Welcome to Death

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Aelin, Oct 15, 2016.

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  1. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada

    Death Academy that is. Yes you heard that right I Lord death am welcoming you to the DWMA. You must be the new class. For those of you that don’t already know, DWMA stands for Death Weapon Meister Academy. So basically we train up our students and get them ready for forge a death scythe. How do they do this you might ask? Well that is simple; by collecting 99 kishin souls and one witch soul, your weapon can be transformed into my own personal death scythe. This isn’t as easy as one might thing, for meister and weapon to get along is difficult in itself.

    A Kishin soul is a soul that has become corrupt, general through committing major crimes. Once a soul turns Kishin it is our job to deal with it and protect the people of the world. I can’t do this on my own, that is why I created the DWMA. During your time here you won’t only collect Kishin souls to further your goal of creating a death scythe, but also for the sake of protecting humanity.

    Now that we have the basics covered, what do you say we get into the details of your time at this school. In the main hall you will find a board with missions listed on it. You are allowed to take any mission you like as long as your partner agrees on it. The Meister isn’t greater than the weapon, and the weapon isn’t greater than it’s meister. You are both equal and partners in this, and thus you get equal say. Some missions are harder than others and might involve more than one Meister Weapon pair to complete, make sure you sign up with someone that you can work with. More than one pair is allowed to take on a task; it will just be a race to see who completes it first. That being said you may not sabotage the others chances. These tasks are to improve your skills as weapons and meisters, the race will only prove to challenge you more. You do not live on campus, but you and your partner are more than welcome to rent yourselves a place in the city below. Any free time can be spent at the school or in the town, it is up to you.

    Now then, shall I go over the school rules for you all?

    1. You must respect the other meisters and weapons. If you find you aren’t getting along with them you can talk to me

    2. I will assign your partner. I know going around with your best friend sounds fun and all, but sometime you just aren’t a compatible match. That is why you leave the match making to the expert

    3. Romance is allowed at this school, but I suggest you don’t take it too far, you might make the others uncomfortable

    4. I know you are busy with your normal classes on top of your missions, but please try and work on your mission at least once a week. (Post at least once a week)

    5. If you plan to be absent from school for more than a week you must talk to me or else I might have to send some of my best Meisters out looking for you to make sure you aren’t hurt

    6. Since this school is in a town as well, follow the rules of the town. Just because you are a student here doesn’t exempt you from the rest of reality (Follow khv general rules)

    7. If you wish to take on a mission please tell me. I like to keep track of my students. (Post your mission selection in the ooc and then I will get it started for you)

    8. I know you are anxious to do your best, but remember you are still new. Soul Resonance will come in time but you won’t master it in your first day. It takes a lot of work and trust to accomplish tasks such as that

    9. I know it is tempting to just cruse through your school year without much effort, but where is the fun in that? Try and make things interesting. (Try to make decent length posts)

    10. Seeing I created this academy, I will make rules as I see fit

    Last edited: Oct 22, 2016
  2. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    (Please attempt to make an equal number of each. Two characters per person)​

    Weapon Character sheet

    Weapon Type: (What you turn into, it doesn’t have to be a scythe)
    Weapon Appearance:
    Personality: (You can keep it basic, we will discover it over time)
    Backstory: (Nothing extensive, just what brought you to the DWMA)
    Discord ID:

    Meister Character sheet

    Personality: (You can keep it basic, all will be revealed over time)
    Why did you become a Miester: (What is your motive?)
    Backstory: (Doesn’t have to be extensive)
    Discord ID:

    Meister Weapon Pairings
    1. Zephyr Siegend and Rodrick Thatch
    2. Zoey Pryor and Dana Knightfall
    3. Matthew Loring and Mikio Ticchi
    4. Chaol Arroway and Hannah Swift
    5. Blake Mezzabell and Kuro
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2017
  3. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada

    • Mission Details: A small gang has formed known for exploiting and stealing. At first not considered dangerous, the more desperate they got the more dangerous they became. Seven police officer have now been killed by the couple and their accomplices. Bonnie and Clyde have partnered with Clyde's brother Buck, his wife Blanche, and a man by the name of William Jones. We have discovered the location that they are hiding out in preparing for their next heist, but they have littered it with traps. Your job is to find the location and navigate your way through the abandoned building and put a stop to this gang before they strike again.

