There's no turning back. Hi everyone. c: Seen ACUnity's Trailer and half hyperventilated to death because the graphics are so sexy and it's assassin's creed and there's a chance that they're not going to have the animus in it and omg the story capabilities then and just ugh I'm so excited ok Here's some icons I made because dem graphics i mean come on Yes I know there's Black Flag in there too. c: Anyway, thanks for viewing. You can use these, just give credit please.
Ahh yes Lorde u <u Normally I don't like super-busy avatars but these are really nice. There's a sense of flow to each one, like every piece of the image is a part of the same machine. I think it's the color schemes that bring them together that way, well done on those. The focal points are all clear as well. Good work babe <3
The colour schemes added to the super high quality of the pictures just makes these super smexy. I like your experimentation with placement and colour effects, they really bring out the prettiness of the graphics and the schemes of the picture/game. Keep it up : D