What do ya do to get rid of the feelen?

Discussion in 'Help with Life' started by Deathsight44, Sep 25, 2008.

  1. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    Usually I'll never post stuff on here, since I would rather talk about it with certain people's in private, but there are some things that I'd rather not let them know about how I feel either.

    But anyways. I have been really pissed off lately. I am talken about for hte past 3 weeks kind of pissed off. Lotta **** has been setten me off, but most of all is that the girl that I liked told me that she thought I was really her best friend (she tells me everything), and not to long after, she told me about the guy who she likes.......

    Ever since then, I've been tryen to improve, hopefully get my mind off it by tryen to help out other people (yes. instead of getten all depressed about it, I try and get my mind off of it by helping other people.........weird like that), but ever time somethen happens that is bad, I get really pissed, and some how end up thinken of her. Speaken to her makes meh happy, but then right after, I feel a deep anger instead. I don't do well with sadness ya see. I hate cryen. hate the feeling of sadness, and so I guess I subconciously replaced it with anger.

    But now here is the main problem. Every time I get really angry, I feel like I want to get into a fight with someone. I hate throwen the first punch, but I really wannt just beat the hell out of somebody (no weapons or any **** like that, since I hate people that use weapons in fights also). it is very easy to get my mind off of it, but when my mind goes back onto it, it is locked, and its like I am craving for the feeling of punching someone in the face.

    Listen, a lot of the times I am an ass, but I dun wanna end up punche someone (unless they throw the first punch. then I'll gladly set lose on them), but I don't want to entagonize anything either, so question is, what do you guys do when ur down?

    as for the whole fighting thing, think of me as one of those kids that might have one of those stupid cutting problems. I hate that kind of a thing though, but I feel as if exzerting my anger through my fists is a different story. Like said, hard to explain, doubt anyone else has the same kind of thing goin on.

    So then, thoughts?
  2. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island
    well, sad to say, but you need to stop thinking about liking her.

    not only that, but your anger may lead to some dire consequences.

    well, you need to relax(plain and simple)

    think of something that will help you relax, something that will let you see things clearly.

    organize your thoughts.

    but you have to play your part, you have to be open minded and receptive to things that are relaxing and calming.
  3. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    Lol. I know I need to stop thinken about liking her, but is sorta hard since I don't plan on not being her friend anymore, cuz then that would make me an ass. Not only that, but I am a really picky person, so to me, it is hard to actually find a girl that you might actually wanna go out with.....

    dun worry. My anger never shows anyways. I would never do somethen that might possibly lead me to do something illegal. I am smarter then to do that.....

    hard to relax when some horrible new things comes every day. Trust me. I have had a stream of unluckiness for quite some time now.....

    That is very easy to do. It is keepen that up for a long enough time that is a problem

    Trust me, at the moment. trying to stay calm is very hard to do. I always talk to her about stuff to, since I've always trusted meh life with her you might say (trust me. she is the nicest girl you will ever meet). Sorda hard to do when the person who has always comforted you says somethen like that. I am still willing to be a good friend to her, and would do whatever I can to make her happy, but none the less, it is straining, know what I am sayen?
  4. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island
    yes, i understand...

    i mean, when youre so close and yet so far...yeah i totally understand.

    but those are about the only options.

    or you can be a vase, holding everything, but at a certain point the water will pour, you can't hold forever.

    know what im saying?
  5. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    Lol. It is a huge pain in the ass too, since meh feelins aint changen, ya know. She has no idea either, n I plan on keepen it that way

    Lol. Which is exsactly why I am coming here for the advise. I am the kind of guy who would rather see other people happy then myself happy, ya know. Problem is though is that I need anouther way to vent. Unless there is a place where fighting is legal, I have to find some sort of an outlet until people around me start haven problems again (my only other way to vent is by helping other people with their problems. hard to epxlain)
  6. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    I know what you mean, you use helping other people as a way to help make you feel better. Whilst helping others is a very good thing, you have to be careful because it sounds like you are falling into an avoidance trap.

    Giving advice and help is good, but when it starts to become a way for you to avoid facing your own issues and problems that is when it is no longer such a great thing.