      Students required: 4 students (2 teams)

      Accepted by:Chaol Arroway and Hannah Swift, and Matthew Loring and Mikio Ticchi

    • Mission Details: This mission is not as cut and dry as the other ones. Unfortunately we don’t exactly know who the culprit of this case is, but we know whoever it is, is a kishin and needs to be stopped. There was an investigator previously working on the case but right before he solved it and we could get the name he disappeared. Your goal is to find him and defeat the kishin. The man we are after is head of an oil heist and the last movements were near the shipping docks.

      Students required: 2 (1 team)

      Accepted by:

    • Mission Detals: This mission is a little different given the kishin soul is not inside something that should be living, but instead something long dead. There seems to be a kishin soul inside a pharaoh. You are to go to the great pyramid and collect this soul. While it might be contained it is still dangerous. Take caution when entering the temple, if there is a kishin soul living inside a tomb, you don't know what else you may find in the pyramid.

      Students required: 2 (1 team)

      Accepted by: Dana and Zoey


    • Mission Details:
      For those of you who like a good party, this might be a good one. Miss Rosaline Blackthorn, gun dealer expert is to be attending a masquerade ball where she will complete her trade agreement with the local mafia. Two high stake people will be there, as both miss Blackthorn and her business partner will be attending. Your job is to collect their Kishin souls without disrupting the party. How you are going to go about doing this is completely up to you

      Students required: 2 (1 team)

      Accepted by: Blake and Kuro, as well as by Zoey and Dana

    • Mission Details: Grayson Donald is a famous jewel thief that will stop at nothing to gain the riches that he desires. It is this greed that turned him into a kishin. He is smart however and has become increasing difficult to track down. Rumour has it a man knows the location of him. Go talk to this man and track down the kishin.

      Students required: 2 (1 team)

      Accepted by:

    • Mission Details: A murder who goes by the name Jack the Ripper is running around murdering prostitutes. Your job is to put a stop to him. On the last body found there was a clue. Use it to track him down.

      Students required: 2 (1 team)

      Accepted by: Zephyr and Roderick


    • Mission Details: There have been reports on strange things happening at the cemetery. We are not entirely sure what it is so we want to send a student to investigate. It is most likely due to a kishin, so if it is please eliminate if possible.

      Students required: 2 (1 team)

      Accepted by:
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2017
  4. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    Meister Character sheet

    Name: Zoey Pryor
    Age: 14
    Appearance: {here}
    Personality: The get-to-it kinda gal who refuses to have her limitations be limitations. Stubborn, she doesn't make excuses, she does what ever is required of her and sometimes a little more if she can. Seems to trail off in thought a lot, and then snaps back down to earth if her attention is required as if she had been listening the whole time. Zoey will stand up for those she cares about in a heartbeat, and tries to find something to smile about every day. She does have her sad moments (and who doesn't), but she doesn't let it drag her around for long.
    Why did you become a Miester: To beat the odds that have been thrown at her, to protect others from those who intend to do great harm, and to prove herself that she is more than capable of carrying on the family tradition to be a weapon meister.
    Once, Zoey was able to see the world in all its color, and then one day after she turned four, she became very sick. Strange enough, the sickness only affected her eyes to the point everything became painfully bright to the point where she couldn't open her eyes in a dimly lit room without feeling like flaming needles were being stabbed deep in her eyes into her head. She was placed in the darkest room possible for nearly a year as doctors and specialists scratched their head, wondering what had caused this suffering. They tried all sorts of remedies and treatments, but nothing seemed to work.

