Can someone explain to me why what he said is bad? I don't really know or understand why what he said was disrespectful.
Was kinda hoping he said something genuinely racist, that way we could all throw hate around. Too bad what he said wasn't really offensive.
People are just looking for more reasons to hate on Justin Bieber. Yeah, some of the time he doesn't even know what he's saying, but I didn't think his statement was that racist either. He just probably didn't use a PC term for having aboriginal heritage.
I don' t get it either. Why the hell would gas be free for Indians ? I assume this is Bieber being a moron rather than a racist so ... is there some historical background that I' m missing ? And about "Indians", I had no clue the word wasn' t deemed politically correct anymore. What' s the deal, has it gained unwanted meanings like "retard" or "gay" ?
this isn't racism. I won't point out why because any second now Amaury is going to swoop in here and defend the crap out of him.
You guys realize this is an old article, right? Look at the date it was published: August 5, 2012. That's four months, three weeks, and six days old (or four months and 27 days old). Anyway, knowing the media, they probably exaggerated his comment, like always.
you literally look the time work out how old it was to the exact day and tell us. you are literally this boring.