    Instead of worrying about the fact that no-one currently needs your help, instad be thankful that people don't have so many problems lately and use the time to focus on yourself. Your issues need addressing too you know. Especially if it is resulting in feelings of anger, that definitely needs looking at.

    Think of it this way, if one of your friends came to you and described the problems you talk of, what advice would you give to them? I already spoke a little bit about this with you in PM and I know that running etc and writing don't work for you. Do you play a sport? Physical activity is a great way to get rid of stress and it does work, not only that but the more physical you are the more endorphins are released into your system making you feel happier.

    It might not be such a bad idea to tell the girl you like her, that way you will know what her feelings are for definite and then you can move from there. If she doesn't like you back then you can begin moving on. If you are so close as friends then hopefully this wont affect the friendship too badly. It is frustrating when you like someone but are trapped in the "friend zone" but on the flip side of that, the "friend zone" isn't such a bad place to be. Don't lose that.
  7. Styx That's me inside your head.

    Sep 16, 2008
    Buy a punching bag.
    I'm serious.
  8. ArchVice Gummi Ship Junkie

    Aug 18, 2008
    Buying a punching bag will help. Holding in all that pent up anger and sorrow will only bring about destructive behavior. Sooner or later you'll get over it. Trust me, it's not the end of the world.
  9. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    That's actually not a bad idea. It would be a way for you to remove your agression and anger in a way that doesn't harm anyone.
  10. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    Lmao. Hate to say it, but I just bought a new one after the old one. I was goin at it every day since I've been tryen to get stronger lately, and especially for the past three weeks, kept on hitten the punchin bag in the same spot for so long that it sort've ended up splitting (it is cuz of meh punchen style. I've got big, rough knuckles, and when I say rough, I mean it as in it can really damage ****. Hate to say it, but I accidently cut meh friends arm once with meh knuckle. really weird situation, lmao)

    As for the anger issues, ya, I know they have to get addressed. At the moment, I am in a particularly good mood. I suppose meh main problem with the fighting is my love for physicle challanges. I'm the guy who goes out the farthest into the oceon at the beach, and waits to get taken by the under toe so that I can force mehself to swim back (havn't been taken by the undertoe too many times, since I know it is dangerous, but I have done it like 4 times)

    And CTR, as for telling her how I feel, I couldn't do that. I know her all too well I'm afraid. She's been dealing with a lot, and I am the one who she confides in the most. I know just becuz of the kind of person that she is that she would really get into a huge dillemma and would probably end up into a similure situation as I am right now, or at least she would be getten just as emotional. I'd rather be the only emotional one here instead of her, ya know. is just how I feel about the situation.
  11. ArchVice Gummi Ship Junkie

    Aug 18, 2008
    I think you are just afraid of what might happen if you do come clean. I have been in that situation and it is a hot seat for sure. When I did finaly come clean, we got together though. You can't skate through life wondering.
  12. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    Lol. I know what ur getten at dude, but hell, not too long ago, someone else posted on these forums about a problem with a guy who was her best friend, that liked her, and about how hurt she would be if she turned him down and hurt his feelings. I mean, it can really go 50/50 here >.>

    And also, I am some what relieved today, since me and a different guy got into a huge wrestling thing during gym and kicked eachothers asses, lmao. SOrta helped (not like things got violent. It was purely wrestling)
  13. Scott Pilgrim Banned

    Aug 11, 2008
    I spar with other people. I actually sent a kid to the emergency room the day I failed an exam. :[ My best friend too. Always have saftey gear!
  14. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    where can u spar wit people? o_O
  15. ArchVice Gummi Ship Junkie

    Aug 18, 2008
    Releasing physical agression often does help.
  16. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    Lol. My main problem though is that I love the feeling of a fight, ya know. It is a complete and total challange of my physicle strength, as well as my wits, since you can't always win a fight if ur an idiot and can't react fast, now can ya? If there was a place that I could spar though, then that would be great. I mean, you know, so that way the fight would be all in good game, there would be protection, ya know what I mean? I think if I could go to a place like that, then I would really be able to let lose without having any worries of hurting someone
  17. tSG1 Chaser

    Jul 8, 2008
    I think a part of this is hormones. Everybody has them at puberty and they sometimes enchance "anger and hate" (to quote from Xemnas haha~). They also make people like each other. Don't worry, its a phase. I also have it :S