I was comin' down a path on a hill that merged with the main road in the park. A guy was walkin' along said road. I slowed down slightly, but no! He decides to slow down too n' jumps right in front of me. Literally in front by a few inches. I'm thinkin', "YE BAMPOT!". I ran passed him n' he began to sing in this horrid, screechy voice...lookin' at me. o_o Instinctively, i ran faster. xD You get crazy folk no matter when n' where you are.
:/ just make sure when you are out running that you have your phone with you and stay in areas which is close to the public if not in public areas. Yesterday two girls got attacked near where I live at different times. I'm not saying be paranoid, just be careful when you're out.
Why did I read that in the voice of David Tennant? Anywho sounds like you encountered the wild beast known as the rare, singing, not over 60 jogger.
:'D <33 @ CtR- that happened here last week too D: a girl was raped in the woods in my neighbourhood because she was jogging while listening to music and didn't hear the guy approaching >>
That's very scary 0.0 I hope you haven't been too truamatized. Then again you are a member of this site.
O_O What a creeper!! If you listen to music when you run, don't put both earphones in, keep one ear free so you can hear creepy people approaching and be prepared to kick some lonely guy ass.