playing Daxter...since some twat erased my saved game. But I'm going ever so slowly since I can't get over the fact I lost 62% of gaming just like that.