We at Minitruth are happy to see that you, the citizens of KH-Vids.Net are assimilating nicely into our civilization. In a short while, it will be as if you were never your own country at all! Now, on to business. You may be familiar with Newspeak, our great nation's way of shortening the dictionary to allow for easier communication. With Newspeak, you hardy need to think at all in order to communicate! If not, you may pick up a free Newspeak Dictionary over there: Pick up Your Newspeak Dictionare Here! Now, on to more important business. You may have noticed that during the speech each of you received a questionnaire. Please fill it out now and hand it to one of our many friendly Thought Police who are patrolling the area. Name: Age: Date of Birth: Height: Weight: Relationship Status: Number of Children, if Applicable: What is your favorite idea or tradition that you would like to be carried over from KHV culture into Oceania? What do you fear most, and how do you deal with this fear? Have you ever experienced feelings of love? How would you describe your social class? [OOC: If this goes well, I may make a better version of this as an RP. The story is simple. It is 1984 and KHV has been conquered by Oceania. You are the Proles and must either assimilate or struggle against the Ministry of Truth's history rewriting propaganda in order to keep KHV as distinct as possible from the rest of Oceania. I will take the role of all government officials, including Thought Police, the Ministries of Love, Plenty, Truth, and Peace, and other miscellaneous parts of the Party. If this progresses to become a proper RP, those roles may be taken as characters. For now, however, it will be all OCs and all directed by me as a "Game Master" of sorts.] [The rules are very simple. Posts are to be written in the third person. Dialogue must use Newspeak. Thoughts, which are to be represented italics, must also be in Newspeak. The rest of your posts may be written in proper English if you so choose. Have fun and be prepare to doublethink and crimestop for all it's worth!]