you know that feeling you get when you've just finished a really good show and you're sad because it's over? yeah, that x100 right now. So I just finished watching Justice League and Justice League Unlimited, easily one of my favorite shows. I just finished the last episode of season two in Unlimited, and I have to say, season two was terrible. I've seen all of the show before when I was younger and it was on television, but it's been so long since I've seen it, and seeing it again is like seeing it for the first time. As I said, Unlimited season 2 was terrible, it pales in comparison to how awesome Unlimited season 1 was, which, by the way, is one of the best seasons I've ever seen in anything. It's easily the best seasons out of the entire show, and rivals what Young Justice did, if not surpasses it. Though, season 2 isn't so bad that I wouldn't call Justice League one of my favorite shows, even though the last episode was probably one of the worst episodes in the entire show. Still, to be completely honest, one of the reasons season 2 of Unlimited didn't do much for me was because it ignored the whole Batman and Wonder Woman relationship thing which season 1 was really not holding back on. I'm not generally a fan of relationships, but as I said in a previous thread I went crazy for this. I also like Green Arrow and Black Canary relationship, which I think each only played a major role in only one episode of season two, and they weren't in the same episode, so that got ignored as well. I also just recently finished 100%ing Re:CoM a few days ago, that puts me at 5 games down, 5 (or 6) games to go. It was painfully long to grind for max levels for both characters plus a completed journal for Sora, so I figure now is a good time to take a break before I head into the bulk of what's left (and before I burn out), and this seems like a perfect time finish watching Gundam, especially since I just finished Justice League, and I figure when I'm done with Gundam I'll watch a couple other short animes before heading back into KH. Those would be Neon Genesis Evangelion (something I've been planning to watch for so long), and Tiger & Bunny. So yeah, long op short, just finished a great show, really sad, time to watch more.
My problem is that once I like something and finish it I'll just rewatch it again and again. I've watched S1E04 of Downton Abbey so many times in the last few days it's kind of upsetting.