I am curious--for oppinions. :] Tell me what you think of what I have so far... It's (not this post but the entire thing) kind of long so if you don't really like to read then my suggestion would not to read this. It is ongoing at the moment. Should I keep going? : ( : ) : I wonder if I’ve been changed in the night? Let me think. Was I the same when I got up this morning? I almost think I can remember feeling a little different. But if I’m not the same, the next question is ‘Who in the world am I?’ Ah, that’s the great puzzle! -Alice : ( : ) : I can hear the rain pouring down on my window, and I know my mind is in an incomprehensible mess of letters and figures. What is wrong with me? How come I can't remember--anything? Why do I feel like a tiny, insignificant pawn in this giant game of chess? Manipulated every move--useless--a sacrifice? ...Well, maybe that thought was a tad bit—completely—confusing, but I'm serious. What is my purpose? What am I doing here? I'm so confused. I sighed and closed my eyes relinquishing in to my thoughts for a moment. I guess the right way—well there really isn't a right way—to put it, is that my life is a riddle. Yes, a riddle. But not any riddle, no. As if it weren't hard enough already, my puppeteer decided to make it a riddle with no damnable answers! Right about--wait for it--now, you must be thinking I'm insane; but I'm not…! Not yet. It might sound weird, but the earliest thing I can remember is waking up, in the middle of this godforsaken place. That was a couple of weeks ago. And yes, my insanity hasn’t reached the point where I think I was born (without a mother, mind you) as a 17-year-old girl in the middle of nowhere. I think, probably like you are at this moment, that I've lost most of my memory. However, nothing physically seems to be wrong with me. No bumps on the head, no cuts, no bruises. I'm in perfect condition (that I know of anyway… although… a brain tumor might be—scary thought there. Let’s throw that one away for now). I know very little about myself, which is odd; the residents, that live here, seem to know a lot more about me than I do. For example: all I know is that my name is Alice, I'm around five foot five, I’m a brunette, I can read (thank God!), I can speak English and Latin fluently, I know what kind of foods I like and don’t like to eat, and— wait, something just occurred to me. I don’t even know when my birthday is! That’s just a bit depressing. I groaned and stood up, before brushing off my navy skirt, lightly. My black stilettos clicked across the wood floor, and the window loomed nearer, with each step I took. Thick curtains were pulled over the glass to ward off any unwelcome rain splatters; I pulled the fabric open anyways, and threw up the window. Rain isn't so bad... Leaning on the windowsill, my elbow resting on the rough, splintered willow bark, I gazed out to my home. And there’s two more things about myself I forgot to mention: I know that I live in a willow tree, in a place called Wonderland. See? Not much.
Question- Is this going to be based enough on the actual Alice in Wonderland? Not sure whether to move it from Original Works as of now. But, omg. This is excellent. Your writing style is so refreshing, so.. informal. The thoughts of Alice are an entertainment to the eyes, and your use of metaphorical phrases is delicious. I really liked the comparison to a game of chess. I wondered at first how she would know so much about herself if she felt as if she had only just been born- but you brought in the idea of the "residents" to fill in that problem. Wonderful, keep it up~
Thank you so much... and no it's not really based on the original... I mean there are ideas from C.S. Lewis' book but it is sort of a mix between a lot of fairy tales... the names are all the same, but the characters are completely different. They are all original peoples that came from somewhere deep down inside the abyss formerly known as my head :] But I guess it could be considered "fan-something" (I can't think of the word...) so if you want to move it that's okay with me :]