I posterd a thread in the spamzone which about 6 or 7 people replied to. I wante to check if any more people replied and I couldn't find my thread! There was also A post I had in another place, I think it was Intelligent Discussion and I wanted to see if anyone replied to it but I couldn't find my post! If any of the Staff have deleted my posts or somethig, please notify me before I get angry:roar:
Do you mean this thread..? http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?t=53752 If yes, it's fairly easy to track back to your own posts/threads. View public profile by clicking on your username, then look in the post box - you will see that you can see all posts or all threads by that person under the postcount. Posts Threads If I were to suggest something else that's easy, it's to subscribe to threads you know you want to keep an eye on. Whenever there's a new post in a subscribed thread you will see it in your User CP. To subscribe you go to the thread tools in the thread you want to subscribe to.
The easiest way to find them is like how Cocohints said. Click your username and click "view public profile," and there will be a little option above all your personal information called "forum info." Then in a little box it will say "posts" where you can view them. Hope that helps. If you have any other questions feel free to PM me or another staff member. ;]