Welcome to the under dome

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Dexnail, Mar 12, 2009.

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  1. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    Welcome to the Under Dome​

    Alright after the organization got defeated the balance of world became unbalanced.Darkness and Light bash against each other making all of the worlds explode killing everybody.In the underworld a nobody challenged hades for the title god of the dead the nobodie defeated hades.The heros and the villains look in awe as the under dome lit up waiting for them to enter.They enter hearing all of the demons cheer for them while Braxen the new ruler of the underworld sits in his stone throne looking at the contestents.Now will you bring the crowd the excitement winning the ultimate prize granting your deepest dreams and desires or die trying?


    No God Modeling
    No power playing
    The winner will be decided on how the contestent fight i will find somebody to judge dont worry i wont play favorites
    Be creative
    Blood and gore is aloud
    its one on one no help from other people
    The winner gets to finnish off their opponet(mortal kombat style is encouraged :) )
    there can be alliences but it cant be one big one and remember they cant help you with your fight directly
    also if you lose and get finished off by another char you will be braught back cause it is in the underworld
    if you are in a fight but the other person is not posting if they log off before you or they dont post the next day to continue the fight you will get the finisher(i know it seems strict but it solves a lot of problems plz dont be mad guys)
    also if you guys are gona have votes for deciding who gets the finisher a good amount of people needs to be on before the vote is decided
    Have fun

    the set up
    the matches will be anounced the day before
    remember there is a crowd and a judge keep it interesting
    when you win a match i will record the wins
    the contestents are expected to watch each others matches
    when you die your char will be brought back to life automaticly they will wake up in their beds

    Winner Turnament

    First Rounds
    Larxene vs Gexlion fight day 1 over
    Xeol vs Marluxia fight day 2 over
    Ryan Finnase vs Maria over
    Xambaala vs Steller yamato overfight day 4
    Hikari vs Axel fight overday 5
    Demyx vs mixt in progressday 6
    Drewxan vs saix not gona happenfight day 7
    Lynn vs xigbar not gona happenfight day 8
    Cloude vs Sepheroth not gona happen

    Round Two
    Will be in the new areana

    1st match Xeol vs Gexlion
    2nd match Axel vs Maria
    3rd match Steller vs Demyx

    Final Round

    Axel vs Demyx
    Xeol vs ?

    This turnament will be in the old areana it will begin during the 2nd round

    Larxene vs Hikari
    Marluxia vs Ryan Finnase
    Mixt vs Xambalaa

    Larxene vs Marluxia
    Mixt vs Gexlion
    Maria vs Steller

    Gexlion- win 1 lost 1
    Larxene-win 1 lost 1
    Xeol-win 2 lost 0
    Marluxia-win 0 lost 1
    Axel-win 2 lost 0
    Hikari- win 0 lost 2
    Steller Yamato- win 1 lost 1
    Xambalaa- win 0 lost 1
    Maria- win 1 lost 1
    Ryan Finnase- win 0 lost 1
    Demyx- win 2 lost 0
    Mixt- win 0 lost 1

    OC forum

    species: (heartless,nobodie,human,lion etc)
    organization: (half hearts organization,old organization member,heartless organization,peace organization)
    appearance: (links are helpfull)
    power: 1 or 2

    Braxen- Road to Darkness

    Final Fantasy
    Cloude- RapidCloudeStrif
    Leon- SoraNRikuNKairi
    Seipheroth- King Of Darkness
    Tiffa- random angel

    Organization 13
    Xemnes- Legion
    Xigbar- seph-x7
    Zexion- Dexnail
    Saix- Brastus
    Demyx- water mage
    Marluxia- timesxhasxgone
    Larxene- timesxhasxgone

    Axel- fire mage
    Jack Sparrow

    Hades- Legion


    played by: Dexnail
    Name: Xeol
    Species: nobody
    Organization: Organiztion 13 he dessiapeard before xemness found out axels dirty deeds at castle oblivion
    appearance: has brown hair the back is short,the sides stops at his caller bone,his front stops at his eye brows,has green eyes, wears an organization uniform
    power: able to create fog and controll it
    weapon: foged memories(a very sharp silver dagger)
    bio: Xeol was Xemness most trusted spy.On a assignement he was given from Xemness to check on the suspicius activity of marluxia and axel.When Xeol learned that axel killed vexen he headed to xemnes but he was confronted by axel.Then axel took him to marluxia after that he was locked in the dungeon getting torturd and Marluxia eventully killed him.
    other: he blames himself for being weak

    played by: Tenshigirl
    Name: Maria
    species: human
    organization: peace organization isn't in one if thats not an option then this one
    power: has something to do with hearts like making them dark or light and can summon her heart guardian
    weapon: keyblade (for those who are in the rp I made you know)
    bio: maria lived in a world near halloween town and was bored with how things were in her world. one night she wished that something different would happen and later on had a dream of kingdom hearts. the next day her world were attacked by heartless and he obtained the keyblade while trying to save someone from a heartless. she meet a man who knew much about the keyblade and taught her some skills that she would need but after a cisis in other worlds he had to leave and leave he n another world. they were reunited but it was cut short when someone killed him. she was left wandering the worlds in order to find the person who took her master away. she learned how to summon her guardian before he died.
    other: he guardian will give her advice from time to time but won't give her too much information.