    With no cure in sight, Zoey then found that if she covered her eyes with a thick blindfold, she could step out into the world again without the searing pain. And strange enough, she could see silver outlines of things in front of her, just not the colors she once admired and loved. It wasn't the same as before, but it was better than being stuck indoors in a dark place all the time. Soon she learned how to see souls of those she came in contact with, and the color of them. Despite her dad wanting her to take things easy because of her "limited sight", Zoey decided at the age of six that she was going to join the DWMA and be the best blind Meister ever to carry on the family tradition. So she trained, and practiced how to hold a weapon, how to fight, how to defend herself, and how to use her soul sight better, along with listening to every sound, and identifying smells to figure out where her opponent is.

    After submitting an application to the school, Zoey and her family were shocked to learn that she had been accepted, but on a few conditions... She would let Lord Death assign her to the best compatible partner possible, and she was to see Lord Death about her eyes ever so often.
    Other: Zoey has a "birth defect" under her right eye that kind of looks like a tattoo of a crescent moon and wears a blindfold at all times, unless there's complete darkness. Even with the littlest bit of light, she gets a horrible headache with a high-pitch ringing in her ears, and almost becomes paralyzed by pain the brighter the light is. The blindfold she wears helps her work through the side effects of her strange illness; the sensitivity to light. She can see outlines of people and things, but she can't read text unless it has some kind of depth to it. So she either depends on braille, or someone else to read words out loud to her. Also, her family has a bad history with witches.
    Discord ID: Maka Albarn#1042
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2016
  5. Glen Returned from the dead

    Jan 18, 2011
    Weapon Character Sheet

    Name: Dana Knightfall
    Age: 15
    Appearance: Here
    Weapon Type: Bladed Quarterstaff
    Personality: Extremely lazy, tends to not worry about things, very opinionated.
    Backstory: Dana Knightfall was raised in a loving home, with a loving family and two brothers. For as long as she could remember, it had been her family's wishes for her to attend the DWMA, just as her father had, and his father before him. It was her family's wishes, not her own. However much she opposed this, however, she did in the end accept that her application had been accepted and packed up her things. God, being the youngest daughter in her family was such a drag.
    Discord ID: Gexln (#9415)

    Meister Character Sheet

    Name: Chaol Arroway
    Age: 17
    Appearance: Here
    Personality: Optimistic, and talks a little more than the average person. He prefers to think of himself as determined, but really he's just stubborn and doesn't like to admit he was wrong. Most of the time he'll go silent when he IS wrong.
    Why did you become a Meister: To follow tradition, and to be the best meister that he could possibly be.
    Backstory: For many years, the Dancing Blades has been a powerful and secretive assassination organisation. Often, they would carry out assassinations in broad daylight, not caring who saw them due to their swift movements enabling them to escape from even the most dangerous pursuers. While many may have seen them as another band of criminals, or maybe even potential kishins themselves, the Dancing Blades had one ruling they valued above all else; "Kill only those that would harm others, and protect the innocent". Recently, however, there has been talk of a problem development within the clan, and for reasons known to very few a member of the clan was sent to the DWMA for training.

    His name was Chaol Arroway, and he had received very little training by the Dancing Blades before his departure for the DWMA. He promised his clan three things before he left:

    1: He would become the best meister at the DWMA
    2: He would return
    And the third was something that surprised even the leader of the Dancing Blades. Surprised, and worried them.
    Other: Is a member of the assassination clan "The Dancing Blades". This information wouldn't be spread throughout the whole school, but it likely wouldn't be hard to catch wind of.
    Discord ID: Gexln (#9415)
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2016
  6. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009
    Weapon Character sheet


