Game theory mocking, mario hax, a fake top ten list in general, and a slam jam rendition of Do You Want to Build a Snowman from Frozen? I just... I don't... I can't...
Do you? I've seen a few of his videos about a year or so ago and I distinctly remember finding him "atypical youtuber"... But then I see stuff like this and Skyward Board.
Everything he makes is either a rap, or in some way a meta sort of thing. His channel has basically become a deconstruction of what a youtube channel is
one of the best parts about Yungtown's videos is watching people try to take them seriously Like, what does Majora's Mask have to do with it? What does him asking people to subscribe have to do with it, like oh man guys Next you'll be asking why he put Shadow the Hedgehog on his top 10 Villains list twice
No, I get the joke. The joke is obvious early on. The problem is 1) it's not all that funny (to me anyway) and 2) he doesn't know when to stop or hold back. One of the big things in comedy is timing, and he kind of lacks it. Granted, I'm basing this on one video, but watching it and knowing the joke, it's not really persuading me to watch more...
Well your post doesn't seem like it's trying to take it seriously, honestly trying but not trying probably best describes Yungtown. Like I said, half the fun of his videos is the reactions they generate. He made a video about Sonic being removed from Smahs Bros becuase the President of Nintendo of America and Japan got into a fight over twitter, and to this day people BELIEVE it. He's definitely a weird youtuber though, I can EASILY see why people wouldn't like him