We've been having massive thunderstorms that make me scared to touch my computer in case of a power surge, my dog has been sick, and I have to start getting ready for college. But on the plus side I finally got a new laptop so I will be able to post normally and stuff again providing the storms don't knock my power out yay
Well, good thing you've managed to get a new laptop. I wish you luck when you leave for college also, it can be a bit of a hassle. And, thunderstorms...We just started having storm clouds today, we may be getting a bit of showers ourselves... What's wrong with your dog? D:
Welcome back! You would not believe how interesting my life has gotten. If you're interested, PM me or refer to this thread: http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?114246-I-m-baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack! It's really not as interesting as I'm making it out to be, but still worth checking out. I'm glad you're back! I hope you find KHV to be just as good as ever.
Thanks? I think I just don't want to pack things ever, I'm so lazy when it comes to that. xD She was acting real weird a few days ago, took her to the vet yesterday, turns out she has a bad ear infection and seasonal allergies (which causes bumps/scabs to form on her skin). She's being treated for both now so she's doing better. :] [COLOR="CC000"]Lol, nice. I was gonna go see Mr. Axelrod at AnimeNEXT in June but was at some other panel I think. Ah well. Hope you didn't run into any Risembool Rangers, they're scary.[/COLOR]
don't worry i'm going through the same thing (kinda?). nothing but flooding and thunderstorms here. also instead of my dog being sick like you my kitten is sick and i have to start my first year of high school soon. (oh joy) so your not alone in this situation.
well wishes to your dog. no thunderstorms here, but we did have a whole bunch of them about a month ago. im in grade 12 this year but school starts in august. what sort of sadist starts school in august?
you suck!!!!! i dont know what day im starting, i just know its in august. *incomprhensible angry muttering* stupid school system.
Doesn't your school's website have a calendar? That's how I know when there's going to be an early release schedule, an assembly schedule, etc.