    Name: Hannah Swift
    Age: 16
    Appearance: http://66.media.tumblr.com/1550f69c6b47275ad1ee8b4d99b9955b/tumblr_nufvo4lOhP1uywq5zo1_1280.jpg Also she is actually really short.
    Weapon Type: Bow & Arrows (With blades attached to each of the limbs). The arrows are actually concentrated beams of soul wavelength (Look like arrows made of light), this may be hard to create initially.
    Weapon Appearance: (still looking for a good image) I'm thinking similar to a traditional bow so smaller than like a recurve but easier to shoot from all angles. The end of the limbs have blades on them for close combat. The limbs have swirling patterns on them.
    Personality: Usually quite calm (though may get a little hyper when she gets excited about something). She is quite caring and protective of those around her, though due to this she hates to feel useless and has a tendency to disregard her own safety if it means protecting someone else. While she doesn't dislike fighting, she doesn't like pointless fights and hates bystanders getting injured due to fights they are not involved in.
    Backstory: Hannah grew up in a rough area where there was a lot of fighting and as her mum was a doctor, she often saw the injured or dead people that resulted from the fights. It wasn't unusual for unrelated innocent people to get caught up in the fights and they were usually the ones to come out worst. She strongly disliked the fact that she wasn't able to help them and couldn't protect them. She sees DWMA as a chance to get stronger and actually be able to protect the things she cares about.
    Other: Has a bit of medical knowledge/good first aid skills due to growing up around her mum treating patients.
    Discord ID: Midnight Star#6910
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2016
  7. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    @Maka Albarn @Glen @Midnight Star
    All your characters are accepted. I am having a discord chat made. I will not pair people off until we have a few more people/it seems no one else is joining. Glen I am a little worried with how you talk about the assassin clan, but I will talk to you privately about that. You shouldn't have to change the premise of the backstory, just perhaps add a detail or two.
  8. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    One more character:

    Weapon Character sheet

    Name: Mikio Ticchi
    Age: 15
    Weapon Type: Claw gauntlet.
    Weapon Appearance: Kind of looks like this.
    Personality: Anti-social and rather shy, doesn't care much to interact with people unless he's comfortable around them. He'll still be friendly and try not to be rude, but unless you keep him interested in a conversation, he'll try to keep it short and sweet if he doesn't know you very well. Keeps to himself, has a keen eye for detail, and tries to find someone who leads in any situation and panics if decisions are left solely up to him to come up with. Will stick to his best friends like glue, but most of the time he likes to be by himself. He comes out of his shell if he's around animals, especially cats.
    Mikio has always been a quiet child all his life. His mother would brag that he was the easiest baby she had ever had. His older sister tended to have the feisty spirit in her, always loud, and constantly getting into someone's business. Mikio would constantly be picked on by her, and thus learned to keep to himself as much as possible and stay out of trouble. Until one fateful day, on his way home from school, Mikio saw one of his classmates he knew being bullied by a couple of girls. He wanted to turn the other way, or find someone else to help break up the situation, but things went downhill fast and there was no time to run the other way.

    Instead, Mikio moved out of character towards danger, knocking a bully down and stood in front of his classmate before another hit was laid. That's when time seemed to stand still; for his hand turned into a claw like weapon, and the bully's shirt was torn in front in ribbons. Not a scratch on the skin was made, but fear took over the small group, and they retreated. Soon, he got a letter from the DMWA requesting him to enroll into the academy immediately, and his quiet life had been flipped upside down.
    Other: He's tall for his age. Loves anything to do with cats (if you couldn't tell). Seems like he's a push over, but he does have some will power locked away somewhere to stand up for others in time of need. Mikio also learned how to speed read and can get through a book in a shorter amount of time than normal, remember it, and recall information almost perfectly.
    Discord ID: In Zoey's Profile
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2016
  9. Lauriam I hope I didn't keep you waiting...

    Jun 4, 2009
    Nonbinary she/he/it?

