Digital Art What are some examples of Graphic Art?

Discussion in 'Arts & Graphics' started by Woolonsypillu, Jul 6, 2010.

  1. Woolonsypillu Moogle Assistant

    Jul 6, 2010
    Im doing a project on being a Graphic Artist. I need some examples of what graphic art is and where i can find it..and what some graphic art is.
  2. Jade Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 5, 2010
    It's really hard to give examples since Graphic Art expands to so many forms of digital imaging.

    The most common examples from professionals I've found is vector art.

    A lot of Graphic Artists that work professionally do a lot of vector work. It looks really commercial and vector tools are so versatile. Nike is an example of a simple vector design.

    Other graphic artists work with models and basically manipulate different photos that may or may not be their own resources to basically assemble something totally new. Sigs, photo manipulations, and design interfaces are example of this type of graphic art.
    Here's an example

    A common misconception is that graphic designers copy and paste genitalia onto random stock models. This can not be farther from the truth. That is not graphic design... that's... well... Copying and pasting genitalia onto different stock models. XD

    We're not 12 year olds with thousand dollar programs at our disposal. I like grouping graphic design with digital art much like I do with digital painting, or digital photography. To me, graphic design is art. I do this in my mind because they follow the same basic principles as any other form of traditional art. Lighting, depth, flow, rule of thirds, anything you can think of that you can critique on traditional art, you can also give critique to digital art, as well as graphic design. Graphic designers are artists in their own right.

    Another misconception is that most graphic designers only use Photoshop. More often than not, a serious or professional graphic artist will use more than one program, or have more than one niche. Using myself as an example, I use Photoshop along with Apophysis and just recently I've picked up Photography to make my own resources for designing. There are SO many other programs that a graphic artist can use. Blender, c4d, Illustrator, Paint Tool SAI, Corel Painter, LiveBrush, Apophysis. On top of that there are so many designing tools that many designers use. Tablets, SLRs, Scanners, some designers even use a pen and paper for textures, and use other means to turn it into an applicable digital image.

    Uhm... There's a lot more I can tell you but I'm drawing blanks. Someone else take over. XD