There are a lot of things that occupy me. Computer Occupations: ROBLOX FL Studio 10 Windows Movie Maker YouTube "I Wanna be the Guy" Adobe Audition 3.0 Adobe After Effects CS5.5 Paint.Net Social Occupations (With friends, family, ect.): Making videos Climbing Trees Biking to Albertsons, Food City, and any other place within those areas' perimeter Biking to far away neighborhoods Walking around, having heated discussions about anything Playing with an iPhone Playing pool Boredom Occupations: Watching TV Texting any girl in my contacts Eat <--- ha Post your list below.
Computer KHV Skype YouTube Social Going to school Talking Other Reading Eating Baking Piano Hm. I don't do a lot...
Computer Occupations: YouTube Facebook Twitter KHV KH-Recharged (my website) AccessBritney (my website) Michael-Masiello (my website) Adobe Premiere Photoshop Microsoft Word Social Occupations (With friends, family, ect.): Mall Ice-skating Video Games Out to eat Movies City Boredom Occupations: Watching TV Internet Feeling sorry for
Computer KHV Facebook Tumblr Google Deviantart Twitter Email Microsoft Word iPad Social Texting and talking to friends Giving hugs Spending time with family Working and goofing around with co-workers Watching movies with friends Hanging out Lurk other Ride my bike Waste time on KHV Watch tv Eat Sleep Stalk Mike SingIng Drawing
Computer Occupations; Games Software Coding HTML/PHP (My website and current project) REDDIT <3 Forums; KHV RoosterTeeth Yogscast CadeCabinet (again) Video Editing Photoshop Sony Vegas Heroes of Newerth (great MOBA game) YouTube SONAR LE (Recording Software) Twitter Social Pool Video Games Fucking around. Wal*Mart Dorm life in general Flirting. Right now, I don't spend time with family, as I'm on another continent. Other: Sing Play Guitar Play Piano Play (a bit) drums Make voices Studying.
Computer KHV Chorus; The whole KHV; Talk with friends on KHV; Stalk Mike; Fight with Maggy over Mike; Show Mike my love; lol Videos; Mixing; Online Games; Take care of my forum (because I'm the leader of the tribe); I'm leader of a tribe in a online game (need to be there always); Twitter; Tumblr; Google imagens (search for images); MSN; Skype; Social Mail; Movie; Events; House; Reunions; Have fun in almost everywhere; Stalk/prove my love for Mike; Boredom Occupations Internet; Study; Sing; Listen to music; I don't want to get bored because I have a problem with myself and if I start to think a lot, I get pretty down. (low self-esteem) Just this. :lolface:
Compooper: KHV Tumblr MSN/AIM/Skype/whatever Facebook Lifehacker & Jezebel & some others Social: Work School Playing Sims with my pals Watching my pals play Skyrim Other: Vidya gaems Moosik Buying things Mall
Computer RP Tumblr KHV Emulators Watching something (Doctor Who, atm) Writing Drawing Reading Maple Story Talking to people Social Anime club Hanging out with people ...thats it Other Video Games Riding bikes Eating Painting Drawing Cosplay Sewing
Computer Occupations: KHV Social Occupations (With friends, family, ect.): KHV Other: KHV Spoiler On a more serious note Computer Occupations: Video Games Random Internet Browsing Socializing with friends Series Studying Facebook Steam Voxli Lifehacker Moderating KHV Watching random movies Annoying Staff Members Social Occupations (With friends, family, ect.): Pubbing Going to restaurants General hanging out and chilling Going to the movies Events Playing Board Games Online Games (During summer vacation) Skyping Video Games (Depends on the group of friends) Annoying staff members I'm not with my family at the moment, so I barely get to see them throughout the year. Other: Reading Music Fooding Biking Studying Talk about how bored I am Annoying Staff Members
computer: facebook KHV youtube yahoo watching movie (game movie) PS2 play alone emulator (puyo pop,KH) social: talking with friend playing PS2 with friend playing something with friend playing monopoly card with friend chat some friend in facebook other: watching television emulator (KH,puyo pop) KHV facebook eating some snack go to friend place yawn playing with my dog
Computer Related: KHV Web Coding (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP) Foruming Scripting (Others) Emulation Researching (Online) Social: GURPS Gaming Discussion / Debate Other: Films Doctor Who Anime Manga Books Thinking Researching (Otherwise)