    Name: Roderick Thatch

    Age: 14
    Appearance: Roderick has short brown hair and green eyes, is a touch tall for his age, but not too noticeably, and is of an average weight and build for a 13 year old. Wears a black t-shirt with a graphic reading ‘Death City’ in white graffiti style letters, darkwash jeans, and a dark gray sportcoat. Wears a black leather belt with green braiding to match his weapon form hilt, with a gleaming silver buckle.
    Weapon Type: Katana
    Weapon Appearance: A long silver blade with a black hilt. There is a green band braided up the handle, going on and wrapping around the base of the blade for an inch or two, and then appearing to be loosely tied there and the ends hang loose a good five or six inches off the blade. Although the blade is sharp and the band appears to be rather loose, it won’t ever come undone or get cut away, it’s merely accent.
    Roderick Katana.png
    Personality: Roderick is calm and level headed, preferring to let others do the talking, but willing to come forward if he feels that what he has to say is actually worth the saying. He doesn't pick fights, but he doesn't like to see people bullied, either, and is the type of person to notice the kid who was left out, and try to befriend the loner. That said, he’s not very ambitious, and although he tries to do well in school, he’s perfectly content to sit in the shadows of the more driven and academically inclined students.
    Backstory: Roderick first discovered his weapon form when he was ten, but his father, a shopkeeper who had recently moved to Death City, wanted him to finish middle school first, before joining the Academy. Roderick’s little sister, Denise, also happens to be a weapon, a katana identical to Roderick’s save for the fact her accents are red where his are green. They’ve actually wielded each other on occasion, ‘for practice,’ but their cautious father hasn't let them do so very often, strongly suggesting they don't use their weapon forms until they’ve had the proper training. Denise is jealous that Roderick’s starting school this year and she has to wait two whole years herself, but he’s promised to teach her a bit of what he’s learning, as long as it’s okay with their dad. (don't worry, I’m not using this to sneak in a third character; she’s just a part of his backstory already, I’ll leave her at home. XD)
    Discord ID: Marushi#6324


    Name: Matthew Loring
    Age: 13
    Appearance: Honey-blonde hair going down to his shoulders, bangs almost covering brown eyes. Matthew is maybe a touch short for his age, and is rather thin, appearing a little younger than his age, though not by a whole lot. Wears dark gray pants, a white button-up shirt that's not tucked in and a plain black tie, and a red suit jacket with a Lord Death’s Mask pin on one lapel. Wears black glasses.
    Personality: Friendly and optimistic, Matthew tries to see the best in people and will do whatever it takes to help them see it too. He’s extremely loyal, almost to a fault, and is easily discouraged if he feels like he made a mistake. He’s very aware of people’s perceptions of him, always worried about their opinions and trying to be someone they’ll like. He also tends to stress about school a little, but mostly has a good handle on it. He doesn't need to be the best, but if he’s not as good as he thinks he could be, he’ll start to lose confidence in himself, and fast.
    Why did you become a Meister: Matthew's father, a successful archaeologist, was a meister when he was young, and still occasionally goes on trips for DWMA business, although most of his work is for the historical community. Matthew adores his father and hopes to follow in his footsteps as best he can, first by becoming a good meister, and then by studying archaeology so that he can travel the world and unearth history like his father does.
    Backstory: Born to fairly wealthy and influential parents, Matthew has never known poverty or need- he’s always been given everything he wanted. But his parents, who married young, aren't ever really too happy with each other, so although they all live in the same large house in the nicer neighborhoods of Death City, they rarely spend any time together. Matthew does whatever he can to please them, however, and likes to hope that if he makes them both happy with him, maybe they’ll be happy with each other again...
    Discord ID: Marushi#6324
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2016
  10. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Meister Character Sheet

