weirdest dream ever.....about a kh2fm+ preview!!

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by kingdomheartsbabe101, Mar 27, 2007.

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  1. kingdomheartsbabe101 Destiny Islands Resident

    Nov 24, 2006
    Just around the riverbend
    i had this really weird dream last night!!!*only a dream.*

    so,it was after supper,just finished the dishes,it was my turn on the,i decide to check for updates on yours truly, see,tetsuya had left a preview for us!!so i decide to watch it.i wanna go to the very end,so i fast forward it.and there in this really big cave,there was a really big xemnas,he was throwing gusts of wind or something around,with riku and sora in it.and the funny thing was,sora had this really girlish scream(lol)and riku,he has this deep manly scream!!lol anyways,then xemnas shrinks down and throws these red rocks at sora that make him dissapear.that was the end of the preview,so i decide to go to the beggining,which is the best part!!!okay,so it starts out,axel is saying something to sora like,"dahling,dahling,something something something,got it memorized??"so then,i pause it for a washroom break.i come back and see that sora and his friends riku,kairi donald and goofy are running with him on this moonlit they then come to this town that is lit with silver and has silver stone.and standing there are axel xaldin and xigbar.axel says something to sora.sora,to taunt axel,says dahling,dahling,something something something with these really weird looking they looked like two twigs that here put into a v-shape!!!!lol like this \/ lol it was funny anyways then axles standing there like huh??just real out to lunch,sora BANGS him against a wall takes out this silver steel boomerang and STABS HIM IN THE SIDE OF THE NECK!!hes standing there groaning,sora figures its not enough,so he takes another,SLICES HIM IN THE STOMACH,axelgoes falling down.the dream ends with me laughing histerically!

    so,i thought it was weird ,violent and funny @ the same time.let me know what you think!!
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