As you know, What? is a cherished member of the lovely KH-Vids. He's smart, funny, kind, and one of those people you're lucking to have even met. This thread is about giving back to What? for all his kindness and modesty. I've actually had this idea for a while, making an appreciation thread for a member. But What?'s thread, "Post in this thread, if you may!", really put him over the edge. I'll start: Dear What?, First and foremost, thank you so very kindly for the nice words you said about me. It really brightened my day, and will continue to light the rest of my days with those words in my mind. Now, onto the reason for this reply: I consider you one of my closest friends on KHV, you've always been so kind to me. Looking back, I realize there have been several times when I have been quite an annoying friend. But even I'm like this, you never mentioned it and continued with entertaining the masses. I am so grateful to have a friend like you. Your constant kindness and modesty is truly unmatched by anyone else. You are a unique individual, with your tastes in music, appeal in video games, etc., and yet you still find something in common with a member to make talking with you easier. I mean, it's jaw dropping, really. Plus, your intelligence is matched and may even surpass that of some of the older members (age-wise). I cherish our friendship immensely, and I hope this helps you realize that I consider much more than a simple "acquaintance". Again, I thank you for all of the kind words and our friendship! Keep a smile on your face, and keep being you! Your friend, Andrew
I don't get why What should be the only one getting a thread when there are other cool nice awesome funny sexy mems out there. Screw that this thread is now an appreciation thread for everyone. TO MISTY: Misty, thanks. Without you, I don't think I'd still be on this site. I know that this is just some insignificant Kingdom Hearts forum, but even so, even it my existence in here was insignificant, you let me stay. Thank you. TO VIVI: Hey there bro. Im glad we get along well. Stay sexy. TO RVR: We don't talk often, but I guess we're still cool. You're cool for being an admin. Yep. TO AMAURY: Hey there Amaury, don't let others' words get to ya. I see you're doing fine but w/e. You're a good guy. Post more vids of your foot. TO PEYTON: I still think you're hot. TO MISH: Still think you're hot. TO MISTY (again): You're hot, too. TO RETZ: Not sure if you even lurk man, but I love you. You don't get on Skype anymore. Porque? You too are hot. ALSO ARE YOU BLACK I STILL CAN'T TELL FROM YOUR VOICE. TO VIVI: You're hot. TO WHAT: I don't get your jokes. Well, if you post any. But the only reason I don't get them is because Im not as smart as you.
Dear What?, To make it clear, you have been one of the best staff members we have had yet. Smart, inquisitive, and funny, you breath life into the ancient and dull art of regulating the forum. I shall add you on MSN (like all the other hipsters do) and we shall talk for hours at a time. Someday. And I wish to see what you think about me sometime, for I was fortunate enough to hear your impression of me. Keep doing what you do best, man. Your... um... member, Teddy
I think that everyone is kind and nice, don't get me wrong! I may do this for every staff member, but I think it'd lose meaning if I did it for everyone, y'know? This thread is supposed to be special, and it's not just me that can do this. Anyone can make it to a member they feel deserves it! Currently, I feel What? deserves it. c:
Heya Ash! Good to have you around, m'friend. :3 Never forget the things that makes you smile, because you always put smiles on our faces. Never forget to keep up being this kind and really nice person you are, because we all need you here. ^^ Funny as always, never leave us, otherwise we will search for you and eat your soul, so I think you're stick with us 'til the end. =)
What? is just lovely. He's kind, genuine, friendly, honest, wise, and quirky. I love his humor haha. He always knows what to say and is just so pleasant to talk to. Now, he and I aren't ZOMG BFFLZ 4LYF but when I do talk to him, it's thoroughly enjoyable. What? definitely deserves this appreciation thread. c:
GS, please stop reading my mind. Please. But seriously there is no reason for this to exist harrumph.