WE WON, MOTHAFUKKA. Never been to a game where that happened. A's were all like OH BITCH WE GOT A RUN IN LIKE THE FIRST MINUTE. WHAT THE FUCK NOW LOOK IT'S THE SECOND INNING WE HAVE ANOTHER ONE YOU'VE GOT NOTHING OH you've got a run. And another. add 3 more. 4 the next inning. 5 runs? shit. another. and another. oh look we got one. and you get some more. 3-15 CHOO CHOO MOTHERFUCKER that asian dude was amazing 2 homers 6 RBI's goddamn he's like a robot he's a fucking asian super robot he hit the ball into the stands and then blew up the fucker who caught it with his GODDAMN LASER EYES.