    Zephyr Siegend
    Age: 18
    Appearance: TBA
    Personality: Overall chill about most things though he can get angry fairly easily if the right buttons are pressed. While he's angry he can be quite stubborn and depending on his mental state. Catching him off guard or surprising him will instantly break through his chill layer and grant well, a reaction fitting of the situation.
    Why did you become a Meister: To seek atonement for his past mistake
    Backstory: After a particular incident at his village that had left him as a pariah, Zephyr set off own his on. At first there wasn't a particular destination he had in mind. In fact he really just wanted to get away from his past mistakes. Eventually this caused him to end up in Death City, home of the DWMA. Realizing this Zephyr recalled how both his parents were a meister and weapon pair. The realization also lit a spark of hope for Zephyr, hope that by enrolling there that he might get strong enough to atone for his past instead of running away from it.
    Other: There's a black flame tattoo on his forearm he got from an encounter with a witch.
    Discord ID: UncrownedBloodedgeMoksha#9274
  11. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Pairings are posted will work on the main thread soon
  12. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    First set of mission have been posted. Each mission will have a different set of challenges for you to complete in order to succeed and each is completed differently. You won't know the missions until you come across them. As a reminder more than one team is allowed to take on a mission and race each other to finish it, unless it is a mission that requires more than two students, if that is the case then you must work with another pair to complete the mission together.
  13. LadyAzura Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 21, 2012
    Garreg Mach Monastery
    Weapon Character Sheet:
    Name: Blake Mezzabell
    Age: 18
    Appearance: Boop
    Weapon Type: Scythe
    Weapon Appearance: Beep
    Personality: Smart, Quiet, Kind, Shy, Creative, Calm, Does her best in school, Rarely gets angry. Overall just stays quiet unless someone starts up a conversation. Loyal, Determined, likes singing and reading books(particularly romance and detective novels). Easily gets emotionally upset but she tries to hide it and a little distant
    Backstory: Blake had learned she was a weapon since she was 16. Her older brothers and sister were all meisters and wanted to be just like them. She was all ready to apply to be a Meister at the DWMA until her arm had become a blade. Her family was shocked but happy for her. Unfortunately, she wasn't for a little bit. Since then she's accepted that she's a weapon. She finally got around to applying to be a weapon at the DWMA to hone her skills as a weapon
    Other: She has a small diamond tattoo below her right eye just like her brothers and sisters as well as her father.

    Discord ID: KHGrl15 #1983
  14. Glen Returned from the dead

    Jan 18, 2011
    After talking with Midnight about it, Chaol and Hannah signing up for Bonnie and Clyde!
  15. Lauriam I hope I didn't keep you waiting...

    Jun 4, 2009
    Nonbinary she/he/it?
    Matthew and Mikio also signing up for Bonnie and Clyde, Maka's also okay with it. XD
  16. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Name: Malik Ó Suaird
    Age: 25
    Appearance: Here
    Personality: Malik is a rather serious individual who takes his job very seriously. That being said he can still smile and joke sometimes, but will act cruel when he gets annoyed. He is rather protective of all the students at the DWMA and does what he can to help them so he wouldn't lose any of them
    Why did you become a Miester: Dr. Stein told me to.
    Backstory: Malik was an orphan running the streets of Death city when Dr Stein found him. Dr Stein recognized a rare ability in the boy, the ability to match soul wave lengths with any weapon. Stein decided to make something out of the street rat and take him in, not to train at the DWMA but to train him personally. Malik was not only taught to be a Meister of one weapon, but of many so that no matter who he came across he had the ability to use their weapon form. When his training was done he joined the DWMA but not as staff or student. His purpose was to help train weapons that didn't have a compatible Meister yet. After all they didn't want anyone missing out on a chance to be the next death scythe
    Other: Malik's job is just to fill in as a meister until a compatible meister is found for the student who is lacking one
    Discord ID: N/A[DOUBLEPOST=1477102721][/DOUBLEPOST]The students who have claimed the Bonnie and Clyde mission have been added.
  17. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    Dana and Zoey signing up for the Pharoh mission! Glen is alright with it
  18. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    New missions have been posted
  19. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Zephyr and Roderick shall hunt down Jack the Ripper
  20. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Name: Kuro
    Age: 19
    Personality: Ridiculously chilled and laid back. Usually just goes with the flow with what's around him as oppose to straying off. Well unless it's necessary to do so anyway, which is rare for him so he barely worries about it.
    Why did you become a Miester: He was bored so why not
    Backstory: Hmm, let's see. It all started with a very generic character with very little motivation got bored and decided to do this on a whim. Yeah that's it. Very generic and such. Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeah.
    Discord ID: N/A
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