    played by: Roxas81334
    name; Stellar Yamato
    species: somody
    organization: old organization member
    power:can controll the element of earth (rocks, boluders, exc.0
    bio:was trained as a ninja by her grandma and grandpa....she took to fighting and dicided to fight in the many different worlds.
    other: none

    played by: Cstar7777
    Name: Hikari
    species: (heartless,nobodie,human,lion etc): Halfbody
    organization: (half hearts organization,old organization member,heartless organization,peace organization):half hearts organization(YOU TOTALLY STOLE THIS FROM ME!!XDD alright i'll live! XDD)
    appearance: (links are helpfull):
    power: 1 or 2: Teleport & flying
    weapon: Katana
    bio: none really..
    other: none

    played by: Ryan Finesse
    Name: Ryan Finesse

    species: (heartless,nobodie,human,lion etc)

    organization: half hearts organization

    appearance: Sandy chin length hair, blue eyes, scar of a battle against cerberus when he was battling for his soul in the underworld because it was lost in a battle against Vlasidius, a twister of fate. Has black and white vest, black vest, white buttons, white kerchief, black baggy pants with belts across them, airwalk shoes. Nobody sign is on the blade, in blue. Has hand and arm guards and gloves.

    power: curses and summoning

    weapon: a black and white blade called SinKiller, a one and a half handed sword that one half of the blade is black and the other white.

    bio: A lone traveller that his fate was messed by a men called Vlasidius and Dhurzan.

    other: mostly told in appearances. hes 19.

    I'll be back.

    played by: seph-x7
    species: Nobodie (Male)organization: Forgotten Organizationappearancewhats under the black coat if shirt and pants) He wears a Black/Silver Bandana on his head(lets a couple of hair-bangs out) ,studed leather gloves,black knee-torn pants(hot-topic like), white muscle shirt (with added chains going down arm side, studs on arm rim, black/white sashes going down from one arm,and bottom right-hand side stained with blood), a chain that hangs from his pants, and another black/silver bandana that hangs vertical from his front pant pocket.
    weapon:a couple of gun-blades (1 blade on each side of 1 gun)
    Power: nuetrality (darkness and light)
    bio:He was allways being ripped on for being different....He never really new where to belong how he got there and why. Even though he had a brother, the two never seemed to get along and his 2 sister's he thought he could meet, never came the chance...after a few arguements with his family, he left the house in search for information (for a few hours) of where he truely needs to be.....he then found a stranger that attacked him, he of course didnt back down, but him having nothing at the time got tired and was allmost easily beaten...(got turned into a nobody but destroyed the enemy in the process).
    other:gun-blade morph, draws power when in a tight corner, or if (False) emotions pick up,and uses fast pased/strong attacks (think of sephiroth at this point)
    Believes in freedom (the "do what you wanna do" attitude),head

    strong(will-strong), knows when to use emotions and weapons at

    the right time, inconspicuously clever, uses many advantages, Isnt

    very afraid of death nor what people think or (atempt) to do with

    him ,friendly, tries to help (in his own way),is a team-player (at

    times) and thinks of his friends as family.(may get on the "moody"

    side as well, and like's to gamble and likes cats...).

    played by: Legion
    species: nobody
    organization: peace organization
    appearance: Rather scrawny individual with a ridiculous amount of hair that cover up a nobody symbol stamped on his head, tight fitting grey pants, and a stained hoody grey hoody.
    power: He has control over dead things and the dead
    weapon: A femur and a bony arm he calls corpse remorse.
    bio:There really isn't much to say about Gexlion's past. After being killed by a heartless he became a Nobody. After being "reborn" Gex was insantly killed by a falling coffin. He has been "Living" in the underworld ever since

    played by:AndrewTamari01

    Name: Drewxan

    Species: Nobody

    Organization: Old Organization

    Apperance: Dirty-blonde hair and blue eyes. Scar over right eye. Wears a black T-shirt, black skinny jeans, black sneakers, black Organization hoody, and a black heart necklace.

    Power: Able to control wind

    Weapon: Sword of Great Winds

    Bio: Mother died at age 6. Before she died, she gsve him a necklace to remember her. Father became a drunkie and hit Drewxan a lot as a kid. When Drewan was 16, he and his father got in a big fight (scar) then Drewxan killed him. He joined the Org. for relief.

    played by: Random Angel

    Name: Lynn
    Species: Nobody
    Organization: Doesn't belong to any.
    Appearance: http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x...ampire0052.jpg
    Power: Darkness/Transformation
    Weapon: http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x...ordsnormal.jpg
    Bio: Came to the underworld to go to the under dome to fight and test her strength, like training, plus it seems like winning could be important to her since some stakes rest on it. Learn history along the way.
    Other: N/A

    Name: Mixt
    Species: human
    organization: half hearts organization
    Appearance: (See avy)
    power: Alchemy, (can perform basic transmutations without a circle)
    Weapon: Unholy Avenger – A sword that grows more powerful as the allies of the wielder are defeated.
    bio: Very calculating, dreams of recreating the world of the living in order to rule over it

    played by: Brastus
    name: Devox
    organization: old organization member
    species: nobody
    power: Energy, Psychokenesis
    bio: Devox came here to the underdome searching for a fight, his memories of when he was a whole person drive him to want to fight, and he does not know why, but he must, in order to satisfy the hunger for battle.
    other: has a soft spot for women,
    his nature can sometimes contradict itself and he becomes extremely violent, or passive.
    sometimes has terrible mood swings, otherwise is normally calm, but likes to be random when in a good mood. will fight to the bitter end if he has to. has a strange obsession with lighting and fire, though he controls neither. came into the organization brought by Saix, had hoped to meet Larxene and Roxas.

    played by: Cstar7777
    Name: Yami
    species: : Halfbody
    organization: half hearts organization puppet(not a member)
    power: Element Earth(meaning anything earth related besides sand)
    weapon: Armblades
    bio: other half of hikari.. the "strong and nice" half
    other: is blind like Hikari except she learned to see using her element(meaning people with the element wind cold pretty much kill her[mocking Avatar the last air bender's toagf ])
  2. Smackdoodle McGiggles Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 4, 2009
    hey man, can i be judge? and preferably Braxen instead of Hades lol if thats possible
  3. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    alright you can be both if you want but there is a roll though you cant fight in the turnament sorry i just need to make it fair ya know
  4. Smackdoodle McGiggles Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 4, 2009
    i know i cant fight :3
    i mean the judge be Braxen instead of Hades.
  5. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    alright u still have to type the info of him still :)
  6. Smackdoodle McGiggles Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 4, 2009
    yessss *happy dance* wait.... how would that work since hes already dead........ oh well i wont question the logic xD and when you want to start ill be waiting O.O that and ill judge like in the movie gladiator with the thumbs up and stuff. this sounds like a great idea ^^
  7. The Joker Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 17, 2008
    Mile high.
    May I have Sephiroth?
  8. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    yes you can :)

    alright ill tell you when we start k bud and yes that does sound great :)
  9. Smackdoodle McGiggles Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 4, 2009
    *Evilly strums fingers* wait a sec! they need like.... back up characters, for when their other ones die or else the RP will get killed off and end too fast.
  10. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    its the underworld they will be braught back and i just edited the rules
  11. tenshigrl Merlin's Housekeeper

    can maria be a judge ~desu (been saying this since I went to school) or a participate
  12. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    yes she can just fill in the info :)
  13. tenshigrl Merlin's Housekeeper

    thank you~desu

    species: human
    organization: peace organization isn't in one if thats not an option then this one
    appearance: http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x205/Ten2Ten/sonic yugioh etc/123587186543267.jpg
    power: has something to do with hearts like making them dark or light and can summon her heart guardian
    weapon: keyblade (for those who are in the rp I made you know)
    bio: maria lived in a world near halloween town and was bored with how things were in her world. one night she wished that something different would happen and later on had a dream of kingdom hearts. the next day her world were attacked by heartless and he obtained the keyblade while trying to save someone from a heartless. she meet a man who knew much about the keyblade and taught her some skills that she would need but after a cisis in other worlds he had to leave and leave he n another world. they were reunited but it was cut short when someone killed him. she was left wandering the worlds in order to find the person who took her master away. she learned how to summon her guardian before he died.
    other: he guardian will give her advice from time to time but won't give her too much information.
  14. Smackdoodle McGiggles Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 4, 2009
    ill ask some of the members or the Forgotten Organization if they want to join as well but dont worry i wont play favorites even with my own members... not even you Dexnail/Xeol >:P
  15. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    ~puppy eyes~
    thats mean
    lol just kidden and yea check if they want to join :)
  16. Roxas81334 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jan 10, 2009
    Listening to music
  17. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    alright ill add u
  18. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    Name: Hikari
    species: (heartless,nobodie,human,lion etc): Halfbody
    organization: (half hearts organization,old organization member,heartless organization,peace organization):half hearts organization(YOU TOTALLY STOLE THIS FROM ME!!XDD alright i'll live! XDD)
    appearance: (links are helpfull):[​IMG]
    power: 1 or 2: Teleport & flying
    weapon: Katana
    bio: none really..
    other: none
  19. Smackdoodle McGiggles Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 4, 2009
    OOC: we ready to start some fights Dexnail?
  20. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    not yet we are needing some more organization members to get picked to get picked
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